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Posts posted by boltnrun

  1. Someone I know who spends money (and borrows money) recklessly, then complains about being broke or being unable to pay her bills. Spent money on a trip to Disney instead of making her car payment, then complained when her car got repossessed. Took out a payday loan to take yet another trip to Disney. Has to use her upcoming paycheck to pay back the payday loan, now won't have money to make her car payment (again).


    Um, how about cutting down on the trips to Disney? "But I LOOOOOVVVEEEE Disney!!!"

  2. So, turns out I was right.


    My "friend" got promoted into my same department. She is now cozying up to our supervisor. Nothing wrong with that, right? Some might say it's smart. But, as I (unfortunately) suspected, she is telling the supervisor "stories" about me. Actually making things up that I allegedly did. The supervisor confronted me, "pissed off" as she put it. I was able to prove my "friend" was lying.


    But hey, anything to get ahead, right? Except I am no longer going to be there to provide sympathy when she's crying over the fact that the married man she's sleeping with hasn't left his wife yet. Or to buy her lunch when she's "broke".

  3. I typed up a notice of intent to vacate the apartment I'm renting and brought it to the management office. They said I had to fill out their form because I could have put any date on my letter and they were concerned about false dates. I told the guy, I'm sitting right in front of you handing you this letter. You can see me handing it to you. Why can't you just date stamp it so you have a record of what date I turned it in?? His response was 'well, um...' And asked me again to fill out their form. He didn't seem to realize I could put a fake date on their form too!


    He also asked me for my forwarding address. Um, I don't have it yet. Because it would make no sense to rent another place now and have to pay rent on two places. Especially since this place requires a 60-day notice. Another stupid request.


    Yeah, I was "testy" with the guy because it was annoying. And made no sense. I'm sure he and the other employee there were calling me names after I left. Well, stop being stupid and I'll stop being rude!

  4. People who friend me on Facebook for the purpose of showering me with posts about their awesome work from home businesses. At least just invite me to like your business page (so I can decline) - up front would work just fine. Thank goodness for "unfollow".


    Yeah I met someone through one of those lame candle parties (that I only attended and bought a few candles to be polite). She said she needed my email to set up my account. Now she's spamming me with all the other product lines she sells. I ignore the emails and "virtual party" invitations though.


    Another lady went through the trouble of setting up a Meetup group, which she used to sell her crappy products. It's totally against the rules in Meetup but she didn't seem to care. Shockingly, that Meetup group soon went belly up when no one attended anymore.

  5. The jealous coworker who is going around telling everyone that I only got offered a position because she turned it down. She's trying to bait me into doing or saying something that will get me fired. But I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, so I'm totally on to what she's trying to do. I'm not nearly as stupid as she thinks I am.

  6. People who rewrite history and think no one notices.


    For example, a casual friend of mine just got married. Terrific! Except she posted on Facebook that they've been together for three years. Um, I've only known her for one year and 8 months, and during that time she dated two different guys, neither of whom was the man she just married. Why tell that pointless lie?


    Someone else I know is telling people he's 10 years younger than he really is. Thing is, he's telling people who he grew up with along with people (like me) who went to his wedding and know for a fact he's not the age he claims to be. Again, another pointless lie.


    Image is everything!!!

  7. Once again a supervisor at work threw me under the bus to save his own butt. Told me to do something, then when one of the other managers objected, told that other manager that he never told me to do that. Then told me he understood there was a lot of confusion regarding instructions. Well, why the H didn't he tell that other manager that instead of saying he never told me to do it??? Sick and tired of people thinking keeping their own job is more important than me keeping mine.


    Fortunately I am an adult and went to the other manager for a one on one talk and we worked it out. But I plan to confront (yes, confront) my manager to ask him why he felt it was necessary to tell lies. I'm too old to be intimidated by anyone at work and I have no problem at all speaking my mind. He needs to never do this again.

  8. i occasionally do a humorous tap-dance down the hall on my way out, in reverse. never fails to elicit howling laughter.


    i especially like to do it when someone is being obnoxious. it's a way of saying "walking away from your bull**** like" without actually saying anything.


    momma paid for them dance lessons, i better make them count in some way lol.


    I wish I worked where you work.


