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  1. k, so i went to this youth congress for my confirmation class, and i met this girl. we kinda hung out, and i really really liked her. at the end of the 3 day congress, she got my IM and some other peoples too, and i asked her for hers too. Then she gave me a hug before everyone left, but she gave some of my friends hugs too. after, i started emailing her and would ask her to a movie or something every once in a while, but she would kind of ignore the invite. then, she asked me if i wanted to go to a movie, and she gave me her number so i called her and we started talking, and blah, blah, blah, but we didn't get to go to the movie. so finally we went to see anchorman, and then went out to dinner after at this italian place cuz she loves italian. so we chatted and had a great time. then my mom picked us up, and we took her home. i sat in back with her and we chatted some more, and then when we got out of the car, she turned around to say goodbye, and we just kinda stared for a couple of secs, then i didn't know what to do so i just extended my arm and shook her hand. AHHH. lol so, first question...was that a date, or not? i don't know how to tell. k, of course, i want to see her again, but she lives like 30miles away so its not easy cuz we can't drive, and she's really busy. we also haven't talked much since then. i can't decide if she likes me or not though, or if she's just being nice. other than the hand shake, i thought everything went well, there was eye contact, we sat next to eachother, conversation was really easy.... She did give me her number, but i just can't tell cuz this is my first,..., "whatever" it is. so i don't know what to do, i want to take her to the fair, but should i call her everyday, or less? or what? i really have like no idea what to do so i need some advice, thanx
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