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Everything posted by Bene20

  1. I'm not arrogant at all, I'm just confident in my qualities! I'm not going to be some kind of clown and go after a girl who's not interested, why can't those girls come after a man who knows his value? The people from the previous threads are the ones that need serious help, not me!
  2. If it was that simple I would have done it a long time ago. Girls have always rejected me despite my efforts of trying to build a relationship with them.
  3. Yesterday, I went to this fancy restaurant that I always wanted to go to. I was pretty excited to be there but then when my friend showed up with his hot girlfriend I turned angry as soon as I saw her. You can probably see where I'm going but my friend's girlfriend is super hot while he's clearly an ugly loser. The whole evening was ruined because of them for me and I was drowning in envy. This guy is clearly unattractive and doesn't have anything that I don't, yet he somehow is able to hold this gorgeous girl's hand. It should be me instead. How did he get so lucky? I HATE IT! I can't believe that girls now choose losers over someone like me instead of appreciating the perfect guy that I am. I would've treated her far better than him and I'm way more attractive. This is truly unfair why don't girls want me? Do you guys have any positive advice? Why don't girls notice me?
  4. You seriously need to get over yourself. Just because your neighbor has a more active sex life than you doesn't mean your own life is somehow lacking. I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND LIKE YOU! I don't have any love from girls and you complain about this...
  5. I think that's good for a couple in the beginning stages of a relationship. The key thing is that it works for the two of you.
  6. So I was in the cinema yesterday and while I was watching the movie I started crying... I was so hurt by what was happening in the movie. A hot girl spotted me and started to giggle. What did she find so funny? Was she making fun of me? Am I her laughing stock? I was genuinely crying because the movie was so sad. Is she making fun of me for being single? It was a romance movie. Please share your opinion. And if the question doesn't fit into the forum, I can also delete it.
  7. It may look like trolling but I'm actually real and I'm actually going through all of this. I was just hoping that someone from here would have my perspective and would take my side, instead everyone's judging me and making a fool out of me. I was really hoping that someone or at least one person would have the same perspective as I do but I was mistaken. And this is why the world is so unfair to me.
  8. I refuse to do such a thing, girls should just approach me, it should be easy for them and they will not get rejected for approaching me. If it's supposed to be the man who hunts, then it's not fair at all and that should be changed, the roles shouldn't be reversed. Is that a way of thinking for you? Girls should just give me a chance directly, I don't know why no girl ever wants to spend time with me.
  9. Is that supposed to be a joke? I don't want to be with myself, I want to be with a girl that appreciates me and loves me for who I am.
  10. I have few male friends but no female friends at all! I honestly don't see what's wrong with being envious, especially when everyone's doing what you wish to be doing. It's easy for others to give advice when they got what you want. I am see myself as magnetic charm. Maybe I am too much for girls to handle? I guess it's the natural consequence of radiating such magnetic charm.
  11. My parents aren't involved in my dating life, they ask me because they are interested in whether I have a girlfriend at the age of 20 like all the others I know. My cousin has a girlfriend and he's 18. Damn I wonder how he did that at the age of 18! It's really frustrating because my cousin also often accuses me of being gay. He is joking most of the times but it really makes me hate him and his girlfriend.
  12. I am the perfect physical specimen but girls still don't want me for whatever reason. Girls rather go for men for are clearly not as good as me.
  13. Well, if I have to make the first move then what do I do if she says no? Keep asking girls until one says yes? This seems pathetic.
  14. You're just proving my point. You only noticed your current husband because of his gorgeous blue eyes and good-looking face. You never would've noticed your husband if he was ugly.
  15. I'm not focused on venting. I've tried everything and nothing has worked, I've been lonely for far too long and I'm just tired of this situation. It frustrates me to be 20 without a girlfriend, without love and without sex. I don't want to change my mindset because my mindset is the one who's realistic. I do some volunteering work at a pet shelter. I also play a sport I won't specify. What are those other questions you want to know?
  16. Well, if I had a dollar every time a girl said no to me I'd be a millionaire by now. It feels like all girls say no to me, even at school when I try to approach a girl she just ignores me or she says she has a boyfriend. There's this girl I've noticed recently, she's really pretty but she's always in a group with other girls and when she's alone I'm afraid that if I go after her I'd get rejected and humiliated infront of everyone.
  17. How can I not be furious when every other guy has someone except me? I'm 20 years old and my family asks me every week if I have a girlfriend and the answer is always NO. You can't expect me to not be furious when I'm all alone and I have never felt what's like to have a girlfriend or kiss a person. If I'm barking at the wrong tree then what should I do? Should I keep waiting and waiting and getting zero results?
  18. I am, in fact the most pleasant person to hang out with and I can make everyone feel comfortable in their own skin. My charisma, my charm, my amazing personality! I'm not off-putting in the slightest, girls should feel honored that I have chosen her to be the object of my affection.
  19. I don't need to ask girls out. They should be the ones who ask ME out. I'm the one who deserves love and affection, not the guys they're currently dating.
  20. The last time was a year ago and I was brutally rejected! Since then, of course, I haven't asked any girls out. Girls should be the ones who approach me, not otherwise. They should, in fact, be the ones who make a move. It's just what I deserve but I always get ignored by girls and that makes me furious.
  21. I have a lot of attractive personality traits. I'm intelligent, ambitious, humble, confident, and I'm also a very kind, caring and sympathetic person. I'm also very funny and entertaining and I have a great sense of humor. I am, in fact, a complete package and no girl could ever turn me down once she get to know me better.
  22. I can say with confidence that my physical qualities are the closest you can get to perfection. They may not be perfect but they are still ideal for a man. I have a well-defined jawline, a symmetric face, beautiful eyes, a healthy body, no acne on my skin.
  23. I have every attractive quality a man could have. I go to the gym regularly, I keep a good hygiene and I'm always perfectly groomed. I'm handsome, my body is perfect, my facial features are well structured. The only quality that would make me look even better is my hair. My current haircut is good but I think I might grow it out.
  24. I asked girls out but that never worked in the past and to be honest I expect them to ask me. I'm waiting for the day they'll notice me but it never comes. I know some guys who can't even talk to girls and yet they have girlfriends because girls approached them, you'll never see this happening to me. They only pick jerks and ***s and that's a fact!
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