    Our atmosphere is pretty relaxed and we don't have to dress 'corporate'. This woman just out of nowhere busted out with the solo parade. I wasn't having a good day (my shift got changed suddenly and I was not happy), but her parade made me glad I was there.


    I will occasionally do a "happy dance" when something goes my way.

  9. This guy at work who, no matter what, MUST have the last word. Even when it's to his own detriment.


    Example: He thinks a policy should be changed. He has repeatedly and loudly expressed his opinion on this policy, using the word "ridiculous" to describe this policy. It's my job to enforce this policy, which has resulted in several conflicts. He finally was told in no uncertain terms by the #1 person at work (the BIG boss) that the policy WILL remain in force and that he MUST adhere to it. Period. He came back with a seven paragraph response, explaining YET AGAIN why he thinks this policy should be changed. Because NO WAY is he letting someone else, not even the big boss, have the last word.


    Funny thing is, he keeps applying for promotions and keeps getting passed over. And he doesn't understand why.



  10. People being deceitful and misleading others with all their multiple accounts. Makes me feel so bad for all the people going out of their way to help, advise, give up their time and effort etc. Makes me so mad! Ugh.


    Well, we all know they do that because the first time they posted people didn't tell them what they wanted to hear.


    What annoys me is when people ask for advice then argue with the advice given. If they've already made up their minds, why bother asking for advice???

  11. A work "friend" who posts constantly on Facebook about following and being "humble" before God, and ranting against homosexual marriage (which apparently is an "obimination" [her spelling] against God), always accompanied by a deep cleavage selfie. Apparently God opposes gays but loves it when women show most of their breasts in public. Alrighty then.

  12. I don't understand people who do or say things deliberately to rile you up (and admit doing so), but when you get riled up they get upset and demand that you calm down and stop being riled up! Well, if you didn't deliberately say and/or do something to yank my chain I wouldn't get riled up!


    I was doing fine minding my own business just sitting at home calmly and then someone had to send me text after text taunting me because my favorite football team lost. Then when I finally bit back (after multiple taunting texts!), I was ordered to calm down and was told it was "all in good fun"!


    Can someone please explain why people who claim to love you would deliberately attempt to upset or anger you??!! It's not my idea of "fun"!

  13. The woman at work who is about 5 months pregnant who still smokes cigarettes. And her mother, who also works there, smoking cigarettes right along with her pregnant daughter. And their work friend group, who also all sit there and smoke cigarettes with her. Aren't ANY of these people aware of the effects of cigarette smoking on the unborn child???? Or do they just not care about the poor innocent baby?


    Guess she'd rather smoke cigarettes than have a healthy baby. Unreal.

  14. Facebook posts where the person insists that if any of their Facebook friends plan to vote for Candidate X, they want them to delete them as friends IMMEDIATELY!!!


    OK, done. Doesn't matter whether or not I'm planning to vote for Candidate X, the fact that you cannot tolerate any point of view that is different from your own means I don't want to be your friend anyway.


    My former FWB, who has been in a very precarious position in life for the past few years due to his own actions, has swung very far to one side of the political spectrum. He wrote on his Facebook page that anyone who votes for Candidate X is "a murderer who needs to be locked up in a mental institution! Unfriend me immediately!!!" And again, I complied. Not because I am or am not voting for Candidate X, but because he is obviously the one who is fast becoming unhinged and I don't want to be a part of it. He also contacted me out of the blue, which he only does if he's broke or homeless. Nope, not signing up for that!

  15. Katrina, it's because we didn't tell them what they wanted to hear the first time.


    They come here looking for a specific answer (which they already have in their minds), and when we don't cooperate they just make a new account hoping that asking a second time under a different user name will get the response they want.


    Thing is, those of us who are regulars recognize this immediately, call them out, then we get accused of "using their previous posts against them", or the thread gets closed because the mods aren't idiots.

  16. I'm not getting any better. I miss you so much. I just can't get through my head that I can no longer just drive to your house and see you. I feel like the only person left who loved me unconditionally is gone.


    I know you don't want me to be like this, so I'm trying. But I still cry, and you know I NEVER cry. But I am now because you're not here.


    I need to let you go, but I don't want to. And I know that's my fault. I guess holding on to the grief is my way of trying to keep you near.


    I'm sorry...

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