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Everything posted by Pimpfection27

  1. Alright here it is. I havn't talked to my ex in about 3 weeks. She is now dating her ex and so things have been awkward between us. If you want the full story check out my other posts. (I lost my love and I want her back, and I found Myself.) Anyways last night I wrote her an e-mail because I decided I would take the first step towards trying to talk to her again. I mean if no one ever takes that first step then your left standing there never knowing where to go. Anyways I just asked her how she had been and told her that people have been telling me that she was doing good and that it made me happy to know she's happy. Well she writes me back saying that she was doing good and that she dosn't hate me. She then asked me why I decided not to go to prom(read my other post to find out.). I told her I would just feel awkward beeing there. She then told me she was really hoping to get a dance with me and for me and her to get a picture together. That really surprised me because I havn't talked to her in like a month and she ditched me for prom but now she is hoping to get a dance? I also found out from one of my friends that she had been asking him if I ever talk about her anymore. Ok this is the same person who said she didn't care and didn't want anything to do with me. So why would she care if I ever talk about her. I would just like for someone to tell me whats going on and what action should I take towards this. Should I take it as anything or just take it as empty feelings taking over. Should I advance myself further to get her back or say that it's just a game and walk away. I really love her and I do want her back but I just don't know what is going on in her head. Please someone help me. -Tedon
  2. Well I finally decided that asking myself why things didn't work out and whining to everybody wasn't going to help my problem of losing my love. I finally decided to follow my heart and take matters into my own hands. I still wanted to be with her but not talking to her and avoiding her was not the way to bring her back to me. On Sunday April 13th I decided to change my own stars. I bought a dozen of her favorite flowers (deep pink roses) and her favorite animal( A large stuffed whit rabbit) and went to her house to talk to her and let her know that I still loved her. I explained to her that I had made many mistakes and that I allowed my own insecurites and fears to push her away. I told her that I became blind and couldn't see what I really had. A great love a true love and most importantly and honest love. No strings attached just her loving me and me loving her. I told her that I did alot of things because I was scared and hurt and because I didn't know what else to say or do to make things right. I felt lost. I told her of the day I first knew I loved her. How I had held her as she slep and I gently cried because I knew I had found my one and only. I told her of how I gently kissed her fore-head and whispered in her ear that I loved her and I would always be there for her. I finally told her that I still loved her and always would. I let her know that I would always be there for her and if she ever felt as though there was nobody to turn to or no where left to go to just turn around because I would be standing there waiting. Forever waiting to let her know my love is true and strong. I the left her calmly without looking back.....without saying good-bye fore actions speak louder than words and my time for action is now. So I tell you this....if you ever lose someone let them know what you really feel inside and let them know you love them and you will always be there for them because you never know when they might need you. -Tedon
  3. Thanks Bro. I'm glad someone actually replied. Your right about her stabbing that knife in me. That hurt more than anything. Well I'm glad you listened to what I had to say. Thanks bro. I just hope everything works out. -Tedon
  4. Well I don't really know where to start. I guess from the beginning. I met this girl one night at a dance. I had never seen her around before but she really caught my eye. I started talking to her and found out she was involved with someone and they had been dating for 2 years on and off. Well that night I end up taking her home and I get her number. We started talking alot and well she said that she really wanted to date me. So after a week of us talking she left her boyfriend for me. We had been dating for 2 weeks and I swear to you we both fell in love. Everything was perfect. No arguments no resentments. After 2 weeks of dating we got intemit. She was my first and I was her first. So she dated this one guy for 2 years and never had the urge to be close to him like that but it was different for us. I remember on Christmas Eve we were coming back from a family get together. We were riding with her parents and we were in the back seat. Well she was really tired from the day so she fell asleep. And as she fell asleep she held onto my arm and gently laid her head on my shoulder with a slight smile. God she was just so beautiful and calm. Like an angel in heaven. Then I felt strange all of a sudden I was rushed with emotion and I turned from her looking out the window and I began to gently cry. Not like a child crys but the kind of crying when you feel really good with something. It was at that moment I knew I truley loved her. Later I found out she did the same thing one night after we had gotten off the phone. She laid in bed and thought about how much she loved me and just cried. Things sound perfect right? Well they were for about 3 months. Then last week we break up. Why you might ask since everything was so perfect and we were so in love? Because the guy in me came out. After about 2 months of dating I started geting insecure because her and her ex of 2 years were talking again and they were becoming friends again. This really got to me so I started giving her the 3rd degree on everything and getting mad at her about the stupidest things. We went from arguing on the phone 1 or 2 times a week to arguing on the phone everynight to eventually even in public and I was always the one who started it because I thought something was going on with her and her ex or someone else. I was just really insecure. So on March 27 she finally said she had had enough and she left me. She told me that she still loved me and she didn't want to leave me but she just needed sometime to think things through and get things straight before we tried it again. Well we stayed good friends this past week we were still going to prom together and she was gonna spend easter with me and we even were going to go to the movies this weekend. Well that all changed this past sunday when I had asked her a few questions about us. Finally she said that she wished I would stop talking about us. She said that there is no "Us" right now there is only you and me. Well that hit me hard being stubburn like I am and I got into it with her again. After that she has totally hated me since. She said she felt like I was 2 faced and I had lied to her. She said that you just keep trying to rush me into being with you and your always talking about how I am going to go back to chris.(Her Ex) Which I had. I kept asking her if her and chris were going to get back together because I didn't want her to because he was a real jerk to her and they had already dated 4 other times and it never worked. Well sure enough her and him are getting really close lately. She said she didn't feel comfortable in going to prom with me and she decided to take chris. This really hurt. And now everyday in school I see them together. How did she go from hating him and not wanting anything to do with him in the beginning to loving me so much it hurt to running back to him again? I guess what I really want to know it how do I get her back? Can I even get her back? And if so then how to I keep her loving me and for me to stop being a jerk and stop thinking she is always gonna leave me. Please answer this question because my life is gray with out her in it. I love her so much. Thanks for listening. -Tedon
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