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  1. He never cheated on me. He had his other girlfriend's--two--months apart from eachother. And thank you all for the advice you have given me so far.
  2. He isn't exactly a player, though. Before we started dating, he was single for well over a year.
  3. Some back story: 1. I am fourteen, going on fifteen in about a week. My boyfriend is eighteen, going on nineteen this September. 2. My boyfriend and I have been going out for six months are sexually active. All right, if people are still paying attention; I just wanted to get some of the history cleared out. Recently my boyfriend and I have been fighting a lot. Yesterday, we had a discussion where he didn't lie when anyone asked some questions. Well, he had two other girlfriend's besides me. And apparently he has gone pretty far, but not all the way with them. I know for a fact he used the lines, "I love you so much," "I'll never leave you," crap on them even though he denies it. And yes, he does say that to me. The thing I am paranoid about is do you think I really should trust him? We have been through a lot—suicide attempt, pregnancy scare, him helping my overcome self-mutilation, that fun stuff. He also claims how he doesn't want to leave me and break someone else's heart. And I really cannot imagine my life without him. What is your take on this?
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