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  1. I have to bug her so much for it when i want it until she finally says whatever lets get it over with in a crabby attitude and when she does that i have no desire to have sex that just irritates me.
  2. I also work 12 hour shifts 5 days in a row then have 2 days off then 2 days on then 5 off and on those days on i have no time but to sleep and work and we never have sex on those days.. on the 5 on
  3. But the more i leave she gets angry she didn't want me to go hunting when i left 3 days ago and she wanted me to come home and take care of me cause i had a very bad flu but once i got home we started fighting 5 mins later.
  4. Well me and my gf have been going out for 11 months now. Before that we were like friends with benefits and like unoffically dating. She is 25 I am a 20 year old male and her sex drive is so darn low. Sometimes wew have sex once a eek sometimes once every other week. In the beginning it was like once a day when we ere friends with benifits. Now she always complains i wana have sex all the time sex sex sex is that all u ever think about she says. If I ouldn't bug her about sex I would never get it like once a month. She has 2 kids one is 10 the other is 4. What can i do to increase her desire I try everything and knoweverything she likes (I think lol). When I was 18 and she was 23 the sex as good and happened alot more. Sometimes when e break up and get back together the next day (happens alot lol) wew have good sex for a couple days. Advice would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I was wondering how often do you think friends with benefits end up working out? I used to be in 1 of these situations and was cut off (benefit wise) about 2 weeks ago we were friends with benefits for about 3 months and I guess it worked out alright. It was probally a good thing she cut it off because I was starting to develop feeling I think for her but was able to control it if I wanted to. I am cut off for awhile I believe I am not to sure how long and she is not sure how long if we are even going to start that up ever again. I have to admit it really sucks getting cut off cause masturbation is not nearly as fun as sex. I would have to say it works out in about 50% of the time but alot of times 1 person develops feeling for the other person. What ya all think about this?
  6. I have used this method for along time about 15 nights of having sex 2-4 times each night and no preg.
  7. How effective is the withdrawl method if you end up having sex 2-4 times a night with 5-30 mins inbetween each time having sex?
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