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Posts posted by maritalbliss86

  1. Wow... so much from that Isaiah 23 resonates with Britain's spiritual happenings...

    You have to look at, too, what higher entity did Queen Elizabeth II serve herself? There's apparently a book out there where she gave tons of quotes about her faith in God, etc. how she serves her eternal King first.  

    What a drastic difference from Charles.  

    He (and most of Britain) don't really have that kind of faith.  Therefore they were enjoying a kingdom under her that they really weren't paying into with faith/tithing/service themselves to God or anything.  

    What does Charles really represent?  I know other prophetic voices are all saying the same thing right now (this is not really new... ).  

    He has sold himself out to Arab countries and not only taken millions from the Bin Laden family in 2013, but also millions in cash from Qatar just last year in 2021.  So he's sold himself out to their agenda which will be interesting to see play out.  Will he dramatically increase the Muslim migration now?  What were those millions of dollars in payment for that he took from them?  He believes all faiths should work together in one religion, while he preferences this one over all of them and takes bribes from them.  What does that mean for the UK's future?  

    Sad.  There are lots of quotes out there from different people throughout history claiming people get the government they deserve (even though it sounds so harsh and punishing to people who really don't deserve it... I get it... it's confusing).  A judgment of a nation is more than just what individuals deserve, but rather the leaders' doings in secret, the policies and things it's allowed for too long that finally end up causing it to fall into ruin.

    From Isaiah 23... 

    New Living Translation

    "Is this silent ruin all that is left of your once joyous city?

    What a long history was yours!  (seriously!  They had a good run.)

    Think of all the colonists you sent to distant places." (I think many of those are rejoicing at her death... which is also sad)

    Who has brought this disaster on Tyre, that great creator of kingdoms?  (how many kingdoms has the Crown created overtime... many)

    Her traders were all princes, her merchants were nobles.

    The LORD of Heaven’s Armies has done it to destroy your pride and bring low all earth’s nobility.

    ... and it goes on.

  2. Wow that was a long time not posting or checking things online!  

     So the queen has passed. 70 years is such a significant spiritual number meaning completion, wholeness, finality and rest. 

    She finally passes into spiritual rest after completing her service to her country. It is beautiful in a way, and I'm definitely not one to idolize the monarchy.

    Now for King Charles III... lol... that's gonna be quite awful I'm thinking.

    And of course this is happening right at the end of the Jewish year, so his reign will be starting with a basically new (Jewish) year, spiritually too. 

    Jordan Peterson had a long clip on what will happen now... He's thinking this happened at the worst time possible and that the monarchy will disintegrate.

    You see things differently with spiritual eyes and meanings. She's *supposed* to pass right now, that 70 year thing is so fascinating meaning completion wholeness finality and rest. She deserves it.  I was surprised he couldn't see that this is all supposed to happen and has been divinely ordered to happen. Hm...

    The UK also deserves King Charles III. They deserve the changes he will bring the same way the US fell into judgement with Biden. It is a judgement that won't be reversed I believe but of course one never can see everything.

    There will be a wealth transfer now (coming in the next few months) meant to humble people who are prideful and looked up to, it's straight from Isaiah 23.  I don't know if it will be suddenly or slowly... but the wealth will be moving to the Lord's people for clothes and food. Isaiah 23 especially verses 15-17


  3. 44 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

    Well, based on my own experience, I still don't believe that going braless 'destroys' your breast tissue. It's got to have a significant hereditary component or mine would be showing some damage by now. I'm 45 and not exactly a spring chicken.

    I'm sure you're right that it has to be at least part genetic... most things are part nature, part nurture. 

    When looking online there was quite a bit out there inconsistently.

    But one comment that stood out to me was a man from Africa claiming they noticed the difference **big time.**  In their opinion, and coming from a culture that doesn't wear them, it dramatically affects the breast shape overtime.  They liked how it looked a lot more when bras are worn now that they've been in a western country. He saw bras as a, "privilege." Said if you're privileged enough to own one, you should wear it. Very different perspective.

    Coming from a country where they don't wear them made his opinion more interesting to me. You'd think he'd prefer his own culture, but no.

    Plus maybe men will see this differently than women. I've almost always identified more with the way men tend to think, so I feel like I, "get it," why he'd feel that way about his own culture... Preferring our culture because it looks better to him, very ironic imo that it takes someone outside our culture, to point out how beneficial it really is (how blind we are to deny something pretty easy to see from an outsiders perspective).

