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Posts posted by Kaspa

  1. Yo I dont think your too younge. My friend KC has this girlfriend and they luv having sex and doing all these weird kinky things. They have done like every postion imaginable so now he reads Kama Sutra too. So he's only 16, so I think your ok. About the powders and stuff tho, im not too sure on that stuff, maybe ill look into it, hahah.

  2. Ya dude totaly. I had this intense relationship/friendship with a girl and we had some awsome times. Any ways one of the last times we chilled , we took a black and white film of us drinking, it was just the 2 of us and we got very wasted. Any ways she threw me away and broke my heart and then like 3 months later I opend up the pics and they hit me so hard, pics of this amazing time with her, and then right when i got to the last one, a little picture we took together at the mall fell out, we took it while we were waiting for these ones to develop, it was also on my birthday. So that got me feelin totaly bashed, very similar story.

  3. Well if you are looking for topics to introduce to bring on the general idea, you can always ask that question that flirty kids do like "So who do you like?" That way you can find out if she has the hots for some one else completely AND you can bring on the topic of liking people. Most likly she'll demand the same question to you and in so on ull go in a silly convo about how u both like each other and no one has said it yet and then suddenly the right time well come where ull let it out and all will be well. Thats the way I see it, try it out.

  4. Ya Ide kick you to. lolz. Well some time in art class, bring up the subjext of the past. Be like "remember back in grade 9...(or w/e). And through talking about that you can work your way to the point that you liked her and not that other girl. You know you'll start talken about how things used to be and why she stopped contact with you. And in the middle of it, just come out of your shell, be like ya, I always liked you (or w/e, be creative) But talk freely and openly about it. You gotta let her know that you really did like her, and that you still do. Or you wanna hang out some time. Somthing, Anything! Becuase you shoudl have done somthing back then and now you have a chance again. good luck.

  5. Heres the way I see it. 1) Yes, I think she is leaving the door open for you some day maybe. I meen like you said, shes younge, and if shes dating some other younge guy, and its not seriosu enough that their living together, then they coudl easily break up some day. And when that happeneds she'll need a shoulder to cry on. So don't stop contact.


    2) I wouldn't nessecarly advise telling her MORE about how you feel, but I dont reccomend standing out of the way either. Just play it smooth, keep in contact, ask her how things are going and such and if you can get together some time maybe. Become greater friends, but don't try and screw up her current relationship.


    3) Yes, she is only 22, and is in a confusing stage in her life. Shes in the middle of high-school boy friend (make up and break up) and serious relatinships (commitment and future). Thats generely why I say, if she's dating a younge guy, it most likely won't last. So ya, give her a break, shes younge and (no offense) but I'm surprised that a 22 year old woman has any connection with a 30 year old man.


    4) She would ask what you thought of her and tell you what she thinsk of you, because she might wanna know how serious you are. Maybe she has hidden or subconscious doubts about her current relationship and likes to know what you think of her, because once again, keeping the door open. In a way, it's shallow of her, but she is only 22 and she is a woman. So don't feel to broken up about it. When she drinks she must feel she can take risks and not care about anything, so she lets her self go and expresses her self to you. It's a good thing I guess, for you.


    Any ways, I tried to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge I gained by reading your post. If you wanna give me any input on this, message me up.

  6. If you like spending time with him and enjoy his pressense you can always be friends. Nothing sexual has to happen, if you still love you husband and are attracted to him then don't do anything to reck it. You can't get greedy, some times you just have to settle for being friends, that way you can see him and feel open about it, and not stressed about this confusing crush.

  7. If you do become her friend, just make sure you make a move before your friends too long. Other wise you become one of her "girl friends" and its too awkward for you guys to go out. ummm ya, just talk to her man, ask her a quesiton or sumthin one day in class or w/e and start talken. and ye eye contact is good, but don't like stare her down or she'll think your sum kinda shallow creep.

