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Posts posted by boltnrun

  1. Best to steer clear of politics. Read more elevated material from reputable sites and medical experts. The more power and headspace you give them the more you stress yourself out.


    Aye Wiseman...


    I did not seek out "politics". It was a segment on the morning news.


    I made a simple post. It doesn't mean I am obsessing.


    My mouth seems to be healing well. Although I am looking forward to eating regular food!

  2. That's ok there is ignorance everywhere and there always will be. If she is a vexation to your common sense, delete/mute her posts. People are dropping like flies where I am but pointing fingers at fools won't help. As long as you are well informed who cares what kind of crazy theories people have? Old as the hills. Keep your thoughts on a logical even keel and you'll be fine.


    I didn't point a finger at her. I simply muted her.


    I am not stressed over it either. I do find it annoying but that's it.

  3. Problem is, my cousin said that is ALL that is needed. She said it's not serious and that people can avoid the virus by doing those things. She wasn't just trying to comfort people or herself, she was MAD. Her pet sitting business has had to stop. I get it, she's stressed, but telling people that the virus can be stopped with zinc and sunlight is just silly.

  4. Well, that was horrifying. The lab was set up great they were all really well protected. But the friggin clients🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 I wanted to beat them with a stick. I almost ran out.


    I'm sorry :(


    They wouldn’t allow anyone in the waiting room when I went for my extraction. The first dentist did have people in the waiting room but I wore my mask and stayed far away from the others. There were I think about 5 people in there.


    I hope you were able to get what you needed done so you don't have to go back.

  5. Tomorrow I get to go risk my life getting my blood draw for my A1C.


    I had to go to the doctor twice, on Friday and yesterday. They had excellent protocols in place to protect the patients and themselves.


    I feel you will be well protected.

  6. Of course now I want a burger! But no burgers for a week. Sad face.


    I bought the makings for tacos but again, not for a week.


    I can't eat when I'm stressed or anxious. Which is annoying because normally I love food.


    Down to 127 pounds. I haven't been this small in about 5 years.

  7. Your son sounds like a real card. And I mean that in a complimentary way.


    I do have to take antibiotics and use a rinse. They also prescribed strong Advil and some hydrocodone which I will NOT take.


    I have the tiniest bit of pain. Not bad at all. I am hungry though!


    Anyone else losing weight? I have lost 10 pounds in the last 2 months.

  8. So like most things, worrying about it was worse than the actual experience.


    They took 2 teeth and did a bone graft on both of the areas. The teeth were really bad. Not painful and they kept me in an office by myself rather than in a waiting room. Whole thing took about 3 hours.


    They did give me 4 prescriptions which I will need to go pick up in about an hour.


    I am $1700 poorer but hopefully I will get some of it reimbursed.


    I am starved! No real food until tomorrow but in a couple of hours I can try some jello.


    Thank you for all your support!

  9. Same -no pain! Good luck and sorry about the concerning release.


    Thank you.


    I actually have a fairly high tolerance for pain. I gave birth with not one drop of anesthesia and had several painful medical issues over the years. At least I don't have to worry about trying to go to work. This week is strictly online.

  10. I had twilight sedation which isn’t a general anaesthetic because you can breathe on your own. And they wake you up with oxygen. But you definitely can’t drive after. Due to my trigeminal neuralgia I can’t have any nerve blocks. Because if it further damages the nerve there’s nothing they could do to help me. So for anything like that it has to be heavy sedation.


    But I can completely understand your anxiety. I have severe dental phobia. But it is a great relief to have a tooth out if it’s causing any issue.


    My anxiety is not from the procedure. I've had so many medical procedures that I'm not afraid or anxious. My anxiety resulted from the form they made me sign that said since they spray water as part of dental procedures, I could be at risk of contracting Covid if someone else who is being treated today has it. The water droplets could be infected and spread to me. I had to sign saying I accept this risk and want the procedure anyway. That unnerved me.


    I never worry about the forms that say I could die while under general anesthesia. But for some reason the Covid form really got to me.


    Fortunately I live alone so I wouldn't put anyone at risk. Unfortunately I have to return to work onsite next Monday.


    Chances are I will be fine. But still...

