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Posts posted by Nemo23

  1. so you are saying that bigger breasts are better than smaller? that they are more exceptional? Well you better be well stacked because if a man has a tiny penis and loves big breasted women than he is inadequate... you are very unfair. And you better be huge because obviously you think that bigger breasts are better.... which makes smaller more natural breasted women feel inadequate.

  2. Tired man... I couldnt help but notice that you're stating all of this as breasts and penises are equal... they are totally not. The penis is a tool, it can be felt inside of the female... breasts are just balls of fat that sit there... you can't do anything with them. What if a man who has a HUGE penis prefers a girl with tiny boobs? Having a large penis doesnt require needing a girl with huge boobs to equal himself. GAWLEE!

  3. wait hold on... sorry i'm such a dork. i'm so hooked on this now. The FIRST "G" is hard... The second "G" is soft... as in "gone"

    i get so excited so easily. sorry. this is fun tho.

  4. ok this is kinda dorky, but it's a quick idea.

    how about Gee-Ga? (pronounced Gee-Gah)

    The first G stands for Great. The second G stands for the second Great and the little a stands for Aunt. Just a suggestion.

  5. Do any gals out there know how to achieve orgasm during intercourse?? Any pointers?? LOL. I'm a girl and I can't do it during intercourse. I think some of it may be because when I was little (like 4) I used to masturbate (not knowing what it was) to things that made me mad. I used to relieve myself on the things that I just hated and I think I trained my libido to react only under uncomfortable circumstances.... YIPES!!!! Can anyone help me or suggest anything?? When my boyfriend and I have sex I just can't cum, even tho he is really gorgeous and I love him. The thing that really bothers me is that is ex-girlfriend used to be able to cum and I'm jealous... like I'm not good enough

  6. You are six months pregnant? And he is writing to other GIRLS (emphasize plural) saying that he is going to leave you? This is quite a problem. You need to talk to him about this and firmly. If he doesn't listen I would take it upon myself to write the girls that he is planning on playing next to warn them what a fake he is (at least you can try to save some one else from this irresponsible child). There is no reason for any human being who is not EVIL to pull a move like that. He made a choice and needs to take responsibility. This is not the time for him to be making lustful decisions. Tell him whose boss.

  7. Oh goodness. This woman is a total and utter CREEP. She sounds like someone who belongs in an assylum... no seriously. She doesn't even act human running around guy to guy like that acting like it doesn't matter. Oh yeah... never use sex again to make yourself feel better!!! That is the most horribly weak thing I've ever heard and believe me I'm guilty of it too but I've learned that it DOES NOT work. And it's dirty and disgusting and you can get a disease! It makes the next woman who meets you go... ew he just uses women for sex. You don't want that! You want to be respectable!!! and it does make you feel hollow. Why don't you go to church? Pray? Use the power of the mind to make the physical sense feel better. It works. Reapeat to yourself over and over, I am strong, I am strong, I will prevail, I will succeed. If you say it enough you start believing it. Forget about that creepy spider woman who seems to poison all her victims... what goes around comes around and if thats true whats comin back to her ain't gonna be so pretty. Keep that chin up and be strong! Don't get pulled down by temporary pleasures. You will succeed.

  8. This seems like an extremely hard situation because fathers can be very domineering. Even if they don't have a right to be... they think they're king of the house. If possible, speak up. Voice your opinion in a calm, collected matter. If your dad starts rambling try telling him firmly yet politely to listen (or to listen to what your brother has to say) Open up! even tho this can be the hardest thing a person will ever do, nothing will ever get done if you don't open up and express yourself. You have to be strong. If you get verbally shot down by your father, try again. Persistance is wicked (in a good way ) And try to remember to stay calm (and tell your brother to stay calm) Wacked out, defensive emotions only lead to chaos. If your father yells... and you let silence follow his words... he'll feel like a big jerk. Then start camly again. Start taking action. Don't lose a moment. Hope this helps a little bit!! Feel free to PM or message back if more help is needed.

  9. You have every chance in the world to win her back. Don't give up! Never give up on anything... except smoking and drinking. That my friend is the only way you'll lose her. Alcohol and any kind of drug is a crutch for the socially crippled... It's for people who are too weak to be themselves. Find true confidence in yourself, not in some chemical, and go get her.

