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  1. I think it's great that VultureFury has been giving you a guy's point of view. I also like that, as a girl, you're thinking about asking him out rather than the other way around. Some guys are really shy, and although they actually may like you, they'll simply never work up the nerve to ask you out. So here's what you need to do. Find some way to meet up with him and strike up a conversation. Just talk about the weather, hobies, likes/dislikes etc. Then at some point during the conversation just slip in a little comment about a place you'd like to visit or an event you'd like to go to and make sure to let him know that you don't currently have anyone to go with. Leave it at that. Don't actually ask him to go with you, just insinuate. He'll get the hint and this way you may avoid having to be the one who does the asking.
  2. At the risk of getting totally off the original subject of this thread, I'd like to point this out. I agree with SilverManiac that actually telling someone you like them is a good policy. I argue that if you say this to someone and she doesn't return your feelings, although you may be very disappointed and possibly quite embarrassed, it's a good thing because you've managed to avoid the possibility of dating someone who's not into you anyway. But if she still seems interested after you've made your feelings known then you've got a live one. Of course it's a good idea to have a few convos with her first and try and figure out if she likes you too before you spill the beans.
  3. When asking a girl out, whatever you do, DON'T ASK HER! No, you don't need to adjust your computer screen or get new glasses. You did read that correctly. If you say "Do you want to go out with me?" or "Do you want to go see a movie with me?" you are immediately at her mercy. She can now say yes if she likes you, or if not, she might reject you (ouch!). On the other hand, if you phrase it as a statement rather than a question, then she can only say yes, because if she says no, well that's ok because you never asked her anyway. Just say something like "We should get together sometime and do something". One other advantage is that by not specifying a time and place you have taken away the "maybe some other time" phrase, which is really a rejection.
  4. Hi, I live in Austalia, I'm 19 and I have a bit of a dilemma and I would appreciate some opinions. I am involved in a theatre production at the moment and there is this girl in the cast that I am really attracted to. In fact, if I'm being honest, I have probably never been more attracted to anyone else. The problem is that she is only 15. I was shocked to hear that she was so young, as she looks to be at least 17. I'm a confident bloke and have no trouble asking out girls. But I'm a little hesitant in this case due to her age. I'm absolutely certain she likes me but I think your opinions would help.
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