  11. I had no pain whatsoever after I had a molar extracted. Hopefully you are the same. I have had 3 teeth extracted and no issues or pain after. The last one I was sedated heavily for the extraction because they could not use a nerve block.


    That's reassuring, thank you.


    They cannot use general anesthesia because obviously I cannot ask someone to drive me home (I live almost 300 miles away from my nearest family member and I will NOT ask a friend to put themselves at risk) and I am not comfortable using a Lyft when I have no idea how clean the driver's car is or who was in it before me.


    My kids had their wisdom teeth removed. My son was under "laughing gas". I remember his grandma picked him up and he asked her to take him to get a burger. He was so high he thought he could eat a burger! He wasn't in that much pain afterward. I don't even remember my daughter getting hers removed so it must not have been too painful (although she had hers removed on her birthday...her dad forgot it was her birthday...).


    If they want to use a general I will just have to postpone. Hoping they just use a local. And that they do a great job sterilizing their office and procedure rooms.

  12. Couldn't sleep last night. Anxiety over my tooth extraction. Not the extraction itself but the worry the dentist office created when I had to sign that form. I have to presume a medical office would do everything possible to prevent infection, but they can't control others who continue to go out unprotected or when experiencing symptoms. Hopefully I will be able to sleep after the procedure, although I'm sure the pain will be bad.


    Anxiety is starting to take over. I live alone and have little contact with my family because I don't want them to worry about me.


    I have to hold it together.


    Hope you all are holding it together!

  13. I have a neighbor who has lots of company, about 7-8 vehicles in their driveway. I assume they're having Easter dinner with relatives.


    With that said, I have to wonder what part of this horrible pandemic do they not understand?


    On a lighter note, Happy Easter, be well and be safe everyone.


    Don't you know, the virus knows not to attack people who are related to one another! Also those who are bros, homies, BFFs or are FWB or "hooking up".


    Except, oh, there was that one very publicized case of a whole troop of family members who had some kind of celebration at a relative's house and something like 20 family members are now infected. Oops.

  14. The dentist can give you a short term prescription, like say one or two tabs, (to help get you through the procedure). If you phone and request it.


    My dentist has always been decent in that regard, cause yeah, my nerves aren't the best at the dentist either. He usually phones it into my pharmacy and I pick it up the day before the procedure.


    Oh, I'm not worried about that. I have had so many medical procedures I'm used to it by now. The part I really didn't like was when the dentist injected my gums with local anesthesia the other day. The needle going into my gums was not pleasant.


    I meant just general anxiety surrounding the pandemic. Going to the grocery store is such a stressful ordeal. But I don't want any prescriptions because then I have to go to the pharmacy! I'm going to try to have my prescriptions transferred to a pharmacy that has a drive through because I do NOT want to go to Walmart right now!

  15. Thanks ladies.


    I didn't let it get to me (the rude lady at the store). I feel like those people are a-holes all the time, not just now, and someday she will encounter someone who will put HER in her car lol!


    I want this tooth out because it's been giving me so much pain. I feel unwell because of it. Whenever a body part isn't working the way it should I always say "cut it off!" LOL I am minus my gall bladder and a couple feet of colon because they weren't working or were badly damaged. So, I don't want this tooth anymore either. It's way in the back so I won't miss it.


    I do wish my Ativan prescription didn't run out years ago though. It made me feel high more than anything else so probably wouldn't have been a good idea anyway.

  16. A woman at the grocery store yesterday wanted to fight me because I told her friend she had to wait for me to finish before they started putting their items on the checkout conveyor.


    She said "You're lucky I don't feel like it because I could just put you in your car right now".


    The cashier said nothing (not that I blame her, what could she really do?), but then they started trying to bag their items while I was still bagging mine, and the cashier told them they had to wait. Like, they didn't wonder what the tape on the floor and all the signs giving directions on how to follow social distancing were for?


    Good thing is I was able to get everything I needed and they even had a few containers of wipes. The antibacterial kind, not disinfecting, but it's still good for cleaning up my kitchen and bathroom.


    I'm just waiting for my masks to be delivered which should happen in the next week or so. Meantime I am using home made masks made out of a pair of leggings that I sacrificed (never wore them anyway...).


