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Posts posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Pffttt, you blew it yourself,

    During the relationship we talked everyday and we did love each other
    . Maybe you 2 did love each other but you ruined it for yourself. A girl wants to be taken for granted not called everyday and treated like a goddess. The more attention; the more driven away they get. And another thing, girls don't like "nice guys" that's what brainwashing society wants you to think. But it's bull****. You can get her back though. You can't act like a nice guy. I know this sounds stupid but read this article. It works trust me. This might save your success with women lol, being a "nice guy" is a really bad thing.
  2. Ok so if she's your ex, then she does like you, she has a bf so when you went out with her friends and stuff to meet her, it doesn't work. I've asked out girls and they won't really tell you how they feel around friends. It's some stupid reason, I haven't figured it out though but if you want to get some answers pull her away from her friends or with any future girl. Oh yeah and were you with any other girls while your ex was with your bf? That could be some jealousy that she has probably from your relationship. That is if the relationship between the two of you was a good one. It's pretty obvious she likes you probably due to a boring relationship with her current bf. Well some obvious signs she likes you is #1 the frequent talking: Ex: at the end of the convo guess what, I bought a hat" that's pretty easy, and in person or over the phone check if she sounds nervous while talking to you. and girl #1 if she's friends with girl #2 then its jealousy. Girls like to show off there guys to other chicks. And she was shy out with her friends yeah definetely. But overall man, just go with the girl your more interested, you can go out with em both ways they both like ya.

  3. Ok if God is "dead" then explain to me when you go to church, you feel a spiritual presense? And when you pray, after your in a peaceful state of mind. Yeah, he's alive. Maybe not in this world but in the after-life, f*** yeah he is.

  4. Girls what do you find attractive about a guy, in terms of what clothes he wears, works out or not, smart-***, romantic, etc. I'm a good-looking guy, and I have good "status" though I can never really get any dates. I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing or wearing something wrong, etc.

    I appreciate your help. Oh yeah and is a bit of acne a turn off? I have some inflammatory marks that are clearing up.

  5. And if he doesn't think your even slightly attractive then it's just to make sure if your staring at the guy or not. And he probably doesn't want you staring at him anyway. Since he has no trust for you since you haven't at least talked to him.

  6. Well, this happens alot to me but, in the guys point of view, if he's repeatedly staring then he thinks your slightly attractive and he could handle it if you approached him (probably say no) see usually we tend to go with how good looking the girl is, or personality wise and in this case since ya dont know him it's looks so, if you asked him out he'd say no. Get to know him, it's probably infatuation anyway if he turns you down so it's not like your losing anything.

  7. Sorry about misinterpreting that. Well I think that's great that you have a strong relationship with Christ. I think you should pray more if you don't pray enough already. And definetely find some $$ to go talk to a psychologist. Remember this phrase from the Bible if you ever have a problem or a hard time doing something; "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Phillipians 4:13.

  8. When you see her next time tell her to calm down and that it's not good for her health. If you say that, that coming from you she will take seriously and stop worrying and working her *** off. She doesn't have to stop working for good but just make her take it down a few notches lol.

  9. Ok I think you should get more involved again with God. Even if you think its not going to work it will. I want you to pray out this prayer right now so you can let out that depression and stress: Dear God, Creator of the Universe, thank you for coming into the world and became man, Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead. I truthfully confess and repent. I ask for your forgiveness, and grant me eternal life, so that I may become a child of God. May Jesus Christ come into my heart, be my Lord, savior, and friend and guide my way. Now that may seem weird to do since you seem to be neutral in terms of beliefs but know that people care about you and God cares about you. I think this is a test of self-control. I also highly recommend you see a counselor and/or pray for yourself to get better and to overcome this depression that lacks you from happyness everyday. Hope this helps.

  10. Seems like she needs to calm down and slow down that work-a-holic habit. That's not good for her health if she has to "escape". From my perspective I think she takes life too seriously.

  11. Hmm, thats kinda hard to try to make friends when you act depressed because no one likes to be around depressed people, though psychologists and better counselors than the one you have can help. They care. Your not alone, I guarantee someone else out there in the world has a problem just like yours.

  12. Basically she goes to you to because you enlighten her, because other than you she thinks her life is down the s***ter. Because look at it this way: She has no one to talk to, except you. Bad relationship with parents. Probably bad grades. Just keep "comforting" her, you'd feel like s*** yourself if everything was like a chore (working hard), and you had no one to talk to. I recommend you introduce her to God. Seems like she needs to do some praying, Spiritual power is a fantastic, effective way of healing through hard times. I know, I've done it. It works out great.

  13. So you don't have any friends to talk to or any friends at all? I read in an article a long time ago that what most people search for in life more than anything surprisingly is friendship. Make some more friends. Maybe meet a girl at your college that cares about you. The school counselor is an idiot if he doesn't have any answers or doesn't want to talk to you. That's why I recommend a psychologist, hey it's a lot of $$ but it'll be worth it in the long run if you want your life to change for the better.

  14. Comfort as in you take her off what she is worrying off, or what she is battling inside like what peanut said. Basically a positive feeling in her life. Sounds like she has depression to me.

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