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Everything posted by boltnrun

  1. Yesterday I decided to change my mindset. Fretting, obsessing and stressing and having anxiety over something that is highly unlikely doesn't do me any good. It's basically impossible for me to get the virus because my pant leg brushed up against a shopping cart, or my sleeve touched a table, or my sock touched the top of my shoe. These were literally the things I was having anxiety attacks over! I would have to lean over and smash my face up against my pant leg and breathe deeply in the unlikely event a piece of the virus transferred from the shopping cart onto the pant leg. Why would anyone do that??? It's silly. I will continue to cover my face, I will continue to practice social distancing (even though at work they are not really enforcing it...) and I will continue to wash my hands thoroughly and disinfect things I bring into my home such as canned, bagged and boxed foods and items. But I won't have a meltdown because I leaned my (sleeved) elbow on a desk. Hope you all are coping well. And hope the government doesn't decide to be rash with reopening businesses. Things are getting better BECAUSE of social distancing and I can't see how allowing people to crowd together right away is a great idea.
  2. I cancelled my trip to Mexico. I was really looking forward to this trip, but chances are I wouldn't have been able to go what with my promotion and being directly involved with opening a new location. I doubt my manager would have been OK with me taking off for a week. Just as well.
  3. My city has drive through farmers markets. You go, stay in your car and drive slowly past the vendors who have their tables set up at least 6 feet apart. If you want what they're selling you stop and tell them you want 6 ears or corn, for example. The vendors are wearing masks and gloves. People here are lauding it as a genius idea. I haven't gone, nor have I gotten takeout from any restaurant. I can't see them preparing the food so I would have to trust they're using safe practices. And I have no idea if any of the employees are sick. I can't even fathom trying to bleach clean takeout food containers! I had a big self pity party this morning. I'm sick of all I have to do to try to keep myself safe. I have OCD tendencies anyway and this has exacerbated them. It literally takes me 30 minutes to just get into the house when I come home from work. My cat meows for petting but I won't touch her until I've stripped down and washed my hands. And I'm adjusting poorly to working overnight. Boo hoo poor me, right? The whole world is going through this, which is what I keep reminding myself. I need energy to try to work 10 hours tonight on 5 hours sleep. Ugh!
  4. I don't even bother because I know it's pointless. I know people can have different points of view and that's fine. I just get annoyed when they say that people who believe the virus is real are stupid brainless sheep who don't care about their rights. I love both these cousins dearly, but once we are able to have visits again I don't think they will be first on my list lol. I just choose to do things that I feel will help me remain healthy. And hope that I and others are able to stay safe. And of course, that this awful pandemic runs its course soon so that no more people have to die or be horribly ill.
  5. Had to mute another cousin, sigh. She says the fact that cases have been dropping proves it's a liberal hoax. Um, no, cases have been dropping because of social distancing. Of course I won't waste any time debating her or anyone else. She is free to believe what she wants just as all of us are. I just hope she or her husband or kids don't end up sick because she doesn't believe it's real. I can't decide if I envy them for their lack of fear or not. Anyway, I will continue to err on the side of caution. Nothing wrong with staying clean, staying away from people and being careful. PS: I just realized if I work the full 11 hours I will be up 22 out of 24 hours. I think I'll just work 8 hours and then come home. Luckily my point of contact has told me that I own my own development and I can attend what training I feel is necessary.
  6. I developed a routine. It's complicated and tedious. It involves a mask, two pair of gloves, hand sanitizer and a spray bottle of alcohol, a tray in the garage, handi wipes and Clorox bathroom spray cleaner, stripping down in the laundry room and vigorous hand washing. Also lots of wiping down. It's so exhausting! I only go once a week to get one week of food. I live alone so it's all me. But I have been able to do it. I wonder how we'll all be once things go back to regular routines. Will we be fearful forever? Or can we adapt and just go forward?
  7. Someone who works for my company (different location in a different state from me) died of Coronavirus recently. However, that person made the decision to travel out of the country from March 7th to March 27th. The person did not report back to work after returning from their trip. Of course the news spread like crazy and people were screaming that the company is killing people! Um, no, the person decided to travel when it has been advised not to. The company did not make them sick. Of course there are many cases in the company I work for, but that has nothing to do with the company IMO. People are getting exposed and then coming to work, most likely not even knowing they are infected. The company can't stop people from doing that when they don't even know. And you can shut down and sterilize all you want, but what happens when you reopen a few days later and another person who is unknowingly infected comes in to work? It's just something we are all having to deal with. I'm doing everything I can to protect myself. It's really all I can do. I got my masks, I got my gloves, I practice social distancing and I move away from anyone who tries to approach me. I believe if I do that I am minimizing my chances of being infected and it's the best I can do. I still believe most transmissions are person to person. So, I avoid people the best I can! Stay safe out there, everyone!
  8. Thank you Lambert. Virtual hug back at you. I go between anxious and OK. Sometimes within a few minutes. I talk to my kitty and try to get motivated to spend time in my backyard. My current house has a really nice backyard. It's been super windy off and on so it's not always pleasant out there. So far everything I have been super anxious about has turned out to not be as bad as I imagined. The tooth extraction wasn't that bad. Going to work a couple of weeks ago wasn't that bad. So I will remind myself of that. Part of what I'm worried about is, they have assigned me to the overnight shift. I haven't worked overnight in two years. I have to work 7 pm to 6 am. Last time I had to do it I only made it to 3:30 am. Since I'm in training I hope they cut me some slack and let me build up to the full 11 hours. Urgh...