  4. 8 hours ago, maritalbliss86 said:

    We had an amazing back to school bash thing tonight. It was basically like a fair but everything was free for the kids and their families and they gave out backpacks full of school supplies to each child. I've never seen anything like it where a community came together like this and provided for the kids of that community. It was $1,000s of dollars worth of school supplies and backpacks... Just amazing! 

    They also had free physicals and vaccines for those who wanted or needed them... Just the amount of coordinating was amazing.

    And I'd known about this event for awhile, the woman leading it invited me to help a couple of months ago, and I wanted to , but in the end they ended up asking my husband for help with his certain expertise 🙂 so I was a little bummed not to be needed and yet proud that he's acknowledged for his work and wanted. Anyway, it was great that I ended up just getting to take the kids and have fun with them while he was basically their undercover security walking the fair/bash. The lady leading it had 4 kids of her own, adopted a 5th from family, and then had a surprise child that is our oldest's age, so she's incredible. Most her kids are adults now, so she has the time to volunteer etc. I just can't wait until I have that kind of time... It is hard waiting.

    Had a conversation in the car with our older two how this was possible because of a small group of Christians in the community that got together to put it on and get all the supplies, backpacks, schools to coordinate together, doctors giving vaccines and physicals... None of it would have been possible without Christians making it happen because they wanted to help these families and kids. I've never seen atheists or other groups do anything *remotely* like this, both financially and personally giving their time and especially their money in this kind of mass action. Only Christians, with all their flaws etc, seem to care enough to do this kind of effort. It was wonderful and helped so many in this economy ❤️❤️❤️ seeing them go away with heavy backpacks full of supplies, it was just mind blowing.

    Wanted to add this conversation also came up about how atheists just don't do things like this, whereas Christians do, because my oldest just finished his Jurassic Park book.  There was a ton of evolution talk in it, plenty of opportunities to criticize their arguments and pole so many holes it could fly away like a tattered kite. He likes stuff like that... This wasn't something I brought up, he liked bringing up what the book was arguing. And it is an argument of faith from both sides.

    But the main thing - even my 12 yr old could see is that holding to those harsh beliefs of evolution, like survival of the fittest, doesn't give people that motivation to help the weakest and most vulnerable in society.

    Make that thought larger, and you can see how they wouldn't put that kind of time, effort and especially their money into giving 100s, maybe thousands of underprivileged kids school supplies and backpacks.

    And taxpayer money isn't the same. Taking from someone else, so you can feel good about, "giving," when you volunteer is hollow and not what happened last night.

    Kids can see what's wrong so clearly sometimes ... I'm glad he can see their belief system vs ours, and how that eventually plays out in a community.

  5. To add onto the post hidden atm.... How crazy that the fitness trainer I posted because we look so alike even has the same diagnosis as I have, Hashimoto's hypothyroidism. It's very genetic, so we're even similar genetically... which makes sense hmmm. How odd though to even be the same age.

    Sometimes I wonder if having something like that makes you take better care of your body, and work harder than if you didn't have to struggle.  Not always but it's definitely the case for me, and apparently her lol.

  6. On 7/26/2022 at 1:04 AM, mylolita said:

    Morning Marital,


    I won’t go on about the boob debate, or what you refer to as “pancake boobs”, which I find to be quite cruel! But I will add, using a picture of a fitness Instagram influencer as an example is misleading, especially when she has breast implants anyway. I don’t think women who have surgically enhanced breasts should really enter the benefits of wearing a bra debate! 





    I think it's far more cruel to assure them that their boobs will be ok 💯 (which is lying to them when it's obviously not the reality for many out there).

    Clearly many aren't getting away with it, and it's harming their bodies (and affecting how attractive they are).

    It's not, "cruel," to point that out or try to warn others about it. I find it ironic that you consider me cruel when I tried to warn a random stranger (which was off topic but that concern was there in trying to educate someone that is probably being told the opposite).

    I had concern about a lot of things concerning this trend, but yes, I felt sorry for them of course. Using the words, "pancake boobs," was the only way I thought I could get across how bad it looked according to what my husband saw. It was descriptive, not meant as insulting them personally. So many (including you) ganged up on me to defend that it wasn't that bad because you personally get away with it.  When yes, it definitely was that bad for these women. How ironic that once I convince you it really looked that bad, suddenly you accuse me of being, "cruel."  You didn't believe me without my going more descriptive 🤷‍♀️ so I described them as best I could, which you then found offensive lol. 

