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Everything posted by Nope09

  1. When I wake up I'm fine when I'm at work I'm ok when I get home I miss you but I cant talk to you because it hurts to much and I'm trying to be strong but sometimes all I need is a good cry
  2. Still day 9 just got some amazing news i got a huge raise at work!!! I'm so excited and I wish I could share it with you but I can't break NC....maybe one day down the road when we both have grown and are able to speak I can but not right now...
  3. Day 9 yesterday was rough but my best friend made it better....I wanted to email and check Facebook and the whole 9 yards but then I realize that would set me back so I took a deep breath read the bible a little and went my friends house to chit chat and watch TV and that really helped...this morning I wake up not feeling so sad anymore I miss talking to you but I'm not going to entertain this foolishness....just remember what your mom said when you finally realize your mistake just hope that I'm still here which I probably won't be
  4. I know how you feel everyone has someone...I force my friends to do single things with me and since they are my therapist they do
  5. You cheated I cried you in cried then you lied and left me I forgave you not because you deserve it but because I prayed and God put forgiveness in my heart for me...I told your mom and she was disappointed and said to let you go because I'm worthy of something greater...she hopes you can learn from this and something will change but I'm not holding my breath...no contact helps and I'm finding myself again and it feels amazing
  6. Day 8 and my heart is really missing you right now but I refuse to reach out and break no contact because I need this...I'm planning a super bowl party at my house and thats a good distraction I've been going to church and the gym and its been helping me a lot...I know I'm not ready to date this time is to focus on me and thats what I'm doing.
  7. I miss you so much and would like it to work out but you are the poison that I cant drink and I need to be strong and move past this I hope one day we can talk but right now I am not ready to...I hope you're doing ok but this is best for me to move on...and hopefully one day we can be on the same page but till then I wish you well
  8. Day 7 woke up went to church and it was amazing I thought about him and how we would go to church together and I actually was ok didnt feel sad or anything its easier going through this kowing you are on a ship on the other side of the world and I wont be bumping int to you any time soon...I miss you but I'm not going to break this like I did in the past this is for me and not for you....going to the gym today then hanging with friends to finish watch game of thrones
  9. Day 6 and I'm going into my I really miss him/I wonder what hes doing phase...but I know this will pass I'm staying strong and not letting not this hold me down I'm still panning trips this year and I'm even going to Jamaica for my bday I know Mr right is out there and when God feels I'm ready he will come to me till then I must find the strength to get through this and power on like a true boss...I'm on day 10 of my bible plan and day 6 of fasting for Jesus and believe me its a distraction all on its own today im meeting up with friend to watch a marathon of game of thrones lol that should be fun
  10. Still day 5 and for some reason today is a little tougher then the other...I'm starting to really miss you even thought about removing the block from my emails but then my heart started beating fast and I knew I wasnt ready....I'm hoping tomorrow gets easier
  11. I thought this would be harder but I guess since you're deployed and I cant call or text it makes it easier...I miss you but I don't miss what you did or how you treated me towards the end I don't expect an apology because you probably never cared....im slowly moving on planning trips and experiencing new things in life and I want to say thanks for pushing me away and pushing me to the point were I'm slowly doesn't care about you anymore like I use to you know like a stranger...you care for humanity but if someone you dont know gets hurt you feel bad but you move on and forget bout them and that my feelings right now...ive blocked your numbers, emails and Facebook threw away anything you gave me you never exisited to me
  12. Day 5.., woke up at 430 thinking about him this is the time he normally wakes up for work...I miss him but I'm not going to email him because I deserve better...lets hope this gets easier because I feel like it's getting hard again
  13. Day 4 woke up thinking about him but that was replaced by excitement for an interview I had!!!! Whoop whoop I miss him terribly but I cant dwell on the past because I know he's not thinking about me....today I'm on day 8 of my bible plan and plan on going to the gym gotta get this holiday food off lol I hope this gets easier
  14. You can get through this baby steps just distract yourself with things and people who care about you and the thoughts lessen...write things you want to do this year you didn't get a chance to do last year or even try be something new each month that way youll have something to look forward to I hope this helps stay strong
  15. Day 3 woke up with a smile because I didn't spend countless hours thinking about him last night yesterday I began writing things I wanted to do this year and places I wanted to travel to....I feel like I'm slowly getting my freedom back...it still stings a little but reading the Bible helps A LOT!!!
  16. This time last year I was meeting your family in VA we talked about kids and we laughed at how awkward they would be...I cursed you out yesterday and started no contact since I cant move on and you keep playing with my emotions....maybe you being on deployment for the next couple of months will make me forget you existed.... that is until our suppose to be 2 year anniversary....I hope by then I forget the significance of the date and its like any other
  17. Day 2 of no contact and I am feeling great I miss talking to my ex yes but this is best for me to move on with my life I've started a bible plan to get through the whole thing this year and I've been working out and working on me I'm staying strong and getting through this a day at a time with God by my side
  18. Day 1 9:48pm today marks day one of no contact I literally cursed him out 4 hours ago and told him to go grow a pair I actually feel really good and relieved that I got this off my chest after tryig to get him back for a month...I know he wont contact me at all which I could care less because this time is about me
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