  8. Yes you should tell your ex about thsi new girl, if you don't plan on gettin back together with her. I meen she did cheat on you, and if your just not telling her cuz u wanna keep your doors open, then thats kinda shallow, so you may as well tell her. She may stop calling if you tell her, if thats what you want. and i don't see any reaosn you need to tell the new girl, not unless theres sum problem or attachment to the ex.

  9. As a guy I know these general answers. No he will not ask you out again, so you will have to ask him. No he will not reject you, he will think uve beent hinking about him and woudl love to take you up on it. Ummm as far as not knowing if you like him or if it is rebound, all I can suggest is try it out. Maybe you like him because you are drawnt o him for sum reaosn, go out with him and see what it is. So take him up on his offe,r explore and have fun.

  10. Well, she did call you remember. So she was interested, like she remembered she was in your area and called you. I think you just had bad luck, i meen it is weird that there was 5 of them and she called you, but that was bad luck with the crying thing. It's akward when that happened and you shoudlnt stick around. I say try and meet her again, more privatly, or doing sumthin fun. Thats what I say.

  11. When I was in grade 9 I really really liked this girl and knew she kinda liked me. But i absolutly couldn't build the courage to ask her out. But one day after school a couple friends and I smoked up, u know, a few bowls on the pipe. and then my friend ses, "hey isnt that Jessica?" (the girl i licked.) and I was liek ye it is, i wanna go out with her. and hes liek "then ask her out man, whats the worst that can happen? she ses no?" so i wa slike "Ok" and i went up and asked her out and she said yes. So i dont know if the point of my story is that its not that bad to take the risk or to get high then do it cuz ull be more comftorable doing it. but both r good msg's and suggestions.

  12. You can be strate and a l*sbo, its called being Bi. Bisexual. and usually ppl dont make fun of it, if its with a girl, its usually considered a turn on. and this way u can have both, what ever ur feeling like. lol serious, one of my good friends girl friend is bisexual, so shes going out with him but she also has a friend whos bisexual that they do stuff together sumt imes, or have.

  13. Well couple things you can do. First one won't nessecarly be what you want but its prolly the most right to do. Is that you just be her best friend and appreciate her in that way, with out having to do any sexual things. You cant too greedy man. Like if she really really likes her boy friend, then you shoudl be happy with her and just spend time with her. But if she doesnt even like him that much and you guys talk about it, then you might be able to switch her off him and onto you. It depends ont eh sitaution with them and how you wanna affect your relationship. Because once you do things like have sex, things dont go back to normal. and if you ever split up or sumthin, then u wont be friends any more. So you have to think about whats best for her, you, and the 2 of you together.

  14. How old is she man? your 20. a kid?! is she like 5 times older then u?! or r u gettin involved ina just over teen relationship with a teen born baby kinda thing? i meen not that im trying to turn u off of her, im just curious.

  15. Ya ive gained sum weight and recently and been trying to get rid of it and these r helping.


    -Don't eat after 8 o clock at night, pretty much and/or when you are going to sleep, like when ur actually in bed, try and be a little bit hungry, like dont eat close to that. if u feel hungry in bed, but say f*ck it and sleep instead of eat, then ull wake up about 2 pounds heavier, Garunteed, maybe a little more. Do this every night and the weight will constantly go down slowly but surely.


    -Don't eat if you aren't hungry. Most of the time people eat snacks and stuff is because they are board and hanging around the house. Keep your self busy so you arent attracted to look in the fridge, or if you feel kind of hungry, drink a glass of water first. Often people feel hungry when they r actualy thirsty, and if u drink the water FIRST, then you might find when its done, that you arent hungry any more.


    So you see I dont have sum fancy weight loss plan or diet. just follow these simple rules, and ull actually lose a couple pounds each day or at least shave a pound permantly off you each day, gettin lower and lower. Ive followed these rules for a little over a month, maybe a month and a half, and ive lost 18 pounds.


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