    And yes I look very much like the fitness trainer, we are even the same age 35... (and I don't have implants 😉). 

    I know you're not into fitness right? You don't value it from what I've read.  I think we're opposite in that regard...  I'm very proud of maintaining fitness after four kids, being strong and fit feels amazing. To me it's an accomplishment ❤️ something to be proud of because it's so hard, and rare.  None of the women in my family (mom, grands and great grands) were able to lose their baby weight, so I was very very worried about it.  I saw them deal with all kinds of major health issues from it. We have thyroid disease in my family, and I was just diagnosed with it this week (I knew it was coming so this isn't a surprise), maintaining a good body with hypothyroidism makes it even more of a success personally, I am happy with how I've managed it.  My doctor remarked that I don't even look like I have it, but I do need the medicine because it's causing problems with general autoimmune disease stuff.  I know that could come off as too arrogant tp be proud of taking care of yourself, but I think younger women need to know there are different ways to live your life, with different results, some worse and some better. Seeing is believing, and seeing the difference of someone who takes care of their body is very powerful.

    I was always inspired by women who still looked amazing after having kids, their example made me know it was possible. I want to be that example for others, albeit a much quieter one than someone on Instagram 😉.  I'm more of a real life person... I'd much rather inspire people in real life it's a lot more rewarding than online, and I think the most impact something like that can have is on my children, too, they'll know.

    There are different ways to live your life ... with different results. You can take care of your body, or not, and reap the benefits or pay the price. It's really not much different than obesity or drugs or anorexia or smoking... harming tissue is still harming tissue.

    But meanwhile Teen Vogue is encouraging them to continue going braless and end up having pancake boobs (or sagging if you prefer). 

    See I think it is cruel when a magazine they listen to for beauty advice encourages young women to destroy their breast tissue before they're even 25.

    We'll have to agree to disagree that we have different thoughts on what is actually cruel.

  7. We had an amazing back to school bash thing tonight. It was basically like a fair but everything was free for the kids and their families and they gave out backpacks full of school supplies to each child. I've never seen anything like it where a community came together like this and provided for the kids of that community. It was $1,000s of dollars worth of school supplies and backpacks... Just amazing! 

    They also had free physicals and vaccines for those who wanted or needed them... Just the amount of coordinating was amazing.

    And I'd known about this event for awhile, the woman leading it invited me to help a couple of months ago, and I wanted to , but in the end they ended up asking my husband for help with his certain expertise 🙂 so I was a little bummed not to be needed and yet proud that he's acknowledged for his work and wanted. Anyway, it was great that I ended up just getting to take the kids and have fun with them while he was basically their undercover security walking the fair/bash. The lady leading it had 4 kids of her own, adopted a 5th from family, and then had a surprise child that is our oldest's age, so she's incredible. Most her kids are adults now, so she has the time to volunteer etc. I just can't wait until I have that kind of time... It is hard waiting.

    Had a conversation in the car with our older two how this was possible because of a small group of Christians in the community that got together to put it on and get all the supplies, backpacks, schools to coordinate together, doctors giving vaccines and physicals... None of it would have been possible without Christians making it happen because they wanted to help these families and kids. I've never seen atheists or other groups do anything *remotely* like this, both financially and personally giving their time and especially their money in this kind of mass action. Only Christians, with all their flaws etc, seem to care enough to do this kind of effort. It was wonderful and helped so many in this economy ❤️❤️❤️ seeing them go away with heavy backpacks full of supplies, it was just mind blowing.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

    Not in theirs which is why they did it.  We were in our early 40s when we married. I did not need the added value that people in society might put on me as married -I felt I brought and had a lot of value as a person, as a professional, as a friend, a partner, an aunt, etc.  I never felt the need to fling around "my husband" kind of thing.  Also I want everyone to feel valued in a committed relationship and until recently men and women couldn't marry same gender in many states and I would hate for either a man or a woman to feel less value than a married person just because the marital commitment wasn't available.  

    I think it sounds wrong in a way, too.  It shouldn't make a person feel more valuable, hopefully they feel valuable as they are, bring value etc.  But when they value marriage and desire it so much, it becomes valuable. 

    Something is only as valuable as people find it to be - or in an individual way, if one person finds it valuable to them, then it is valuable.

    So even in a modern world where marriage is declining, if anything it may become *more* valuable as it gets harder to achieve or find. 

    It may someday become *rare* to find a good marriage, which would mean it's a lot more valuable due to it's rarity.

