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Kyoshiro Ogari

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Posts posted by Kyoshiro Ogari

  1. Is he good looking?

    haha, I was going to sarcastically ask the same question and fear for being typical Kyoshiro. Here's why.


    Good looking shy new guy comes into office. They say "Hi!" He says, "Hey." "Gee, I wonder..." they'll most likely think to themselves, peaking their interest at what package lies underneath the beautiful wrapping. does he have a girlfriend? What's his bag?


    Ugly shy guy comes into the office. If he gets a "Hi!" then he just met the friendly girl in the office. Maybe just to be courteous, they'll say "Hi."


    The new cute guy will be invited to lunch or even office circles. The ugly shy guy will make some friends, but it will take some time and more effort on his part. If he's a problem solver, he has a chance to make friends. Nothing more.


    Heaven forbid the ugly shy guy comes first and falls for one of his co-workers who barely know he's alive, only to see her get smitten over the new hot shy guy who made little if any effort to get her attention.


    And they wonder why we ugly guys and girls are shy to begin with and have low self esteem and a hopeless contempt for our physical being. It's nobody's fault, but it's a two way street. ](*,)

  2. I give up. Faith and hope, with a prayer here and there sprinkled in between, has not worked. In light of recent events I've doubled my efforts and wound up with the same miserable results. I am tired of fighting a losing battle. I realize that in order to attract the opposite sex, I need some sort of attractive thingamajig that obviously I do not have nor will I have. I also love this shroud they call confidence that, when you think about it, still needs physical attraction to make it work. I see it all around me. The Good Lookers get the girls. I give up. I tried my best to look my best and the end result is an ugly guy trying to look good, not a good looking guy. All for naught.


    I am putting my sense of humor on eBay in the next few days for those who want it, since I have no use for it. Free shipping and handling.


    From this day forward, I give up on those two miserable myths called Love and Romance. Screw 'em both.

  3. I agree, doing volunteer work or donating money to good causes does really help you to feel better

    ...then at night you come home to your empty house, slump on your couch as your mind begins to daydream about the life you want (with someone) and the miserable life you have (with no one). If you're really lucky, you'll fall for someone at this magical volunteer house, but she's probably taken of course by a man so handsome that whenever you stand next to him, you look like his crusty underwear. You'll feel so pathetic that eventually you're the one who needs volunteering. ](*,) And as you travel home using public transportation, couples hold hands and laugh endlessly, basking in their romance as you wish those baskers would erode before your very eyes. Oh, and of course then there are the dog days of summer which equals less clothing, which means attractive people dominate your space more than oxygen, adding another dimention to your approching dementia. ](*,)


    Ever go shopping in Saks with $1.25? That's how it is for some of us who want companionship but lack the nessesary good looks to get said desire. Oh, but a wonderful sense of humor carries you a long way, they say. ](*,)


    Unless you volunteer 24/7 and teleport from your living room to your office and back, it doesn't take your mind off of the lonely situation you are in. There is no doubt that you'll feel great about yourself as a person. But it doesn't complete your person.


    Also, unless you hibernate, love and companionship are around you every minute of the freakin' day. It's impossible to ignore. Maybe I can stick my fingers in my ears and lalalalala myself into a coma. It's futile. It's like not trying to think about sex while working in the porn industry. I've tried it for the better part of my last 24 years since my girlfriend in 1st grade moved to another state and school. It's been downhill ever since. You know things are bad when 1980 was your best year.


    But enough about me.

  4. "why do you think you have a chance w/ me?"

    I always think women say this to themselves if I even show a hint of interest. It's like I have some nerve to even be considered a candidate when there are other men out there that make me look like a turd.

  5. Nothing wrong with that at all. I rank love and companionship above sex myself. Ideally, a healthy combo of both. Sometimes holding their hand or locking in a warm embrace can be just as emotionally satisfying as sex. I don't know how these one night stand guys do it. I never could.

    Ten years ago maybe, now.. no. Too many new diseases popping up and you never know what your mystery partner has. Even a kiss can be dangerous. Besides, I want emotional bonding. What a wuss.

  6. it's completely true. as you can see by my name I'm pretty small. 4 to 4.5 inches when fully erect and 0.2 to 2 inches when flaccid (it changes sizes for some reason)


    anyway my aunt adopted a black baby (3 yrs old) and he runs around the house naked all the time. And I'm not a pedophile or anything but I couldn't help but notice how big he is for being 3 years old. It's bigger than mine.



    Why does that remind me of a scene in The 40 Year Old Virgin, where Jay (the black guy) was saying his son's penis was about 3' long. Meanwhile the kid wasn't born yet and it was probably his foot.


    and anyway it sucks being white because these days women care more about penis size more than anything and they obviously like black men better see this video:

    link removed

    I will try and use this theory to pick up woman, being a black guy myself. But since I look Hispanic it may not work, that is unless I wear a large sock in my nether regions or perhaps walk around with my penis out to end all speculation. I am sure I will have to beat the women off with a stick now as they forget the fact that I am not attractive. Put since my 'monster' is ginormous, I'm a sure bet, right? Let the games begin!!!




