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Posts posted by boltnrun

  1. The location I am being sent to work in is rumored to have 7 cases total and 2 deaths. However, when the source is Facebook it's certainly not at all guaranteed to be accurate.


    I know of 3 cases in the building with 1 confirmed death, that of a manager who chose to travel out of the country during the pandemic and contracted it there and never went to the building after being infected. Sad that he died trying to visit his family, but not a great decision to travel.



  2. Well, I have lost 15 pounds without trying due to my anxiety . And since I am packing for a move I am keeping active. I actually struggle with sitting still. Just really have a hard time relaxing which is normal for me.


    I live alone so only online or phone interactions for now. And once I move close to my kids I won't see them in person since I am an essential worker who will be around about 150 people inside a building when I work. But it will be comforting to be geographically closer.

  3. I should have made this a journal...


    Before all this, my biggest problem was that my employees were lazy and I didn't feel supported at work and I was SO, SO stressed! I would be so happy to return to the time where that was my biggest problem.

  4. I know it's due to my current situation being severely impacted by the Covid situation. Moving is already stressful, but moving during a pandemic?


    I keep telling myself that EVERYONE is under stress right now. It's not just me and I'm not special.


    My PCP knows I am leaving the state, but maybe he would be willing to prescribe me something so I don't feel like jumping out of my skin and like my BP is through the roof.

  5. I have dealt with anxiety off and on for about 30 years (probably more, except I used to call it "stressing out").


    Do those of you who experience anxiety find that it increases and decreases sometimes multiple times per day, even sometimes minute to minute?


    I am sitting in front of my computer attending a virtual training class, I felt OK, then out of nowhere I started feeling that familiar feeling where I can sense the anxiety creeping up. And sometimes it just slams me unexpectedly.


    Is this "normal" for anxiety sufferers?

  6. For the first time since this started I forgot to wash my hands after going to a store and coming back in the house.:( hopefully that doesn’t turn out to be a mistake but a reminder to be more vigilant.


    Chances are pretty low that you touched something that an infected person touched. Even lower that someone who is infected touched their nose or mouth or sneezed or coughed right on that very item.


    I remind myself of that frequently. Probably will be just fine.

  7. Doing a happy no-COVID dance for you 🕺


    Thank you. I am happy to be Covid-free at least for now. Another reason why I didn't want to go in while still having cold symptoms is that I believe every branch location has cases, they just haven't been detected or we haven't been notified. The company usually waits about 2-3 weeks before notifying us of positive cases in the individual buildings we work in. Social distancing and mask-wearing are mandated but are not being enforced. And you will be sent home if you have a fever of 100.4 or higher, but if you have a cough or shortness of breath you are welcome to stay!


    Also, my friend is coming with me to help me move so I didn't want to take the chance of possibly getting exposed before we travel next week.

  8. Or maybe they are fool hearty.


    So, the company I work for tends to have the attitude that managers (which I am now) are supposed to come to work. Period. We are fairly well compensated and in return we are expected to show up, work 12 hours and be available 24/7 for emails, messages and questions. I tried to research my position before I applied but it's a newer role so it wasn't clearly defined. I thought I was going to be an assistant manager, but found that I am a full manager with responsibility for not only production but also will have about 140 employees reporting to me.


    As soon as I am eligible I will be applying to transfer back to my previous role. I did not want this particular job, and yes, it's all my fault for not asking more questions.


    The only good thing is it has enabled me to move back close to my kids.


    Also, most of the branches have several employees who are quarantined due to testing positive for Covid. Several hundred employees company wide are infected. The branches will not shut down. So that is added stress.

  9. Thanks everyone. I will continue to be vigilant (and anxious, because that's me).


    I chose not to go into the site for work today. I feel better (cold) but not quite 100% and I didn't want to possibly expose myself on the chance that one of the 130 people in the building are carriers or are sick.


    I am on a training call. One guy on the call sounds awful. A bad cough, you can hear he is terribly congested and his voice is rough. I am super surprised he chose to go into his site today. Some people are way more dedicated to their jobs than I am, I guess!

  10. Test results are in! That was so quick!




    Testing was performed using the 7500 Fast Instrument Sars COV19 test."


    Lots of disclaimers attached, but bottom line they did not detect the virus in me. Yay!

  11. Unfortunately there is a difference between sanitize, disinfect and sterilize. Not all sanitizers kill the virus.


    I heard a call rental commercial this morning stating they sanitize all their cars. People can be led believe they are safe, when they aren't.


    We've been trying to order supplies through our distributor for when we return to work. He originally could only get a hold of sanitizing wipes. Having read up on it, it would have been a bad investment. We held out for alcohol based wipes, which of course are difficult to come by.