  9. Another creative way of thinking about it, too, is that marriage gives value to that man or woman (kind of philosophical here... ).  I think most women simply feel more valued when someone has given them that huge commitment, for life... it may be an outdated thing but it still gives value and a status kind of proverbially announced to the world that they aren't alone anymore, even if that sounds kind of awful in a way.  It's very clear that unmarried women usually don't feel that same kind of value level, which is powerful.

    Men are also rated as more attractive (to other women) IF those women rating them know he's already married.  Go figure lol.... So being married gives value to men, too... it actually makes them more attractive because it means he was valuable enough to another woman that she took him off the market. 

    It's strange, and I don't completely understand it all, but it seems clear that making a huge commitment to only one person, for an entire lifetime, is a pretty big deal.


    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, LikeWater said:

    I am asking you what is so special between an unmarried couple and one who's tied the knot?  I can tell you a difference.  The loving couple are not bound by anything.  No promises to hold up to, no feeling of obligation, and no governmental interference.

     I get it that one would think there's no difference.  

    Usually, the couple who makes the huge commitment to each other (marriage), often value each other more because they made that big commitment.  Not always of course, but in general, it's a genuine, special thing when one person commits only to you and vice versa, and for life... it's quite a huge deal and most young women crave that (no matter if you happen to think they shouldn't).  

    Most young women that don't find that kind of passionate love where a man wants to fully, lifelong commit to only them and build a romantic life with them, children etc will end up having to mourn that dream or goal, because it mattered that much to them.  Just being a girlfriend... for life... is simply not enough for most women (I think the women who complain about it tend to say it feels empty, shallow, or like the relationship is going nowhere).  They want some kind of end or culmination of commitment usually, and that's actually a good thing since it leads to more stable societies.  

    I think most women still view living together with their partner - indefinitely - as settling and not being taken seriously as an equal partner... being used... whatever you want to call it, it's usually something seen as more negative than positive.  

    I'm sure there are women out there who don't feel that way about staying in an unmarried long term relationship, but I think that's more rare.

    I wish that wasn't so harsh sounding, but scientifically we know when a person makes a huge commitment to a human (relative, sibling, child, etc), or even something as simple as an object like an expensive car that they work for and pay for themselves, we know scientifically (through testing their cognitive and emotional responses toward it or the person), that they simply value it a whole lot more.  It's part of our human nature to value more the things we strongly commit to or work harder for.  

    And then in a marriage, you're much more likely to stay and work through problems (again, not always).  But you're more likely to in a marriage statistically, than if you're just together without a ring and can easily walk away at the first sign of trouble or hardships.  When it's easier to walk away, people don't work as hard for it... and that's also provable scientifically about a lot of subjects... not just marriage.


    • Like 1
  11. 12 hours ago, Alex39 said:

    See I was raised by my mother to seek perfection. To look amazing, to look perfectly kept, to look your best.  Because if I don't and it doesn't go well it must have been how I looked or how I sat in my chair or how I was hot or sweaty or I spoke too fast. And I fear turning a guy away, because it was ingrained in my head. My mother is always saying-

    My mom said some similar things... but real life experience taught me differently.  My husband swears he's insanely attracted to me when I look what I'd call, "bad," (hair not perfect at all... sloppy clothes of all things... maybe some glasses on... ) he says it turns him on somehow and it makes absolutely no sense to me.

    So don't worry about always looking perfect 🙂 if anything, maybe showing you have beauty without trying is a turn on for men (I guess?).  Either way, I don't think it always matters.

    I hope you find someone and find happiness.  I've read your posts about your mom and she is cruel and abusive toward you.  Some of her advice may be right... but then even a broken clock it, "right," 2x a day - doesn't mean much when you can't trust what she says in general.

    • Thanks 1
  12. Finished State of Fear ... it was an easy read even though it's close to 800 pages.  

    The real scientific data and bibliography was so intense, 37 pages of bibliography alone (!), and apparently it revealed too much to where the Goddard Inst. for Space Studies changed their webpage after his book's publication... 

    "Note: Shortly after the hardcover publication of this book, GISS changed its website to show less data.  The station data no longer goes back before 1880, and thus heightens the appearance of a steady rise in temperature."  

    When the data was included, it showed only a slight change of a half a degree over 200 years, so not much global warming.  So they removed that data.

    I don't think the majority of the younger generation would be able to understand this book, let alone read through 800 pages.  Our oldest is reading the author's other book, Jurassic Park and loving it. ❤️ 

  13. 11 hours ago, dias said:

    You don't like this trend because you find it "vulgar" or because you think new generation's boobs would have gravity issues in the future?

