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  1. i know you dont know me, but i am a nice guy. but trust me, he thinks that way. all guys do. good luck though. just be confidant. guys really do love it when a girl shows she likes you enough to ask you out. but just be classy, he will respect you more for it later. and have fun!
  2. thanks for the advise. but do you think i should call her soon? or really wait a month? will she remember me in a month? i mean really, girls are too confusing. some girls get pissed if you call too soon. and other girls get pissed if you wait too long. i waited a week before and the girl turned me down because she said i waited too long and she didnt feel like i thought she was that important. girls please help. some advise please. what would you want a guy to do in my situation?
  3. be careful. guys love it when a girl will show them attention and ask them out. but they will be turned off if you seem to desparate. dont kiss him. just ask him out, be sexy and flirtatious if you can. but i would not suggest you kiss him. guys hate to work to get a girl. but we arent attracted to a girl that is an easy catch. it is the horrible catch 22 that most guys have to live with. just decide where you want to go, and ask if hed like to go out alone with you. if he likes you, that will be enough. kissing him will just make him think he can get laid easily, and he will expect nothing else. and unless thats all you want, i would suggest not doing that.
  4. please dont take offense, but i am going to take the love line/howard stern type of response here. how bad was your childhood? it doesn't sound good too me. were you molested as a child? often times this is the reason younger girls such as yourself fall for these older guys. and the neighbor your staying with doesnt sound like the most upstanding citizen. i know i dont know him, this is just from observation. no adult in their right mind should tell you its ok for you to see your former teacher when you are only 16 years old. that is very wrong. you said, "You really don't know him at all. He's not playing "Mind games", and his intentions aren't waiting for me to reach legal age, if it was he could find someone else thats already legal." that is simply not true. he is preying on you because you are the only young girl he can get. if he doesnt get you, then he will prey on another girl in your school. and more than likely, he already has. this is a dangerous situation. i strongly suggest you talk to your school councilor about this. please understand i am not trying to be negative with you. but their are laws against these kind of things for a reason. this guy doesn't love you. he will never love you. you said yourself he will never leave his wife and kid. so that means that you mean nothing to him. you are just fun for him. he gets to make out with a 16 year old instead of his 40 year old wife. please take this in a posative way. and please do yourself a favor and go and talk to your councilor about this immediately. dont make the same mistakes that alot of other girls make. he really is taking advantage of you. if you need some sort of help, i can help you look up websites on this sort of thing. and show you how to get help. you really need to get out of this situation.
  5. hi, new here. alot of you people have some good advise, i was wondering if any of you had some advise for my situation. my friend invited me to the race track last weekend with some of his friends. and this girl came with one of his friends. i was instantly attracted to her. and she seemed to keep looking at me when i finally caught her eye. we talked a bit, and then she came and sat next to me. all the betting was in small quantites, like $2 or $4 each time. so we werent dealing in alot of money here. it was just for fun. well, i won the race we were watching right when she sat down next to me. we were excited. then she said lets go see how much you won. i got $55!! anyways, from then on we were next to each other all night. everytime i sat down, she came and sat down next to me. she came with me to place a few bets, and to get advise on what horse to bet on next. well, it was all going well for me. and we were getting close. she kept doing the "accidental" touching of my hands and arms and stuff. and i was doing the same with her, obviously. well, then i asked for her number. and she told me that she wasn't really looking for anything right now. i was confused, but took it gracefully. i just said thats ok, maybe i could just call you and we could kick it sometime. so she smiled and gave me her number. well, i talked to my friend the next day. he hadnt seen her in about 2 years, but is very good friends with the person she came to the track with. and he said that she just broke up with her boyfriend like 2 days before. so now i dont know what to do. she was totally flirting with me, but then she was hesitant to give me her number. and now i find out she just broke up with her boyfriend. i dont want to be some annoying guy, or just the rebound thing. so what do i do? i tried to call her a bit ago, but got her voicemail. i know that doesn't mean anything yet. but at least i know its a good number! should i leave a voicemail and give her the option to call me back? or what should i do? i dont know if voicemail is appropriate. i didnt want to leave a message saying anything. please help!!
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