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Everything posted by CrazyWife

  1. I agree with above comment. It definitely shouldn't be you doing this and I have a feeling you will be the butt of the office girl's jokes if you were to do that. The responsibility lies with him.
  2. Sorry but it sounds like he is telling tales here. If she had done that and he is, as you say, a private person then he would of told her that it was inappropriate and removed her. From reading your previous post, it sounds like an ongoing issue. As a manager he should have no problem telling the staff to only contact him if it is a work related matter. Yes we can be friends with our colleagues etc but if it is starting to affect your personal life and relationships then there shouldn't be an issue in putting in professional boundaries. If he has nothing to hide then why lie about it? Why would you send love hearts to your boss? Good luck in whatever you choose to do.
  3. Hi there Well today i had the unfortunate experience of bumping into some old bullies who obviously haven't grown up any as they were saying unkind things to me. I felt bad as I never said anything as it just brought back feelings of inadequacy and fear especially since one is from a family who for want of a better word are just nasty a**holes. Her sister is a b*tch and her brother is a woman beater. I just find it embarrassing and wish i could stand up for myself more or just stop caring what they think. My mind is still in overdrive due to the past few months - dealing with a suicide, stopping drinking (6 months sober btw) and trying to look into ways in dealing with my anxiety. I feel sometimes that I have done better than them in life (without sounding egotistical!). Got a good career, excelled at university, have a good husband and provide a stable life for my child especially now that I have took alcohol out of the equation. The main ringleader out of them hasn't worked a day in her life and has 8 children to 6 different men. I just feel others put me down sometimes and have done most my life. It didn't help me having an abusive mother and sister either. Doesn't do a lot for self-esteem! I have tried anti-depressants, counselling etc but somehow always feel quite shameful of my past that i leave stuff out in therapy...sounds silly i know but recently read that it is a common occurence in therapy for people to do that. I prefer writing feelings down rather than speaking so maybe online therapy may be an option. But yeah anti-depressants haven't worked but taking beta blockers can help. Need to address my thinking pattern more. Plus, stopping my coping mechanism of having a drink makes it twice as hard but i would never lift a drink over them as they are not worth it. I just can't seem to let go of the past and even at times think about my old neighbour from hell from years ago - didn't help when i saw her husband and don this week too! What a week lol. Makes me think that i am best not going out. Plus, social media doesn't help as you always seem to come across people more easily and it drags all the memories back up. I just wish i could let go of things and maybe realise there are just some nasty people in the world but it makes me feel like a wimp / soft touch when i try to ignore it and causes me embarrassment. Surely they will just carry on if i try ignoring them or are they just people who try to get a reaction? Thanks for reading.
  4. Thank you for the responses. I have spoke to the Samaritans for extra support and they have offered me a safe space to reload anything. They too stated that it was normal to feel this way and that it is all part of the grieving process.
  5. TW: Suicide Three days ago a friend's partner took her own life. We found out that my friend went to her house and found her there. She had hanged herself. I understand people do this when they see no way out and are mainly severely depressed. Plus, i am aware that marital problens can also contribute. She did have severe depression at times. But i can't help but feel angry at times with her. When i first heard the news that she had passed I was shocked and of course concerned on what happened and if her children were alright. But when i heard it was suicide I started crying and had to leave where i was and go home. I met her a few times but we weren't close but i think just knowing someone was so distressed that they felt they had to do that just breaks my heart. But as i said i feel angry sometimes when i know i should be more understanding. I hate the fact that she done that knowing she would be found by my friend. I hate how she has put them through this and as a mother myself, I hate the fact that she left her children. I look at my children and say that i would never do that but at the same time i'm not severely depressed so understand that i wouldn't be thinking that they are better off without me. I am feeling a rollercoaster of emotions and feel guilty for feeling bad things about her. Plus, I think i find it so overwhelming even though we weren't incredibly close due to the circumstances. If she had been terminally ill and in pain, I would take comfort in the fact that she was no longer in pain and suffering. Are these feelings normal?
  6. I hate to say it but it is likely he is just after sex and if that is what your after then fine but i doubt you would be writing on here if that was the case. His parents will despise you but his mates will find it hilarious. I think you need to work on your self esteem as surely you deserve better than to be used as a notch on the bed post?
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