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  1. A pull-up is going to work your lats and biceps. The bench press is going to work the pecs and triceps. As a general rule, pushing exercises will involve the triceps in some way. Pulling exercises will work the biceps in some way. The only exceptions are flys, which is performed with straight arms. As far as the pull-up goes, it will work your back no matter which way you hold the bar. You can do a pull-up with the reverse motion of a bench press or having your elbows facing forward and pulling up. Don't concern yourself with "best" exercises, just worry about doing these exercises correctly. Master one or two exercises before you try others. I take it that you are young which means that you really need to create a good foundation. Good form now leads to good form later. Bad form now will lead you into nagging injuries and poor results.
  2. The Latisimus Dorsi is the prime mover. The Biceps and Posterior Deltoid are synergists.
  3. I don't want to get into a pissing contest but pull-ups from any angle work the lats. I am a personal trainer and have done extensive study on body mechanics. I am not trying to put anyone down though. The only shoulder involvement in a pull-up is posterior deltoid.
  4. It's a great place to start because you won't be doing all of your bodyweight. It will work you lats, rhomboids, mid-traps and biceps. Form is key. Make sure that you do it in a slow and controlled manner. After you master that, move on to rows. You can use the barbell that came with the bench. Do some research on barbell rows for correct form. Pull-up bars can't be that expensive. I am thinking around $20-30.
  5. You can do pull-ups with the bench bar. Position yourself as if you were going to do a bench press, but instead of benching, you are going to pull yourself up. It will be awkward at first but it will work. Also, you can get a pull-up bar that wedges in the frame of a door.
  6. Why do you want to get back with someone that you can NEVER trust again?
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