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Posts posted by Rigel

  1. Lately I've seem to feel nothing but negative emotions towards two of my close friends, in particular, jealousy.


    My one friend is also one of my college roommates. She's beautiful and is a straight A student. She's very outgoing and fun to talk to. I love her as a sister almost but I can't help but feel jealousy towards her. She has a dozen or so guys interested in her and I wish my grades were as good as hers. Sometimes I'm so angry at her and I hate myself for it. Why can't I just be happy for her?


    My other friend is a long time friend from high school. She was quiet as I was in school but all the sudden she turned into this outgoing girl. She has a really good looking guy interested in her and everytime she talks about him I get so so angry. I usually just stop talking to her when she talks about him.


    All these negative emotions start filling my head when I think about my two friends like "I'm just as pretty as them, aren't I? Then why can't I find a nice guy?" or "I'm just as intelligent as her, then why can't I make the grades?"


    I don't know what to do. I'm afraid my jealousy will cause me to lose them as friends and I don't want that to happen.

  2. Hi again,


    this post is about the same situation as my last post :


    The thing is I'm still very much attracted to this guy and the more I get to know him, the more I fall for him. I have been talking to him alot outside of class


    As I mentioned before he has quite a few female friends on campus. I'm almost sure he thinks as me as just another "friend". He still makes an effort to talk to me outside of class.


    I feel that dating this guy will never happen so I've been trying really hard to get over him. I do talk to a couple different guys but no one makes me feel like he does.


    I don't know what to do. It's going on 2 months liking him. I think it's time to call it quits.


    Can anyone offer me advice or is anyone experiencing the same difficulties?


    Any comments would be highly appreciated.



  3. Hello all!


    I was hoping someone could offer me advice in this situation...


    Alright...I'm in college and meeting lots of great people but I'm really attracted to this one guy in particular. He's so sweet and I have such a great time talking to him.


    I really like but I can't tell if he likes me. He's teased me a few times and complimented me. He also makes an effort to say hello to me every time we see each other outside of class. But he also has alot of female friends. I can't tell if he treats all of them like this or not.


    Is he just a flirt or is even worth pursuing? I almost feel like I should try to get over him because it's not gonna go anywhere.


    But he's driving me crazy! I think about him all the time and the more I get to know him, the more I like him.


    What should I do?



  4. First of all I would like to thank everyone who replied to my last topic about choosing a college. Your advice really helped influence my decision to choose my school. (The one everyone suggested) I feel like I've made the right decision in choosing this school but that still doesn't make me less nervous.


    In high school I was always known as that "quiet, mysterious girl" I had a small group of friends hardly attended any social events(like prom). I partially regret this and I feel I have the chance for a fresh start in college. I'm shy and I'm gradually trying to help myself become more outgoing. I don't want to be known as that quiet mysterious girl in college.


    I want to attend social events and meet new people. I'm so nervous about the whole thing though. I'll be 3 1/2 hours away from home so I can't just run home to my parents if I feel scared.


    Any suggestions or tips would be great. I understand that all incoming freshman are nervous about college to a certain degree but I just don't wanna blow this chance for a fresh new start.




  5. Hello all!


    I posted a topic a few weeks ago about how I've been chatting with this guy online for a while now. We've both been really busy and have not had much time to go online. But I do really enjoy talking to him and as everyone who replied last time said, It was time to step up to the phone perhaps...


    But I'm just wondering how I ask him for his number. Do guys feel strange when girls ask them for their numbers?


    I want to try and keep it as casual as possible...maybe in an e-mail or something or through IM(that's how we've been communicating)


    Thanks to everyone



  6. Hi there!

    It seems like you're experiencing side effects from the drug. I was on Paxil CR for a good while and felt similiar symtoms to the ones you are currently dealing with.


    The biggest thing was the fatigue. I was always tired and it was interfering with my life so my mom convinced the doctor to get me off the Paxil.


    You said you've been on Zoloft a little over a week. Sometimes these side effects are temporary and if you give the medication some time, the symptoms will fade.


    However, I was on the meds for several months and the symptoms did not pass and that's why I went off the meds.


    Have you spoke w/ your GYN? Zoloft may not be the right drug for you if you continue to experience these symptoms. If you still feel uncomfortable, then maybe try to go off medication for a while.


    I am currently not on anything and I'm managing to do alright. Just remember not to use meds as a crutch as I almost did.


    Hope I helped

  7. Ok...first of off I'm sorry for posting so much. I know it seems like I have countless number of started topics...but this site is really the only place I can vent my inner emotions and get excellent advice.



    I have a friend of mine who is generally a good person. She has it all. Straight A's in school, popular, attractive, thin, attracts men like a magnet, and on top of all that she's a grand artist too. Great family life also.

    As a friend I should be happy for her. However, I am the exact opposite. I am highly jealous of her.