  7. It's not about sex for me now. It's about female companionship. enjoying each other's company and all that stuff. Sex comes later. I'm not saying I don't think about it, but it's not the first thing on my mind, nor does it dominate my lonliness thinking. I just want a freakin' relationship, is dat so wong?

  8. Not true. It depends on the individual not the ethnicity.


    Unless you saw that National Geoghraphic special in Africa where these guys were using some type of rolling pins on their penises to make them longer. I don't know why they did this though, the noise of me throwing up drowned out the narrator.

  9. I wonder what it would be like to have a 24/7 erection? Rumor has it that Chuck Norris was the only one to ever accomplish it >_>.

    That doesn't really count because Chuck Norris has done everything.

  10. Sorry but that thread title is slightly ambiguous. (did you mean that pun?)

    If you watch Family Guy and you know the character Cleveland, you can picture me saying That's Nasteeeee!


    To the original poster, like everyone else has said, you are not shallow at all. A friend of mine had sex with a man the size of a pinky. She's also a girl who likes them big. But she told me he was amazing, with his fingers, tongue and Pinky Winky. Plus, like others have also said, the emotional connection can heighten the experience. It may not be perfect for you, but it also may be just fine for you.


    I feel bad for him. As a self conscious guy myself, I can only imagine how more self conscious I would be if I had a small penis.

  11. You think that was confusing. You might have to grab an ice pack after reading this.


    What I am saying is that the only thing that will get rid of Polio is the vaccine. You can try aspirin (money) or some other type of drug (career, achieving goals, a hobby) but nothing will work because the vaccine is the only thing that will cure Polio.


    The only thing that will get rid of lonliness is finding someone. Nothing else works. Some may be temporary solutions, but the more lonely you are, the more temporary those solutions are. Hobbies and finding yourself may be a temporary solution for some, but soon that loneliness will creep back quicker than a hiccup and you're back to square one.


    If there is no Polio vaccine, you'll die. Can't control it. So, if we can't control the fact that we won't find someone, it kills a part of us. A HUGE part of us. And for the other parts of us that are alive, there is very little, if any satisfaction in life. All the money in the world means nothing if you can't share it with someone you love.


    I answered a question in another thread about what I would want to do if I knew I wouldn't fail, and I said run an animation empire. If I created an animated movie that slayed Pirates of the Caribbean (how the hell is that making money!!!?) and Titanic all the way to a 1 billion dollar gross, I would feel very proud of myself with an enormous sense of accomplishment, mixed in with a horrific wave of depression because that special someone is not here with me to share in the excitement.


    Not everyone feels that way, but those who are sick and tired of being lonely it plagues us daily. And for the record, I love peanut butter.

  12. Ok, for those who think life is still worth living if you just found out that you'll be alone for the rest of you life, I would like you to list the important things in life. I can bet that most of us "suicidal romantics" won't find inner peace in any of that. That's where we're coming from. Of course suicide is a bit dramatic, an dwe probably would hold on to hope for the rest of our lives, making deals with the devil or do superhuman good samaritan deeds in the hopes that the love Gods will bless us with someone.

  13. You don't HAVE to be in a relationship to be happy. Try this scenario...imagine you know for CERTAIN that you will never have a relationship for the rest of your life. You find this out today. Well? Are you going to mope around for the rest of your life, or are you going to take what you can have and make the best of that? Live life to the full. It is in adversity and pain where we distinguish ourselves and show how far we can rise.

    Actually, if I received that news in a high rise, I'd bid adeu and jump out the window. If we were low to the ground, I'd run in front of a truck. I can't see the value of life when you live it alone, with the lonliness that comes with it. If that were the case, we should be solitary asexual creatures.

  14. I'm single, 30 years old, never had a GF before, and yet I have never felt lonley - I may have felt horney, but not lonely. My mother takes up too much space in my life, and thereforeeee I dont have an opportunity to feel lonely, I may like to live on my own however, and be in perfect quiet and peace and have lots of books to read, that would sound cool. You're complaining about being lonely?

    You can have people around you and still be lonely for that special someone, as in my case.

  15. Hey guys thanks a lot for your kind words. I feel like you're all part of an extended e-family and I need that now definitely. I don't know, it's still so soon, 2 months this Saturday. I do know it doesn't dominate my life as it did immediately following, well not every second of the day at least. But every now and then, maybe about 10 times a day, I get a brief recall of his presense. My mom feels the same way.


    Funny story, I swore off Marvin Gaye since he was my father's favorite singer and spitting image. So I'm on the computer while the TV is in the background and as I turned around to get a drink a water, they run a Soul Compilation featuring none other than Marvin Gaye. His song plays, Marvin is on the screen, and I freeze for about 15 seconds, lost in a trance of memories from that one brief clip. I can't cry anymore, my temples hurt too much from the strain. But damned if I didn't get a sniffle or two out of that moment.


    Thanks again all.

  16. wait wait wait wait wait. You mean,


    We had very similar interests and opinions in terms of animal care.


    She hit my foster dog

    That right there says stay away.


    She didn't complain to me, she complained in her blog.

    I've seen that before. Continue to be "just a coworker" to her and treat her like just another customer where she frequents your other job. She'll get the idea...


    and then she'll blog about that, too.

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