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Everything posted by damaged

  1. I know something is wrong with me. I feel angry and sad a lot. I get depressed. I'm pregnant and married. Sometimes when I can't deal with all my emotions or when I get really upset I scratch my arms with my fingernails. I got marks on them from yesterday. My husband just gets mad at me when I do that to my arms. I don't feel like he understands me and I don't know where to turn because I feel so alone and I don't have anyone else but him and my mom. And neither of them understand or really talk to me about anything. I haven't had a good past and that might have something to do with it. But why doesnt' anyone care enough about me to try and understand what I'm going through instead of getting mad and telling me to stop doing it. I'm sick of having to feel like i have to hide what I feel just so it won't bother someone else. I don't want to have to pretend things are okay when they are not.
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