    We are both in higher college prep course but she excels and I just do average. I'm an artist too but my artwork never gets showcased like hers does. Basically she's the closest thing to perfect I've ever seen.


    At times it seems as if I try just as hard as her to succeed but always up end up failing. She's currently 3rd in my class while I fall to around 49 or something....


    At times, I felt as if I should commit suicide because I never can seem to even attempt to compare to her. My parents have compared me to her several times as well and it makes me think they'd rather have her as a daughter.


    The jealousy is controlling me. I don't want it to ruin me.


    Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Thank you!

  8. Hi there!


    Rigel here. I'm a senior in high school and let me tell that deciding upon a college is definetly not easy!


    Fortunately I have narrowed my choices down to two school (and that was tough!) But the problem is I just can't decide! Please...anyone who reads this please offer your advice to me. I plan on doing a double major in environmental science and spanish.


    Okay here's both choices.


    Choice number 1 is closer than choice number 2. It's only about an hour away from home. It has both of my intended majors and is both a small school and located in a rural setting. (2 important things I look for in a college.)

    I visited the campus and found it to be decent. The dorms were nice sizes. The campus offered nice equipment for all my science classes I would most definetly be taking. The campus also had a small lake which I though was neat. I was slightly concerned about the meal options (I'm a vegetarian) and I would have to request special meals. (I hate to do that)


    Choice number 2 is about 3 hours away from home but is located in probably the most gorgeous forests of my state. The campus was beautiful. The campus offered the best state of the art equipment for science majors and they just renovated their science hall which I must admit is amazing! Choice number 2 is prided on their excellent science programs and their unique study options for environmental science students. ES students have the option of a special "study abroad" program but the place is only 20 minutes away from campus on a large lake. They also offer a vegetarian meal option daily. I can't exactly explain it but choice number 2 just feels like the "right fit". Although it is more expensive than choice number 1, I earned a scholarship for choice number 2 for $40,000. But it's 3 hours away and my parents are trying to steer me towards choice number 1.


    I'm so confused. This has to be the most difficult decision of my life. If anyone has any comments what so ever, please reply!





  9. From my experience, I don't think the shyness would be gone even if you've talked to the person for months. I have some very good online friends but I highly doubt I could chat with them in person as smoothly as I do on the net.


    There's just something about the lack of face to face that we get over the internet that just pushes the shyness away...for a while. Plus on the net you don't usually get those long awkward pauses that you do when speaking in person. And if you do hit a silence period it's not that obvious online at least I don't think so.


    Maybe if you're a bit nervous about meeting her in person, you could try something in between like get her phone number or something. That way, you are able to maintain a closer contact with her but not actually have to speak to her face. I dunno...I just kinda view it as 3 steps:

    1.) speak on the internet through IM or e-mail

    2.) speak on the phone

    3.) speak in person


    I hope I helped somewhat


    Best of luck to you!



  10. Hey eveyone!


    Here's a random question. Is a guy intimidated when they meet a tall girl?


    I'm just wondering because I am 5' 10" and I often like to wear a pair of nice boots or something which increases my height to around 6'.

    I'm just wondering if guys find this threatning.


    When I'm out I try to be very approachable to people. But many people seem to think men find me intimidating because of my height.


    Any opinions would be greatly appreciated (especially from guys!)




  11. Thank you all for your replies!

    I just wanted to say that this is not a long distance thing. In fact he only lives about 15-20 minutes away from me.


    But I do like him. He's a great person. I only hope he feels the same way. It seemed like he did from those first few convos. But right now, it doesn't seem that way at all.


    I've been giving him some space, or at least trying to. I won't log on every single day. The last thing I want is for him to be annoyed by me.

  12. Hello all!


    Alright...here's my situation. I've been chatting with this guy online for almost 3 weeks now. The first several of our conversations were great. I really had an enjoyable time chatting with him and it seemed like he did too. The words were flowing smoothly and nearly every time he initiated the conversation.


    However, just about 4-5 days ago, he stopped initiating the conversations. We had usually talked for at least an hour and now lately the longest has be 15-20 minutes. Now most of the questions I ask him, he answers with a one word response.


    I'm wondering what I have done wrong. It was going so great! I don't know if it was something I said or what.


    If anyone has any advice at all feel free to let me know.





  13. Don't feel bad if you seem to dominate the conversation. I've been talking to a guy online myself and I know many times I found myself in those long pauses thinking "What do I say? What do I say?" I bet she's probably thinking the same thing too.


    From what you've said, I think you're doing great. She is probably a bit shy. Keep up the good work!

  14. I'm so scared. I feel as if I may be developing a drinking problem. One day I was just so depressed I had a few. I hoped that it was a one time thing but then the incident repeated.


    I can't believe I'm doing this to myself. It's so dumb of me to do when I'm underage. Especially when I'm on antidepressents. I had those damn pills. I always get side effects when I take them. I've talked to my doctor hundreds of times about taking me off them. Everytime I say somethin though, they just give me another pill to take.