  10. Boo Hoo , I posted a problem yesterday...now there's occurred another problem. Apparently my boyfriend's friends have seen a part of my jealousy and are absolutely tearing me apart behind my back. One mean boy confronted me with it and told me I was weird and that my boyfriend shouldnt have to put up with it. And it hurt horribly bad. I told my boyfriend and he was quite upset at this mean friend for telling me that stuff. But I had no idea that his friends hated me so much! How can I earn this respect back?

    I may be a jealous person but I am also a good person. I mean no one harm.

  11. Hey It does seem quite sketchy for him to leave bread crumb-like messages, but I think you're just letting it get to your head. And maybe he's letting it get to him the same way and that's why he is being so short. Have confidence in yourself!!! If he doesn't want you than he's not worth it.

    Now you did send the first real email with a topic of conversation... So take a deep breath, tell yourself that it'll be ok either way, and let him make the next move. It's his turn to talk back to you so just give him some time. When we're in waiting like this our days can seem like weeks... But be strong. Time will tell. I wish you all the best!

  12. Hi all. I'm a bit upset lately about job and boyfriend troubles and I was wondering if anyone had any words of advice. Lately I've just moved out further west from Ohio because my father got a new job. Granted I'm 23 years old but my boyfriend and I talked this over and we agreed that I should make the change for my well-being. (We also agreed to stay together). In Ohio I was feeling like nothing was happening for me.. job wise. So I moved out west. I haven't gotten a job yet... so I don't have any friends or money. And my boyfriend goes out with his friends and doesn't call me until 1am or later and I just feel so neglected. I trust him but we've talked about that before. I want to at least hear from him for like 30 seconds so I can see what he's up to before he goes out. It's just been down hill... I'm a jealous person, we've had some tough times in the past. And I'm just left up in arms when he goes and has a blast with all these friends (a lot I don't know which makes me suspicious ) and I'm home moping around. You would think I'd go out and have a good time for myself... But I don't want to go out alone. I'm scared And I have no money to go anywhere or anything. I feel so stuck and imprisoned. Does anyone have any suggestions.

  13. I realize how you can feel so bummed. I mean I've been through stuff like that as well. But I do want to say that... and this may seem like... too moral for the people of today but after making a few mistakes myself I will say... It's better to wait with sex. I mean like a substantial amount of time until you REALLY get to know the person. It makes one feel morally justified and it also ensures that you're not gonna end up some dirty disease-ridden human. So THATS how you avoid being let down. So many people out there are so sexually driven they don't even realize who they're hurting or that they are hurting themselves as well. I would really get to know the next person you date before you get involved sexually or mistakes like that are going to keep happening. Some people are really mean like that.

  14. ooohhh. ew though!! she's been labled a cheater. once a cheater always a cheater. don't take this the wrong way, but she sounds like a real flake. she lets on that she likes you, and entices you to like her... and then she's just like... woops, nevermind. see ya. you don't need to be treated like that. you deserve better. you sound like a really nice person with the ability to love. she sounds like she's relationship ADD. i know it's easier said than done... but TRY, TRY to get over her. repeat to yourself, i'm over her she's not good enough, im over her she's not good enough... keep saying it til you believe it. she doesn't deserve you.

  15. Do you know why it was just like, poof, gone? Or is it still a mystery? She just may be confused or not ready to settle down yet.

    If you can handle going to the party and risking seeing her... Then go. But DON'T make a fool out of yourself. I don't know how you are, but I have a habit of being unable to hold feelings back and making an idiot out of myself. Just play it cool. If you happen to end up talking to her, don't show that your hurt... just smile like you own the world. Good luck Bud! Be strong!

  16. Hey,

    I've never been through a situation like this but... I would've done the exact same thing you did.... EXCEPT apologize I really don't think you should take him back. He sounds like a very unfaithful, commitment-challenged person. You may still love him because you're comfortable with him. But personally I would be strong, try to forget about him and move on. You have to face it... He's a LIAR. He has lied about everything you've confronted him with. That is just begging for relationship destruction. You may miss him but time will heal that soon enough. Cast him off and move on with your life. You don't deserve to be treated they way he's treated you.

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