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Everything posted by Bene20

  1. Yeah, well, she sounds like a really nice person alright... Nice enough to lead you and toy around with your emotions, maybe.
  2. Is it possible that she's just trying to mess with you?
  3. He sounds like just another douchebag, like all the others. He's probably only after sex, but he doesn't even have the balls to admit it. He's probably just playing you for a fool, wasting your time for nothing. You know, if I were in your situation, I would definitely tell him that I lost interest. And you know what, I feel like you should actually go for guys like me instead.
  4. I feel the same... This world is cruel! Don't let these girls get too you bro!
  5. I'll take this as a compliment, I take pride in myself and my magnificence. There's nothing wrong with having confidence in yourself and feeling like you're superior to others, in fact it's a good thing.
  6. Yeah, I know being negative and bitter will prevent me from being with someone and it will only get worse with time. You're right, I should focus on other things that make me happy and I should focus on solving bigger problems. I need to stop focusing on what I don't have and I should be grateful for what I do have. I'm not old, I haven't lived half of my life yet and there's still so much that could happen. I shouldn't let my bitter thoughts hold me back. Thanks for the advice.
  7. I know so manyy younger guys with hot girls and I am all alone. I want a girlfriend but girls don't want me. I feel like I miss out on love being 20 without a girlfriend.
  8. jealousy is not a good trait bro!
  9. What's wrong with the way that I see dating apps? I just know that they're a waste of time, they give me false expectations, which always end up being disappointing. But that's just what they are, dating apps are literally meant for profit. There's no other reason why they exist. The only reason why women use them is because they're the easiest way to get free meals and attention because they know that so many guys are desperate for them. Dating apps have allowed them to be more picky too, now they can have any type of guy they want with little to no effort.
  10. So, what you're essentially saying is that I need to be positive and optimistic all the time? I'm already tired of the same old advice that society gives me, I'm trying my best to remain calm and positive, but it's difficult when the world is against me. Sometimes it seems like there's no hope for me, it's like every girl I come across hates me and I just don't understand why, why is everyone so against me? It's so depressing, I feel like I'm living in a nightmare sometimes.
  11. I don't refuse to socialize with women, I just think it's pointless. I could talk to a hundred women in real life and they'll all say that they have boyfriends, or they'll just ignore me all together. And I do put in effort when it comes to finding girls, but nothing seems to work out. I put in a lot of effort when I try to meet women, I always approach them and try to strike up a conversation. But no matter how many attempts I make, it ends up getting ignored or rejected. I approached a girl in my class back in high school and said hi to her, but she just ignored me and didn't acknowledge me at all. I feel like she broke my heart when she didn't even say hi to me because I thought she was pretty and I wanted to get to know her.
  12. So, what you're basically saying is that we should just stop trying to find love and live a life full of regret and loneliness? I get that there are a lot of advantages that come with being single, but it just gets so lonely after a while. It's only natural to want to be in a relationship and to have a significant other, why should someone suffer and be forced to go through life alone when no one wants them? And yes, I agree with you that dating apps are just businesses designed to make money. I spent tons of money on them.
  13. Well, yes, I started using them at the age of 17. And I'm not misogynistic, I respect women as much as they respect me. What about extreme entitlement? I'm only standing my ground and telling the truth about what's been happening to me for the past several years. I am entitled, but it's the truth. I can't find someone in real life and women reject my efforts on dating apps.
  14. I've done all of that, I joined multiple groups and clubs, worked out and got into fitness, even took classes and had hobbies that I shared with girls, but none of them made any difference. I do talk to women as people but no one is ever interested in getting to know me better. I'm not the one who's making them my enemy, they're the ones who made me their enemy because of their behavior towards me. Maybe you should stop trying to dictate my life when you have no clue what I've gone through.
  15. You're the exception, not the rule. And let's not mention the fact that dating apps have changed tremendously over the years.
  16. I'm convinced that most, if not all girls use dating apps solely to get free food and drinks from guys, or to promote their social media. Why do we even use them? Women have all the advantages there, they don't need the app at all. Men are the only ones that really need it. Why should we go through hundreds of bad experiences before we can find even one woman that might give us a chance? If you don't know what I mean then get ready to experience it. I've never had success with these apps and usually have to pay for premium as well. Dating apps are a waste of time, don't even bother with them. I have spent tons of money on them without any success. I'm done with those apps, I don't want to use them anymore!
  17. Unattractive to you. Women never take me seriously and they never give me a chance, so it's only fair that I don't want to treat them seriously either.
  18. I'm only stating the obvious. I'm the best you ever seen in your life and you're just denying it because you're afraid of admitting that you're wrong. Stop being so delusional and accept the fact that I'm not arrogant, I'm only speaking the truth and it's not my fault that you're unable to handle it.
  19. Maybe because you're not taking me seriously. Just because I vent about my problems doesn't make me an incel, I'm not a misogynist nor do I have hatred against women.
  20. I'm right here. I'm the perfect guy and I know that for a fact! And I can say without any doubt at all that I'm the most perfect guy in the world and girls should line up to at least look at me and be in my presence. I can send you a pic. But I'll have to warn you, you'll be blinded by how perfect I look. Don't suffocate Mr. jealous!
  21. I approach girls at the mall, school, outside bars, coffee shops or at the park. I get rejected literally every single time I try to approach a woman.
  22. She is probably using him but he isn't rich so idk.
  23. I'm literally the perfect guy, so what more do you want? You should feel blessed to be in front of me, let alone be with me.
  24. I usually compliment her on certain things I find attractive, like her eyes or hair, yet they never take that with a smile nor do they seem interested in me, in fact they look completely bored when I hit on them. Meanwhile they never approach me and compliment me, as if I'm just an object to them that should be left out and ignored. Sometimes girls even tell me they have a boyfriend so I just leave immediately to not get even more enraged.
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