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Everything posted by eksman

  1. well there are a few of things you can do. you can wait until one of your parents are gone and you have a free house as stated previously, OR you can try to go to when of your friends houses when they have a free house, OR you can pitch a tent or set up a blanket in a very nice spot on a hill where no one will go by at night or something (dont think this is sleezy, its a very nice environment) one other thing you can do is just lock the door to your room but i dont know if you would wanna do that
  2. hmm well i COULD do that but i just talked to her and she is currently breaking up with her boyfriend so maybe i dont have this problem anymore. thanks anyway though.
  3. now forgive me and correct me if i have posted this in the wrong area but here goes nothing. right well i've got a little confusion on my hands. theres this girl im into. i have know her since i was in 7th grade and wasnt into her at that point but she reaaaaallllllly liked me, i had a serious girlfriend at the time (ah the young days). so i talked to her a bit at that time and i always thought she was pretty sexy but then didnt talk to her for a while. now i just started talking to her again and she still thinks i am very attractive and i think the same about her. im single now and i would like to move in on her but there is a tiny problem, she has a boyfriend. she says she doesnt love him and that its not that serious and stuff. but she has said she liked him at one conversation we had. well i've scheduled a date for us, but i really dont know how to go into this one. i dont know if she only wants me as a friend or more, i know she finds me attractive and everything. what should i do on this date or to prepare or just any damn advice you have!? thanks in advance
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