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Posts posted by boltnrun

  1. For some reason I cannot like a post in this thread. Great thoughts, Batya. I'm also definitely learning still.


    Wow. Why did the company stop asking for proof? Shouldn't this be more reason to ask for proof.... ? Sorry to say the obvious. What's going on??


    HR got involved and decreed it was not a "positive associate experience" to require proof that someone actually died. I have to presume someone got an attorney or something. He has been using this excuse for nearly two years and continues to do so because he knows there's nothing anyone can do. He's already one step away from being termed for cause but that doesn't stop him. I'm sure in another few weeks someone else will "die".

  2. My employee who has had SIX relatives "pass away" over the past year and a half. And all of these relatives live overseas, requiring several days off. My company no longer asks for proof that someone actually died, so not only does this employee get a week off but two days are with pay.


    He's admitted to other employees that no one really died, he just took trips to the other side of the country for personal reasons. But since I didn't hear him say it there's nothing me or my manager can do.

  3. I hope you feel much better!!


    Much lesser annoyance - having to check dates on food on the supermarket shelves because my market leaves expired foods on the shelves.


    Thank you!


    Um, isn't that a lawsuit just waiting to happen?? I don't know if Canada is as lawsuit crazy as the US, but if someone here purchased expired food and got sick they'd be looking at a very large settlement.

  4. Boltnrun is annoyed again today.


    My doctor put me on a new medication that causes dizziness and a really bad headache. So much for enjoying my weekend. I had plans for a flea market and food truck event and have tons of household chores to do, but no...I have to be dizzy and headache-y. Lame.

  5. If by chance you are buying/giving this friend a bday gift, may I suggest chocolate coins. Lol.


    I ain't giving her squat. I don't know her that well (casual acquaintance) so I do not feel the slightest bit obligated to do anything other than a happy birthday post.


    Camber, I will be happy to write you a check. I will write it for $1,000. Please deposit it at your bank and then send me back $500 in cash. You can keep the other $500 for your gift :)

  6. I have chronic health issues that sometimes affect my ability to perform my job. I try my best to power through, then I go home and collapse in bed for a couple of hours until I feel strong enough to make and eat dinner and prepare for the next day at work.


    Trust me, I am fully aware that I am not always 100% at work. But I try my best.

  7. When it comes to online dating, some men who message and are old enough to be my dad or grandpa. Seriously, I’m grossed out


    I see men my age (mid-50s) who say they are searching for women aged 22 to 34. No one 35 or over wanted. I say, good luck, buddy!

  8. Co-workers are just that... co-workers. They are acquaintances whom you spend most of your waking life with, they are not friends. You should probably try to create some boundaries and not expect anything from them other than the support you need to perform your job.


    Two out of the three were friends before we all started working for the same company.

  9. I thought these were my friends...


    One coworker who I thought I was friendly with (we had plans for him, his wife and a couple other people to go out after work sometime) reported me to the general manager because he asked me to help him with a task that I am not trained in and have zero knowledge of. I told him I wasn't trained in that (very specialized) function but he could probably get This Person to assist him. He emailed the GM saying I was rude and unsupportive.


    A friend of mine who works at the same company as me is angry and very short with me because I was hired for a position she was hoping to get. Apparently it's somehow my fault she's unhappy with the shift she was assigned and now she's stuck! Because I got the job and now she has to stay miserable! I told her ahead of time I planned to apply, BTW.


    Another friend is suing the company I still work for (that she used to work at) and has named me as a witness in the lawsuit. Great.


    I'm fearful that some of this will affect the position I was hired for. Offers have been withdrawn for less. I'm on pins and needles until I actually start.

  10. I spoke too soon.


    Friend contacted me today asking if she could borrow money again. I said no, I have expenses I need to cover this month. She didn't respond to that. Perhaps she's angry I said no.


    We work for the same company and we got paid YESTERDAY. I can't imagine why or how her paycheck is already gone.


    Why is it when someone borrows money one time they think it gives them the right to keep asking? One time and done, that's all I'm willing to do. Not sorry.

  11. Friend asks to borrow money for "rent". I know that old adage of "only lend what you can afford to lose", which is where I came up with the amount. I lent her $200.


    A few days later she's posting on Facebook asking if anyone knows any good deals on flights to the Caribbean. Also hasn't contacted me about paying me back even though she promised to by yesterday.


    She has money to fly to the Caribbean but doesn't have the money to pay me back. She borrowed from two other people too, wonder if she did them the same way.


    Former friend now!


    PS: Yes, I can afford to lose the money. But this person has proved to me AGAIN that people who borrow money from friends don't feel obligated to pay it back.


    I stand completely corrected. The friend did pay me back.


    I must not assume the worst about others. Lesson learned.

  12. Friend asks to borrow money for "rent". I know that old adage of "only lend what you can afford to lose", which is where I came up with the amount. I lent her $200.


    A few days later she's posting on Facebook asking if anyone knows any good deals on flights to the Caribbean. Also hasn't contacted me about paying me back even though she promised to by yesterday.


    She has money to fly to the Caribbean but doesn't have the money to pay me back. She borrowed from two other people too, wonder if she did them the same way.


    Former friend now!


    PS: Yes, I can afford to lose the money. But this person has proved to me AGAIN that people who borrow money from friends don't feel obligated to pay it back.

  13. Posters who see fit to disparage and argue with every other posters opinions/advice when the OP can read and decide for themselves what they do or do not resonate with.


    One of my pet peeves for sure.


    The OP stopped posting three pages ago, but two or three posters MUST argue among themselves, usually about a fine point that has little to nothing to do with the topic the OP posted about. Goodbye OP!


    I never understand the absolute NEED to either be "right" or to have "the last word".

  14. Believe it or not, I do not work 24 hours a day 7 days a week! People at work are shocked that I don't immediately respond to the messages they send on my day off or after I'm gone for the day. They come at me like I did something awful by not spending every second at work. "But I needed this or that and YOU WEREN'T HERE!!!!" Um, the law states that I must have a certain amount of time off every week. Take it up with the Labor Board, people.

  15. Well, not to offend anyone who does this, but it really annoys me...


    When writing or speaking, the correct grammar (albeit short form) is "He would've", "She could've", etc., etc., which is short for "He would have", "She could have". But I hear so many people speak and see so many people write "He could of", "She could of"...




    How about "I don't want to LOOSE him!!"

  16. How about creating new accounts to ask the exact same question? Or reposting the exact same question but claiming there are "updates" or "additional information" or to "get different opinions" when the reality is they want to be told what they want to hear?


    Been a rash of this lately.

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