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  1. Sounds like you both had a nice time when you were together. I would live in the moment and have sex, but that's just me. Again, similar to other posts, it might not be a relationship coming from this, and you need to be okay with that. Let us know what you end up doing.
  2. Thanks. I gave him multiple gifts, a new office chair, a few video games and this blanket. Crazy but the blanket cost double of all of the other stuff. My best friend took the photos as she's a photographer and put the gift together so there isn't really anyone else looking at me this way. Plus he doesn't mind showing me off anyway, so the whole thing is frustrating.
  3. Eh, I get that. They are cute and edgy, not trashy. If someone I knew saw them, parents, sister, friend, etc. I wouldn't overly freak out about it. It's not like that bad.
  4. He's always told me how much he likes my "homemade" gifts because they are unique and he appreciates them.
  5. I get what you're saying, I am not asking him to flaunt the blanket around, but I know he is alone all the time, so at night why not snuggle up with a blanket with me on it 🙂 There were 2 different photos of me, front and back, edgy but I don't think of them as trashy. You can message me if you want to know. I just thought it would be cute, again he's on the road all the time, so just wanted to give him something thoughtful.
  6. Did you all plan on having a "romantic" time actually away? Or was this just a trip planned that was a getaway that's romantic?
  7. I'm not seeking validation either way, I don't believe I'm wrong for gifting him that, and I do feel like he handled it wrong. I just want to know what I should do next.
  8. I 100% get that, I don't expect him to take it everywhere. Sometimes he drives and will be at a hotel for a week or two or more. I just thought it would be nice. Not something I expect him to have out on full display for everyone to see. I didn't say hey, you need to take this traveling, I said, I thought this might be cute for when you're away for so long. Like I said, I don't care if it ever leaves the house, I just thought it was cute, and I've given him similar gifts before.
  9. It's possible, he's had the last few days off, though and they have been super enjoyable days with him.
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