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Posts posted by MetallicAguy

  1. It could be ringworm or a planters wart. It depends what it looks like; I'd have to see. What you could do is (if this is a wart) go to your doctor and fry it off with liquid nitrogen thats if these things pop out which idk because I've never had one. If it's ringworm you can use an athlete's foot spray to get rid of it, it usually takes 3-4 weeks to get rid of it or longer.

  2. Your suffering from some severe depression. I recommend go seeing a psychologist or a counselor; someone you can talk to that you trust. And this whole rejection thing; from my beliefs I'd say it is a test from God to see if you can handle yourself. But anyway you should definetely talk to a counselor for about 5 months or how long you think it should take.

  3. Basically your her ecstasy; spice in her life. She says she wants to give up on you because you distract her from the rest of her life. She's not ready because she has some other s*** more important on her mind than you.

  4. Well I tried checking her out and NOT looking away, I'll tell you what happened. So in class she walks by after getting help from the teacher, sits down and zips up her sweater she notices me looking at her in her peripheral vision and then after noticing me (zipper is pretty much all the way up) she zips it halfway to where her boobs show. This mean anything? Oh yeah and she was first to look away so that's good I don't seem to be a weenie that way lol.

  5. Basically before you got back from vacation you guys did too much together which makes women want to see less of you, when this happens give her some time and call her less/see each other less. She wants to french you though, I think thats what she means by "almost". But she doesn't want to give you her cold.

  6. I want to basically get to know her first, then if I still like her then I'll ask her out, and if she rejects I'll still be friends with her..If she did even like me though or was too shy to say she did she probably will want to talk to me alot and will flirt and etc.

  7. He still loves you, it doesn't mean that if he acts differently than "I'll do anything for you" kinda thing, that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Come on he has depression. Personally I think you should sit down with him and get to the root of the depression. Ask him stuff if he was abused physically when he was a kid, anything traumatize him and change the way he was; stuff like that. And make sure he doesn't take any anti-depressants. Your more likely to harm yourself taking those then without them. You can only tell if he still loves you if you get to the root of this depression and keep it from happening again. If he's religious tell him to pray a lot and go to church on every sunday. The Power Of Positive Thinking(book) always works for ending depression. Not saying that it will work for sure but it has to be like a reference to him. And an answer to what you were wondering, he can't be ready for it, depression prevents you from being ready to do anything really if it's severe enough. I know I've had it.

  8. Ok, so I get really nervous around this girl I like, usually I am calm around other women but I don't know why I get nervous. I get really energetic as if I just took 10 caffeine pills lol. Maybe it's because I'm not confident with myself idk. And when I'm not around her I slowly relax. Anyone know a way to act yourself(As in don't be all nervous and stuff) and be relaxed with yourself around a girl you like?

  9. Well, if you want to see her again then don't call her as much even though it is tempting too; don't. Call her 2 times a week. Remember you want the girl to pursue you, not you pursuing her. And same thing goes for hanging out; 2 times a week. Things should flow better when you do this. If you haven't revealed everything about yourself. Show bit by bit or there will be no reason for her to be interested in you.

  10. Oh yeah and another thing, you flooded her with too much attention, this is pretty much the worst thing you can do when you first get into a relationship. You can't call her everyday and hang with her everyday or more than 2 times a week. My expierience with women is that if you do this they respond negatively (i.e. they don't want you to talk to them, you come by as annoying). So next time when your in a relationship with a girl, don't do this.

  11. Don't keep going for her unless you want her to hate you. Basically if she says she likes this guy from 7th grade that's just saying that she isn't attracted to you. It's hard to detach from a girl, but you have to learn it's not meant to be with her it's just infatuation anyway around that age.

  12. She's shy and wants to get to know you, just a tip; the hair-twirling is the easiest common sign shes flirting with you. If she smiles and then looks away when your looking at her or shes combining the hair-twirl while staring at you it's pretty easy to tell if she's interested in you. I think she needs to open up to you more before you get any further. So I think you should become friends first and then see how it goes from there so far the signs are good so keep on working on it. And another thing: Don't flood her with attention, it just scares women off.

  13. Oh yeah, and it kinda sounds like he's cheating and he's making excuses not to see you. I recognize this kind of situation. Some people I knew a while back were like that, they'd always make an excuse not to see you, basically the point is you know they're full of s*** when they make an excuse for everything. Plus if the guy really wanted to see you the conversation wouldn't be that weak and he wouldn't really give a s*** if he had a meeting or not or had to pick his brother up at the airport.

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