    I think it's both that bothers me... but their gravity issues aren't in the future, my husband said they looked like the second and last drawings, so the tissue is pretty much damaged by that point.  He had a disgust reaction (and yes I feel bad for them), I can only imagine how much worse that will become as they get into their 30's and 40's....  They'll need plastic surgery/implants to get back to how they were supposed to be.  

    So seeing someone destroy part of themselves is awful on many fronts I guess.  Vulgar, unnecessary, destroying society, their bodies...  I'll let it go.  Just sad to see misinformation and the effects of that misinformation.



  14. oh my word... we're gonna have to poop in buckets and create some kind of ... I don't even know... compost pile LOL

    I'm crying...  I don't think I'm strong enough for this lifestyle ...  (Snowflake Generation Darnit'!  I didn't realize we'd be living, "off grid,"  what is that?!)


  15. Ok... journals are for ranty spaces right?  Riiight?  So this is a rant continued lol... I'll call this the Boob-Sag-Rant.

    It is a new trend to go braless for the younger generation (wow ...  totally sucks imo!)


    Fashion mags for teens are actively encouraging it 😕. Wow.

    So this explains why my husband saw what he did while out (I still have yet to see this in person... I'm waiting... waiting... ).  Apparently it's a well-documented thing, the author of the link said 75-80% of the women around here were letting it all just hang completely loose, and noticeable.

    Soooo... I found a chart of different breasts being taken care of differently or formed differently.  Some cared for and some extremely neglected... here it is:


    So... I get it that it sounds so wrong to talk about this, and yet I do wonder why though?  Why can't women discuss how to take care of breast tissue so that it doesn't sag, or so that it keeps it's natural, attractive shape?  Why is it so taboo?  (Or maybe it's just taboo if a man happens to notice sagging and be turned off by it?  LOL oh well... men are going to have their thoughts, and I think a lot of women are not going to like their bodies after this trend, or the way men react to them).

    Even after 4 kids, breastfeeding them, and being 35, mine still look like the first picture, and that's with 32D / 34C so not exactly flat... I definitely need support.  If someone had told me that it was possible to look like that after 4 kids, back when I was 18 or 19, I would have been elated and had more hope.  I was not that hopeful to be honest.  My mom admitted she ruined her breasts in the 60's going braless all the time in her 20's, so I was warned, and thought we probably just had bad genetics.  Apparently wearing a bra or sports bra combats bad genetics (sad the younger crowd is being encouraged not to).


    I'm happy with my body, happy it wasn't taboo for my mom to tell me this stuff... hopefully once our pool is hauled in this will be me next summer....  

    Why not take care of your body? I just don't understand it.

    Will these girls be OK, happy with their bodies 15 years from now?  😬 something tells me no.

  16. WOW ☹️ can you schedule a talk with his boss just to try to help explain his injury from a caretaker point of view? 

    I know sometimes with military they want to know things from the spouse's point of view, especially if it's an injury maybe they'd listen and get the point?

    Hoping the boss calms down, and that your husband recovers from the outburst ☹️

  17. 24 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

    We found a way to deal more effectively with my son’s meltdowns. We just say nothing and don’t engage him. He goes off and decompresses and processes and comes back and is agreeable. Just don’t engage. 

    That is great, Seraphim.  Very happy you found a way to deal with it easier.  

    I still don't know if our Viking Child has a sensory issue, or if it's a touch of autism (?)... but he still has some meltdowns and he's almost 8, which just seems old for regular tantrums.  And he does sometimes run off or run away when extremely flustered at something new.  I understand that feeling of being terrified... he could get lost or run into a car, it's insane and feels so out of your control as a parent.  I keep thinking he's going to grow out of these things, but so far he hasn't.  

    Has your son developed coping mechanisms?  I know one friend whose adult daughter with autism uses headphones with music and that helps her when traveling to kind of separate from those feelings of anxiety at something new.

  18. 1 hour ago, Lambert said:


    Thank you. 

    Yes. I agree.

    I have decided to just let it / her be and it has been a good choice so far. 

    She very well may have her reasons and I've decided to accept them, eventhough I don't know what they are. 

    As much as it used to bother me that I wouldn't have a relationship with her when our parents are gone.  I realize I never had one.  So let's just go with that.  