    What should I do before this becomes a habit?

  15. I met this guy bout a month ago. We've talked on the phone many times. And he's called me about twice a week. I invited him over last week to meet my family and myself in person. He stayed for a good 3-4 hours.


    However he hasn't called me since he came over. Does this mean he's uninterested? Or should I call him? I don't wanna be too pushy here and seem annoying. I'm wondering if it could be the slight age gap between us (5 years)


    I really don't know what to do here. Any advice?

  16. Alright....I met this guy at a restaurant and ended up giving him my picture and phone number. So the next day he calls me and we end up talking for over an hour. He called me again today and we talked for another 2 hours.


    The problem is I kinda feel odd about pursuing this relationship because of the 5 year age gap.


    I dunno.....any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

  17. Why do negative things always group together and hit ya at the same time? I'm at the end of my string w/ my life. Nothing is going right. I've formerly been an above average student, only now to have my grades falling tremendously/ And in my last year of high school. I guess my future is ruined. No college will accept me will such horrible grades. My future career dreams are over.


    The guy I've mentioned several times in past posts is now dating another girl. My chances w/ him are ruined all because of my pathetic shy self. I s'pose I'll just die an old unmarried lonely person......I'm so hopeless....


    And as always I continue to receive wonderful insults from my terrific class mates at school. Ah yes....it's a wonderful life.

    I also may have to go on birth control because of my terribly unstable menstrual cycle.


    I feel as if I can't tell my friends these issues. I don't exactly know why. I feel like I'm complaining to them. I dunno.


    I don't feel right telling my parents either. I don't want to upset them....or disappoint them.


    The suicidal thoughts have returned once again.....


    I feel hopeless....lost.....


    And I feel like I can't turn to anybody...that I have nobody to talk to....

  18. Heh....I'm in the same situation only I'm female. Just remember that us girls are just as nervous as guys. I know how difficult the first approach is. But if ya keep avoiding the situation, you're only making yourself more tense.


    Just stay clam and try to approach them w/ a nice friendly smile. And ask them about themselves. People LOVE to talk about themselves

  19. I've posted so much in 2 weeks.....bout the same issue. Here I am back to square one again.


    I can't talk to this guy I work with. It seems like a never will. Since I only work on weekends, I only get a chance to talk w/ him 2 days out of the week. And every week I blow it. Every single week, for nearly 3 months. I'm pathetic. I don't know how to start a converstion. I seriously don't have a clue what to say to him. I'm so lost. I don't have much experience chatting w/ guys. I've always been so afraid to approach them.


    Can anyone please help me? I'm gonna scream I'm so frustrated w/ myself.

  20. It sounds as if you may be heading in that direction. Actually, you have an eating disorder the moment you obsess about food and maintain a distorted body image.


    Take it from a person who had struggled w/ anorexia for over 2 years. It is not a pleasant experience. You don't want to put yourself in that position. It's not worth it. If ya wanna lose weight, start up a fitness program, and read up on healthy nutrition. The only surefire way to lose and maintain a steady weight is through proper diet and excercise.


    Best of luck to ya. And if ya ever wanna chat, just IM me.

  21. I know exactly how you feel. My best friend has been acting similar. She goes out places w/ her other friends, when it used to be just her and I. Every time I confront her about it she claims nothing is wrong and that I'm overeacting.


    My advice is to go w/ your friend and have a cup of coffee or somethin and just tell her how you're fellin. That's what my friend and I have done in the past for problems. It seemed to work somewhat.

    give it a try.....

  22. My best friend has been very disrepectful towards me. I knew she always had a short temper and was easily annoyed by little things, but there should be no reason for her to treat me this way.


    She's complaining that I "use" to drive me places. She usually drives me home from school and always told me she was ok with it. She knows I don't have my license yet, but I've been working on it. I always offer her gas money and she always refuses. She also says that I'm a whiner and a complainer and that it seems as if "something's always wrong w/ me"


    I've tried talking it over w/ her in a mature way on several occasions but somehow she always says it's my fault. She knows I would do anything for her but it seems as if she wouldn't so the same for me.


    I thought she wouldn't mind riding me places cause friends help each other. My parents work full time and cannot always ride me were I need to be. I thought she wouldn't mind driving me as a courtesy as a friend.


    I can't believe she's doing this after nearly 9 years of friendship. I've always said I'd be more than happy to ride her anywhere when I do get my license.


    So could ya be so kind as to give me advice? What am I doing wrong to anger her?

    (sorry for the long post)

  23. I just don't know what to do. I can't talk to this guy at work. Everytime I think I have a good conversation planned, I think it's stupid then walk away. I'm so confused. Two shy people come to a deadlocl where either one is too shy to talk to the other. I wanna change that.


    It's just that.....erggg....he intimidates me so much. He's 3 years older than me. I'm still in high school. I just feel like I can't surface on his level.


    Any suggestions?

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