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Everything posted by Bene20

  1. But I'm better than other guys who somehow have more girls than me. That's what I mean! I have the perfect qualities, of course you can always change something about yourself, such as a better haircut.
  2. I'm M20 and have had absolutely no luck in the world of dating and women, even though I'm the perfect guy with very good qualities. Girls should desire me and want me. I am the epitome of perfection! I am absolutely fabulous yet somehow, I still find myself on the sidelines while other guys who are not as good as me have more girls and are doing very well in the dating world. I can’t understand why girls are so blind and always choose jerks and losers? I’m such a nice and respectful guy, I treat everyone with kindness and I treat women with respect! Why they never choose me? I’m better than all those losers and jerks. I always ask myself this question and don't understand why I'm not successful with girls. I'm 20 and I know younger guys who have lots of girls while I've never had one. It's really frustrating. I need advice and maybe someone who understands me or is in the same situation as me.
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