    Thank you for understanding how harsh her words were to me.  That is a comfort. I always felt like she always treated me like I was expecting so much from her. It's empowering to decide: 'no thanks. I don't expect anything from you. ever. '

    I know everyone's life is so different, but the pain of family rejection is a very real thing across the board 😞.  I know my sweet, older mentor told me flat out that I'd have to, "grieve," that loss of my husband's siblings not caring at all about our kids or being in our lives/their lives.  I didn't realize we would both go through our own type of grieving process that seemed to take a few years for me personally (and I'm not even related to them!).  My husband was in your position where he had to acknowledge that they had closed him out even as a child - he never really had a relationship with them and had to watch his siblings have a great bond together, knowing he'd never be allowed to be a part of it.  It was painful then and got even more painful into adulthood for him seeing it affect our kids.

    It sounds like you've already grieved the loss, I'm glad you're able to feel empowered and see your life as whole without her ❤️.

  19. On 7/15/2022 at 12:22 PM, Cherylyn said:

    Always follow their cue.  If they lack enthusiasm regarding having a sound relationship with you, you're the one who has to return the favor by being apathetic and indifferent towards them. 

    This is so very true.  I wish I had known this earlier, but yes... following a person's cue, even if they're supposed to be a close relative, really helps.

    • Like 2
  20. Someone probably already said this but... you may want to just let her go.  Have your parents deal with contacting her (the healthy parent at least), and just kind of step out of it with her altogether.  

    She may have valid reasons for keeping away for so long, maybe there's a chance she experienced something that she hasn't told you about... because of the age difference between you and all that... maybe there's a dark secret in there somewhere that she's unable to forgive your parents about, who knows?   But it doesn't really sound like that is the case.  She's probably just extremely narcissistic and Does. Not. Care. About. Your (Her). Parents.

    Accepting it, coming to peace with it, and letting her kind of drop off the face of the earth as much as you can... that is letting go and will be healing for you I think.

    • Like 1
  21. On 7/11/2022 at 6:29 PM, Lambert said:

    It still hurts my feelings that her go to response to me, is that she is a mother and I don't understand.  But I think this is a cruel thing to say to someone without children, especially your own sister. 

    Wow, so much there... but this comment and her acting this way - there isn't an excuse for it. 

    She's an awful human being and I know it sucks to hear it, but accepting it for what she is, you feel so much peace after just letting yourself judge someone as they are.

  22. 14 hours ago, Stargazer2 said:

    BTW, no one on this board has a clue as to how strong this guy's feeling for you are.  Maybe he had only a minor interest in you and it's no big deal that you've moved on, or maybe his feelings were quite strong for you and it's kind of sad you've broken up, only you can try to gauge that I guess.

    My only point in my previous post was that personally, as a guy, I would suggest trying not to take you seeing him looking at some porn as a huge "betrayal", because that's just the way we guys are hard-wired IMO and not an indication of how he felt about you or your relationship.

    On a bigger perspective, I'd point out that our society teaches us that monogamy is very "good" while pologamy is "bad", but is that really true?  Can we really only love one person?  Is it not possible to genuinely love and be drawn to 2 or 3 or more at the same time?    And if not, why not?

    Maybe I look at the whole thing differently because when I was 17 I read an amazing science fiction book called "Stranger in a strange land", which was a real eye opener and which dealt with this topic, and that I recommend.


    I think your point makes a lot of sense.  Multiple wives used to be a phenomenon in the ancient world, but only for men wealthy enough to handle them and the children they'd produce (like a tribe basically).

    That was normal in many cultures around the globe, so your theory makes sense.  And yes they were capable of loving all their wives, but sometimes there was a favorite - that's just human nature - and it often would cause problems down the line with envy, hatred, jealousy etc. You can still see that play out in Mormons and Muslims who do it. There's usually a favorite so it isn't really equal and they feel that.

    But... managing one wife is difficult enough, so adding more (and their children) seemed to make their end of life issues more difficult (lots of stories of their sons fighting wars for kingdom rights etc... Their wives conspiring against each other etc). Anytime you introduce more people into a marriage, it gets more complicated and just... harder for overall.

    For a recent example, look at Elon Musk. He's basically repeating what the wealthy in ancient cultures did, having multiple partners, babies with multiple baby mammas.  I know a lot don't understand it from your point of view, but I get it.  He's the richest person in the world right now, so he's able to, just like in the past.  Even the biblical King David had seven wives... It's just a thing of wealthy men.  But no not many women would want to give up that exclusivity of being one man's everything (it really is more romantic knowing you don't have to share him ❤️).

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