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Posts posted by 2rublueeyes21

  1. The first conversation was probably awkward for her. I think you did expect to much, if you thought she was going to be all excited. She was probably wondering what you wanted and why and all that stuff. She's probably confused..i don't know your situation of why you all broke up. I wish you the best..take it one day at a time...time will tell if you are meant to be back together or not.

  2. i'm sorry about your pain. Like I said I know how you feel. This happened to me a month ago as well. It's hard. It's like "where do i go from here?" I know...believe me. I changed my cell phone..I completely told myself to move on. I am doing just that too. You should also. You have to move on. Life is too short to dwell on the past. That is also what I tell myself. You should IM me, we should talk.

  3. I was in the same situation..in the same actually! Was with this guy for 6 years. He left me..no reason whatsoever. He left me with my mouth wide open. Like, "what the heck did I do?" you know. He still has no reason. People say they think he had someone on the side. I don't know, I really don't care anymore. But I do feel your pain hun. I want you to know that you should stay away from him and let yourself heal and find out what you want. You know what i mean? That is what I am doing. It's been a month now without him..wihtout seeing or talking. It gets better. Good luck to you.

  4. Don't know if I have the best advice to give. But I think I would tell her that how you feel. I was kind of in the same situation as you. I met someone I really liked...but they didn't like me the same way. I tried and tried but then I thought to myself "I'd rather have him as my friend then nothing at all." and this is exactly what I told him. He agreed and we still talk to this very day. Maybe you should do the same. Best of luck to you. I know, it hurts. But there's someone else out there for you. Take care.

  5. Well maybe you should seek some counseling. You have low self-esteem. obviously. I am so sorry you are feeling like you are not important. You are..everyone is very important here on earth. Maybe surround yourself with people who are positive. If you need to talk, you can im me. okay? i will listen.

  6. Well sweetie, all I can tell you is that, he probably likes you but not enough to be "together." Sounds like he really wants to go to the dance with you though. Which is good. Just focus on having a good time with him there, and see how things go. I don't think you should try and look for something serious anyway if you are moving, you know? That will only lead to heartbreak on both parts. Something you shouldn't have to go through being so young. Believe me, take your time..don't jump into relationships, explore the different kind of guys and see which one you really like! k? Hope this has helped you out a little bit. -Jen

  7. I agree with the other posters...get help NOW. You need it. Please do this for yourself. okay? Why can't you go to your parents? I'm sure they would help you find professional help. Right? But even not, you need to get help on your own...now. God bless.

  8. This is a great poem. Very sad I just went through a loss too. Was with this guy for 6 years...it hurts...real bad..or it did. I am doing much better now! But anyway, keep up the good work with the poetry!

  9. I dread getting older too! i'm 21. The last birthday to really get excited about! lol! but I'm not going to dwell on this. Neither should you! "Live like you were dying!" Enjoy life...do anything and everything so you know your not wasting your life! If you ever want to talk you can IM me!k? -Jen

  10. I was in the same kind of situation with my ex-fiance'. Had a hard time trusting him...no REAL reason, just little things that made me question what he did. You know? We are no longer together. Trust is a BIG thing, he always through it in my face..."why don't you trust me?" but that's one thing that made us fall out of love I think. The trust was just not there. So, you might want to try fix your feelings, before it's too late. It hurts to not be able to fully trust someone, but it hurts them as well especially if they are faithful and not doing anything wrong. Good luck. This is not the best advice, but maybe you'll find comfort knowing someone knows what you're going through! take care-Jen

  11. I hope you feel better about your scar. Don't let it get u down. You will find someone who won't care. That is such a minor thing..atleast to me. Good luck.

  12. About 2 weeks ago, my fiance'...the love of my life for 6 years; got up one day and left me. Left me, literally. We have a house together (buying a house) and so many other responsibilities together. I don't see how he could of done this to me. I lost every ounce of respect for him.

    But here's what I need advice on... I decided that I'm going to move. Move far away. I guess I just want to run away. I am running to where I used to live...a place I am familiar with. But, I am wondering should I even tell him that i'm leaving? or what ? I'm trying to get my name off the house. But if you were in my shoes what would you do? please help. thank you.

  13. I am so sorry for the pain this lady has caused you. Love hurts. real bad sometimes. I know, I am going through a seperation right now as well. I don't know the best advice to give you, just try to be strong, that's what I am telling myself as well. -Jen

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