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Posts posted by Angelindisguise

  1. This is discusting. mjones, I really, really feel for you. I have felt some of the things you are feeling (never thought of ending my life tho) and it's ok. Most of the things you have listed CAN be changed - TRUST me! As for your minimum wage job, I know plenty of people who are 23, going to school adn working their spare time at a minimum wage job! No matter how bad things seem to you, there is ALWAYS someone worse off than u!!! Everyone learns from their mistakes, you cannot give up! While you can go on and on about how much you hate yourself, I think, no I KNOW you can list some good things. You need some self esteem and you can give yourself that gift....again I promise. I don't think you are attention starved, but I do think it helps just to vent sometimes and have someone hear your problems....doesn't make you feel so alone...know what I mean? Take it day by day and really try on approving yourself...a total makeover, it's fun sometimes, (even though it doesn't seem that way) and you can really make a 180 in your life. You are so young and have to much to live for. My moto is if things are going too poorly, MOVE, get the heck outta there and start all over again. Keep us "posted" and hang in there!

  2. Ok. I don't think she really has anything to pay for. She has a boyfriend, with whome she cheated on with you.........so, your the "other guy". Not to say she isn't at fault - at all....it's totally is partly her fault. My advice is to leave her alone. In my opinion she is totally blowing you off cause she either made a mistake or feels bad for messing around with you on her boyfriend. This is not cool, leave her alone and she has nothing to "pay for"

  3. Ok well here's a little background. I don't like him AT ALL in a romantic way and while I can't speak for him I THINK he feels the same way. I enjoy talking to him because we get along and I broke up with him - lost ALL interest in him a few month b4 we broke up, (because it was love at first sight with my current man - in which we waited to date - long story.....) and I don't think he has ANY doubt in my feelings and commitment for him (current man) Thanks alot for your opinions and the suicide thing creeped me out :S

  4. Ok. Question. I have been with my current boyfriend for 5 years now. Before my current man I had a boyfriend for about 2 years before that. I love the man i'm with while my entire being and we have talked about gettin married soon. So I know I will be spending the rest of my life with him, there's not doubt about that. The only thing is I still talk to my ex online. Almost everyday, but i NEVER see him or EVER talk to him on the phone or anything. It seems to bother my man a little tiny bit, or so he tells me. I have told him and he knows, that my ex means nothing to me, and he really kinda grosses me out. I just enjoy talking to him. If he wanted me to stop talking to him I would in a heart beat. So my question is this. (for the men out there) Would this bother you? Am I being unfair in talking to him? Is this wrong?


  5. I kind of have to agree with goddess. I do with my girfriends and gay friends but not usually straight males. HOWEVER, I do know people who greet others like this. It's apparently the "posh" thing to do. I love it, it's fun and prissy. Hee he (it can be flirty, but in a completely harmless way) I also agree, if you don't feel comfortable, then don't do it. I can't really see people being offended or see them holding it against you.

  6. Wow, this is totally weird. I really hate to say this, but hopefully my negative experince will help you out. I am the other girl. I am what your friend is doing to you. Our situations are probably different but let me tell you my story.

    I had been friends with ....let's call her "diane", for over 13 years now. We were very close. Over the past few years we have really changed. Just interests and future plans....we were so different, but we always had our commited relationship to fall back on.

    It's actually a really long story, so i'll make is short. Point is, I really have to admit i now ignore her. I can't stand hanging out with her and don't know how to tell her properly. I will just advoid her until I either get the guts to tell her or fiqure out what to say. She complains about it to other people and really just doesn't ever bring it up because I think deep down she knows. My advice? Just ask her! If she actually confronted me in an aggressive manner I would most likely tell her. She has asked me b4 and I just play it off as everything is ok cause it's just easier. I know it's terrible, but I really don't know what to do. How do u tell someone you don't want to be friends with them anymore? I'm torn. This isjust my situation and thought my unfortunate situation may be of some help to you. Good luck!

  7. I'm glad to hear you are goin' for it!!!! Cudos do u! Like I said , i am still in school and have been with my man for 5 years. School doens't really matter too much when it comes to your significant other. Becuase your in school your relatioship won't go anywhere? Don't think so. U can have the best of both worlds TRUST ME. Also i'm sure she will really value your dedication and hard work....it's quite a turn on

  8. I agree, thanks again guys. My point was that I would never consider leaving my current man for him, nor would I go out of my way to meet his guy, but I just wanted to know if what I am feeling is normal? If it's wrong? Should I cut him off just cause? I will take all of your suggestion into consideration...it really helped..thanks again!

  9. Sounds like you have a lot of things going for ya! Your a lucky gal. Many people would love to be in your shoes. As far as talking to the friends thing.....we are always here for u! Take it one day at a time and it will get better. Find something you really enjoy, maybe u need a big change in your life. Move and start all over again. I have had negative thoughts b4 but you can never go as far as suicide. What's the worst that could happen? Move to a new city/state/heck country and start ALL OVER AGAIN. It's a small fantasy of mine.....so exciting. U always have options. You need to learn to love yourself and go from there. Dig deep down and learn to respect yourself and enjoy being the person you are I've been there done that, and heck if i can do it you sure can! Good luck and take care!!! Keep us posted!