  9. Have to go back to work tonight...in a building with about 100 other people...worrying over small things like, I have to wear reading glasses but I can't wear them while walking around. And for obvious reasons I can't go get bifocals. So, do I remove my gloves to put them on when I need to read something on my laptop, then put my gloves back on, then when I don't need to read anymore I remove my gloves to put them back away? Stupid things I never worried about before that are taking over my life. I have looked on the CDC and WHO websites to see if there are any actual documented cases of people getting infected from a soup can or a carton of milk or a laptop. So far all I can find is info saying the virus LIVES for a certain amount of time on surfaces but no actual info about a person getting it from a surface. They just advise to be careful. It's so confusing and I don't know what I should be concerned about and what I shouldn't. I'm sure a lot of people are feeling the way I am. I lean toward depression normally anyway which is why I chose to transfer back to my home state to be close to my family. But I haven't been able to move yet because I have to stay here for work training. So I am completely alone with my cat. I feel myself getting into that depressed state. I know it's not just me and I remind myself of that. That it's a LOT of people who feel the way I do, or worse. Argh...just rambling. But not happy at all about having to work at the building for the next few weeks.
  10. I'm usually OK. I can't eat a lot of foods (lactose intolerant, allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, allergic to chocolate , can't eat red meat unless it's ground up or cooked to very soft consistency) but I really love fish, chicken and vegetables and those are things I can have. Once I heal from the extraction I will be able to eat normally. Or, at least normally for me lol. I just don't want to jump the gun and go back to regular foods too soon and blow out my stitches. I have to go back to work onsite next week. How are those of you who are still working out in public holding up?
  11. Hm, I have the makings for tacos. I sure am looking forward to those! I should be able to enjoy them in about 3 days.
  12. Aye Wiseman... I did not seek out "politics". It was a segment on the morning news. I made a simple post. It doesn't mean I am obsessing. My mouth seems to be healing well. Although I am looking forward to eating regular food!
  13. The mayor of my city said the shutdown is "insanity" and that she has seen no data that shows the shutdown is effective for any reason. Do we need to teach our so called leaders to read?
  14. I didn't point a finger at her. I simply muted her. I am not stressed over it either. I do find it annoying but that's it.
  15. Problem is, my cousin said that is ALL that is needed. She said it's not serious and that people can avoid the virus by doing those things. She wasn't just trying to comfort people or herself, she was MAD. Her pet sitting business has had to stop. I get it, she's stressed, but telling people that the virus can be stopped with zinc and sunlight is just silly.
  16. I'm sorry :( They wouldn’t allow anyone in the waiting room when I went for my extraction. The first dentist did have people in the waiting room but I wore my mask and stayed far away from the others. There were I think about 5 people in there. I hope you were able to get what you needed done so you don't have to go back.
  17. My cousin said to take zinc and vitamin C and get some sun. Gee, why didn't all the medical professionals think of that? This thing could have been wiped out in a week!
  18. I had to go to the doctor twice, on Friday and yesterday. They had excellent protocols in place to protect the patients and themselves. I feel you will be well protected.
  19. Of course now I want a burger! But no burgers for a week. Sad face. I bought the makings for tacos but again, not for a week. I can't eat when I'm stressed or anxious. Which is annoying because normally I love food. Down to 127 pounds. I haven't been this small in about 5 years.
  20. Your son sounds like a real card. And I mean that in a complimentary way. I do have to take antibiotics and use a rinse. They also prescribed strong Advil and some hydrocodone which I will NOT take. I have the tiniest bit of pain. Not bad at all. I am hungry though! Anyone else losing weight? I have lost 10 pounds in the last 2 months.
  21. So like most things, worrying about it was worse than the actual experience. They took 2 teeth and did a bone graft on both of the areas. The teeth were really bad. Not painful and they kept me in an office by myself rather than in a waiting room. Whole thing took about 3 hours. They did give me 4 prescriptions which I will need to go pick up in about an hour. I am $1700 poorer but hopefully I will get some of it reimbursed. I am starved! No real food until tomorrow but in a couple of hours I can try some jello. Thank you for all your support!
  22. Thank you. I actually have a fairly high tolerance for pain. I gave birth with not one drop of anesthesia and had several painful medical issues over the years. At least I don't have to worry about trying to go to work. This week is strictly online.
  23. My anxiety is not from the procedure. I've had so many medical procedures that I'm not afraid or anxious. My anxiety resulted from the form they made me sign that said since they spray water as part of dental procedures, I could be at risk of contracting Covid if someone else who is being treated today has it. The water droplets could be infected and spread to me. I had to sign saying I accept this risk and want the procedure anyway. That unnerved me. I never worry about the forms that say I could die while under general anesthesia. But for some reason the Covid form really got to me. Fortunately I live alone so I wouldn't put anyone at risk. Unfortunately I have to return to work onsite next Monday. Chances are I will be fine. But still...
  24. That's reassuring, thank you. They cannot use general anesthesia because obviously I cannot ask someone to drive me home (I live almost 300 miles away from my nearest family member and I will NOT ask a friend to put themselves at risk) and I am not comfortable using a Lyft when I have no idea how clean the driver's car is or who was in it before me. My kids had their wisdom teeth removed. My son was under "laughing gas". I remember his grandma picked him up and he asked her to take him to get a burger. He was so high he thought he could eat a burger! He wasn't in that much pain afterward. I don't even remember my daughter getting hers removed so it must not have been too painful (although she had hers removed on her birthday...her dad forgot it was her birthday...). If they want to use a general I will just have to postpone. Hoping they just use a local. And that they do a great job sterilizing their office and procedure rooms.
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