    Yep, washing your hands and avoiding close contact is still the best way. From my understanding the most likely transmission method is through close contact with an infected person or fairly immediate handling of an object an infected person handled and then touching your nose or mouth (still trying to figure out the eyes thing!).


    I'm also trying to mitigate my fear. I don't want to end up never being able to leave home because I'm so afraid of people or behaving irrationally (such as being afraid I will get the virus from my carpet after the movers stepped in it!).

  12. Spray it with Lysol if you can get it.


    I'll pay you if you can get me some LOL. It's been sold out here for weeks.


    All I have is this "air sanitizing" spray that I haven't been able to confirm is actually a disinfectant spray.


    Oh, and I can't spray Lysol on floors that my cat walks on. I fear she will get some on her paws or fur and then lick them.


    And I know it's extremely unlikely that I will get the virus from my flooring. I would have to contort my body in a way that I can't do in order to get my feet up to my face. Only babies and yoga experts can do that!

  13. I think opening up would be fine if people would continue to adhere to CDC recommendations. But they're not. I saw a news story where people stormed an ice cream shop! Like, how badly do you need ice cream?! People punching store security guards who ask them to wear a face covering. Having parties. Gathering in large groups at parks and beaches.


    What I have found interesting is this; people who have been required to report to work (due to being deemed "essential") seem unhappy about being forced to work while those whose jobs have been termed or suspended WANT to go back to work. I am deemed "essential" but honestly am very, very nervous and fearful about reporting to work in a building with well over 125 people and social distancing and mask wearing is supposed to be enforced but really isn't. But some of my friends are passing around petitions that DEMAND they be allowed to return to work.


    Honestly, I am fearful of being around people and I don't know if I'll ever go back to "normal". For now, I will stay away from people as much as possible while realizing that's impossible at work. Sigh.


    Side note, I have to have movers bring my furniture and belongings into my new apartment. I will ask them to wear masks and gloves but I can't figure out how I'll sterilize the carpet after they leave...

  14. So, I had the test done. I guess when I was told "mouth swab" I was thinking SWAB. It's more like a long skinny stick that they stick pretty far back so they can get a scraping from your throat. My throat is already sore so it didn't feel terrific, and it hurt for about 45 minutes afterward, but I am so glad I went and had it done. I was told 36-48 hours, while the lady on the phone told me 72 hours, so we'll see.


    And the person taking my sample was a very nice, very attractive young National Guardsman. I think he said his name is Brandon. If you have to have a Covid test done it isn't bad at all to have it done by someone like him. And now I feel just a bit like a dirty old lady LOL.


    So here's hoping for a Negative result!

  15. I know my neighbour was perfectly fine. She hadn’t left her house in literally 40 days because she has a very medically fragile child. But you can catch colds not just Corona.


    Yes, not every single cold or virus is Covid. It is still possible to just have a run of the mill upper respiratory illness i.e., the common cold. Or even a regular flu.


    But nowadays, many of us (me included) are honestly fearful, so I would rather just get the test and know at least where I am at right now.

  16. Of course a negative result doesn't mean I can't or won't ever get it. My understanding is that a negative test means at the time you were tested you did not actively have the virus.


    I believe my symptoms are the result of seasonal allergies (sore throat, headache, runny nose, some chest pressure) but it also COULD be Covid. I get these symptoms several times a year, every year, and I usually get a couple of cold events that can last up to a month. Last year I had a cold for the entire month of February, and a couple of years before that I had strep throat and laryngitis that lasted almost a month.


    But getting a negative Covid test will ease my mind and if it does that then it's worth it to me. Hoping it's negative of course!

  17. Everything crossed for you! My neighbour had those symptoms and she tested negative.


    Thank you! I will report back once I get the results.


    BTW, it's a mouth swab test, not the long q-tip shoved up my nostril. I would've done it no matter what, but a mouth swab sounds much easier.

  18. I have an appointment for a Covid test this afternoon. I'm a bit concerned because I've had a sore throat and headache for about a week and it just isn't getting any better. Results are to be available 72 hours after testing. That way I can at least know, either it's negative and I will be relieved or it's positive and I will isolate until I am recovered. Of course I am hoping for negative!

  19. I have a sore throat and a headache. Occasional cough, not a deep dry cough and not constant. No fever, no chills, and I can breathe just fine although when I exert myself my chest hurts. But when I use the symptom checker on WebMD it says "isolate yourself NOW! Stay in quarantine for 14 days, you have symptoms!!!" But the doctor I saw on March 21st said I have a seasonal upper respiratory irritation, which I get every year several times a year. And this is the second or third bout just in the past 2 months. Again, totally normal for me.


    It is possible to just have a common cold and not every sore throat is the dreaded virus!


    You should have heard my online class instructor, she admitted to being sick and she sounded awful. She only coughed a couple of times but it sounded rough, and she lost her voice twice. Good thing she is working from home although she is putting in 12 hour days.

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