  10. I have a feeling the exams may be contributing to your feelings a bit. Not to worry. I agree with the above, finish up with your exams so that you can devote all of your energy to fiquring out your relationship. When the time comes, just talk to him about it. That's really the only thing you can do. Sparks do die out, on the other hand people do go through slumps. My man and i call each other less etc., for the simple fact that we are so close that there isn't a whole lot to talk about 24/7. Or it could be that it's just so comfortable that he doesn't feel the need to call or txt all the time. My advice, just ask him.... good luck!

  11. Ok, let me tell you this. I am 23 and have been in university since 18 now. To make a long story short, I have switched majors and am almost back at square one now. I switched from sciences to business and couldn't be happier! So what you are feeling is COMPLETELY normal.

    I would suggest you volunteer, or do some research out there to find something that instrests you fully. This can take some time, but you ARE only 22...very young still, believe it or not...Researching stuff on the computer and asking around is a great place to sart. Just take your time, and don't let anyone rush you (that's what happened to me) I promise you it will come to you one day. If I can give you any piece of advice, it would be this....Don't rule post secondary school out no matter what, and don't worry about your age, follow your gut and don't loose hope!

  12. Congrats on coming this far! I just want to start off by telling a bit about my story. I am 23 and have been in univeristy since 18. I have had a heck of a time in the past but now i'm happier than ever! I started out in sciences, wanting my bachelor of science for nursing. Part way through that I decided I wanted to change into business. A HUGE difference. So now here I am 5 years later with no degree yet and still have a few years to go! most of my friends are either done school or working, which is just fine. Just becuase we do different things from 9-5 doesn't mean things have changed. You can have your cake and eat it to.

    I think you have made a wise decision and 5-6 years from now you will have the world at your fingertips and be set for the rest of your life! What your doing now is a VERY small price to pay for such a great reward....keep up the good work and hang in there!

    Good luck!

  13. I agree and say you should ask him. If you don't feel comfortable with that and you aren't too involved with him (have deep feelings) I would get out of it. Just my opinion. I couldn't handle always wondering and snooping. You deserve not to, along with everyone else, however this isn't always possible. So do yourself a favor and find someone you can fully trust.

  14. Thanks a lot for the replies everyone. I do feel a bit better. My problem was, I don't want to jepordize what I currently have for something so risky. I have never met this person and don't know them all that well(i mean there is only so much you can learn about someone on the computer) but it's the curiosity that provokes me. Our conversing is harmless, subtle flirting here and there. It's not like I want to leave my current BF for this guy, or cheat on him for that matter, heaven forbid, I just don't want anything to blow up. Commiting to someone for life is a big deal and I just don't want ANY regrets. I will follow my heart and be happy with my man, but still converse with the wonderful friend I have met. Thanks guys!!!!

  15. I have a bit of an issue. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 years now, and ever since day one he HATES going down on me. He has maybe done it to me 2 or 3 times. I LOVE giving him oral sex, I like receiving it even more. My last boyfriend was obsessed with doing it, so the change hass been quite difficult. Is there something wrong? He tells me that he just doesn't like doing it. I think it's a combination of him being inexperienced (he has never done it b4 me) and to be honest I think it kinda grosses him out. I'm always well grommed and clean (i know ) but i just don't get it! I have tried refusing to do it to him if he won't to me but that didn'tlast long, i love it too much. Should i just suck it up and live with it?

  16. I need some serious opinions here guys. My boyfirned and I have been dating for years now and I love him with all my heart. And I do want to spend the rest of my life with him, that's a given. I have a little problem though. I have been conversing with this guy on the internet for about 3 years now. We met accidentaly when he appeared on my messenger list one day. Even since then we have always had a connection and have talked ever since. I have never met him and his lives provinces away, but he's always on my mind and I care for him. I don't think it's romantically, maybe it is, but I would never EVER jepordize my relationship with my current man. i don't know what to do or what i should think. Is this cheating? I would be heartbroken if I found out my man was talking to a woman on the computer everyday for the past 3 years, which doesn't makes it even worse. I feel horrible, but at the same time I can't help my feelings for him. Our conversations are pretty harmless but there is some flirting going on. What do I do? I would love to maybe meet him someday, just because we have developed a wonderful friendship, but i'm lost. I wouldn't leave my current man for him, but I just don't want to have any regrets, you know what I mean???! HELP

  17. I hear ya sista! That time of the month always seems to come at the wrong time. My man and I DO have sex while the red school bus is visiting, but turning him down on BJ's that time of the month is totally fine. You can't help that it turns you on and there's nothing you can do about it. Just tell him what's up, GL

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