    I am scheduled to have my bad tooth extracted tomorrow. It is too damaged for a root canal to be worthwhile. They made me sign a form saying because they spray water as part of dental and oral treatment there is a chance I could be exposed to the coronavirus if someone else has it, and that I accept that risk and want the procedure done anyway. Very unsettling, but I've signed forms before surgeries saying I could die while under general anesthesia. All I can do is hope they do a really good job disinfecting the treatment rooms with Lysol spray and that no one who is infected comes in for a procedure.


    Easter is usually a time of hope, so I am hoping the world turns a corner soon. Also hoping this sense of fear and anxiety is relieved soon, because it's exhausting being afraid all the time.

  17. Well, that country is known to "fudge" information (sorry Fudgie…).


    One very small example is when they hosted the Olympics and had a stand in child appear to perform a song when in fact it was sung by another, less cute child. When word got out the government said the people of China should be in favor of what they did because it made China look good and added to China's glory or something like that.


    A trivial example, but I think we all know they have a history of not reporting things that might make them look bad.


    Not to say that practice is limited to China. I would expect most countries to tend to downplay many things that look unfavorable.

  18. She didn't post it on my profile page so no need to reset my privacy settings.


    It doesn't upset me, more bemused than anything else. Her husband usually travels 2 weeks out of every month for work, plus she has her kids home with her all day now (she's a stay at home mom) so maybe she's tired of having her family around all time lol.


    She's usually a compassionate person so I'm hoping it's just her frustration seeing so many people out of work and struggling that motivated this rant. Although the part about Dr. Fauci has me scratching my head. And the "empty hospitals" part was a comment posted by one of her friends.


    Anyway...on site training completed for this week. Home virtual training next week, then back to on site the week after.


    Hope the world is starting to turn the corner on this pandemic.

  19. My cousin posted a rant on Facebook that the virus is all BS and is something made up by Dr. Fauci so he can profit from the pharmaceutical industry. And that the deaths are not true and hospitals are empty. And I guess those of you who say you work in hospitals who have coronavirus patients are in on the conspiracy. She says, open everything up now!!! And that all people need to do is take zinc and vitamin C and they will be just fine. I guess I have severe memory loss because I don't remember her getting her MD. Oh, and that there have been zero deaths due to heart attacks reported and why is that??? Because it's all a coverup so Dr. Fauci can make money!


    I presume Dr. Fauci has connections in Italy and Germany and all the other countries because he's convinced them to perpetuate his conspiracy so he can profit. I didn't know the guy had so much power!!

  20. I have one more day of onsite training to get through. It hasn't been that bad because I distance myself and wear gloves and a mask, but so many others are not bothering. Walking in groups, no gloves, no mask, handling items and then handing them to someone else without gloves, community water bottles being stored in a fridge that everyone can access...many employees at other locations have complained publicly that the company is not protecting its workers, but they are trying! What are they supposed to do when so many of them refuse to follow the guidelines?


    I just keep myself away from the others as much as possible and have elaborate routines I follow to clean and sterilize (removing my work clothes in the laundry room and then washing them in hot water, sterilizing things I bring to work before I use them again) but I can't control what other people do. I'm willing to be rude if it means staying away from people and hopefully staying healthy.


    I am cautiously optimistic about hoping the virus is starting to be contained maybe in a month or so. That would be wonderful.

  21. The last day of my onsite training is going to be cancelled. I am scheduled to have an emergency root canal that day and the GM said there's no need for me to try to come in afterward.


    Is it weird that I'd rather have a root canal than go to work?

  22. So I went to training overnight last night. Social distancing is preached but not practiced or enforced (I do not count shouting "Six feet apart!" and then just walking on to be enforcement). I was supplied with masks and I wore gloves and took my lunch and breaks in a separate room from everyone else. But despite many people who work for the company complaining on social media about how the workers are not being protected, I saw a shocking number of gloveless, mask-less people not practicing social distancing. Protocols are set into place but half the people are not following them. And I bet those people will the first to try to sue if they become sick.


    Good news is I was able to practice my own social distancing and didn't join in on the blatant disregard taking place. I just wish management was more insistent on the employees following it.


    Snny, best wishes for a quick and full recovery for your family members.

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