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Posts posted by boltnrun

  1. Please learn to drive old fart. Don’t go around three cars to go through a red light .


    Why do old people buy fast, fancy sports cars, then drive them at 30 mph in the fast lane on the highway? I mean, I get that they can finally AFFORD the fancy sports car they always wanted when they were younger, but they're never going to use all that horsepower.


    And for the record, I am an old person but I drive a little economy car. And if I want to go 30 mph I stay off the highway.

  2. How about creating new accounts to ask the exact same question? Or reposting the exact same question but claiming there are "updates" or "additional information" or to "get different opinions" when the reality is they want to be told what they want to hear?

  3. This is one hit wonder business is becoming the norm. 😝


    Because they're not looking for advice.


    They're looking for someone to tell them they're right, or for sympathy, or something along the lines of "of COURSE if you just stick around playing dumb he/she will realize how much you love him/her, stop cheating/lying/hitting you/drinking/doing drugs/gambling/following Instagram 'models'/inappropriately messaging their ex and commit to you! I see a marriage proposal/acceptance in your future ANY DAY NOW!!!" Or "Your ex will be back any day now, begging for forgiveness, telling you he/she made a huge mistake, and the two of you will live happily ever after! You absolutely should send that "apology" letter/"hi, how are you?" or birthday text because for sure your ex will read it and immediately make a beeline for your door with flowers!"


    In other words, they want us to lie to them. And I am constitutionally unable to tell someone what they want to hear if I don't believe it's the truth.

  4. Is "left them on 'read'" the new insult/breakup? 🤔📴

    Oh and one-hit-wonder posts/threads. Maybe they should be left on "read" until they come back and reply?


    I love the ones where the OP posts only their original post and the "regulars" debate amongst themselves for 11 pages.

  5. Thanks for the good wishes.


    I went into work late today. Still had to go since I am the only one in the department due to my boss being unreasonably stubborn. But I have a few days off, so here's hoping this virus will finally leave me alone.

  6. Still sick. Getting worse every day. Can't miss work because my cheapo boss refuses to hire anyone else despite our location being budgeted to have 4 people in my department.


    Also had to cancel a much anticipated trip because I am too sick to travel. Second time I had to cancel.

  7. I get you! I had to close my daycare for two days this week. I was projectile vomiting across my bathroom and so was my son. One day my husband had to stay home to look after us .


    Ugh, sorry you were so sick.


    Every year I get sick around this same time. My immune system is compromised and though it tries, it can't fully fight off this whatever it is.


    I need to be better by Sunday when I must be back to work.

  8. Awwww get better! I just finished a horrendous stomach flu .


    Thank you!


    I don't quite know what I have. Sinus pain, sneezing, runny nose, head and body aches and the runs. I really, really hope my throat and vocal chords don't get involved. Last two times I was so sick I missed nearly two weeks of work and I cannot afford that!

  9. What's with all these "one hit wonders" posts lately? They post their story and question, get pages and pages of responses and never return. Really very very very annoying!


    They weren't told what they wanted to hear.


    Alternatively, many threads digress into regular posters arguing with one another. I'd leave too.

  10. Not just today but in general -those Facebook posts that admonish you to "share" and repost "if" you really care about ____ cause and "if" you are truly the person the poster thinks you are (I never do, not my thing).


    My true friends will repost! I'll know who my REAL FRIENDS are by who reposts this!!!!


    My faves are the ones that insist I will die at midnight if I don't repost or send it on to ten people. I never do either and I'm still alive.

  11. Parents, please think before you decide to use "creative spelling" for your children's names.


    I had to read a class roster aloud and one of the student's name was "Airaka". She had to tell me it's pronounced "Erica". Jeez! Just spell it "Erica" then!!!!


    Or "Ashleigh" or "Hayleigh". Why all the extra letters???!!!

  12. Posters who keep making thread after thread..... make a thread about every thought they have apparently, i tend to ignore those posters but it does annoy me very much if they clog the main page!


    Especially when it's just a continuation of the exact same question. They could just have one thread but instead every day they make a new one.


    I do feel for them sometimes because I realize they probably post here so often because they have no one in "real life" to talk to.

  13. Here I am, annoyed again.


    A former coworker I barely know who hasn't even spoken to me in nearly two years just asked me for money. When I politely refused, she proceeded to insult me because I still work for the company we met at (which she got fired from).


    I get that it's not easy to ask for money, but it's not reasonable to insult someone just because they said no. And, it's pretty nervy to not contact someone for that long and when you do it's just to ask for money.


    Wonder where her "boyfriend" is??

  14. So, you're a manager which means you should have some idea of how to be professional in the workplace. Going around to the people you manage telling them they shouldn't like me because YOU don't like me isn't very professional. In fact, if someone decides to report what you're doing to HR you could get into a lot of trouble.

  15. So, I'm your supervisor. I get that you applied for my job and didn't get it and I did, but repeatedly saying "I forgot" when I (and our manager) ask you to do your regular daily tasks is not winning you any brownie points. Neither is coming in 2 hours late on a day that was planned to be extremely busy and your help was needed.


    If you resent me for getting the promotion you wanted, ruining your own professional reputation isn't hurting me one bit. It's hurting you.

  16. Ugggghhh...I dreamed about my awful, useless waste of oxygen ex last night. I think I may have been triggered because I reference him often on these forums. He's the reason I don't date...I don't trust myself to make good choices since I chose that loser for FOUR years. And I haven't forgiven myself yet even though he dumped me years ago.


    No,, I don't love him or hate him. I'm just mad at me.


    Anyway, in this dream I apparently lived with him (how, I don't know since his house was burned down by his current girlfriend). He was acting super caring and solicitous of my comfort. Blech. I woke up annoyed. Put a damper on my morning.

  17. Those who repost the exact same question on this forum over and over. Obviously they've already decided on the answer they want (and apparently didn't get it with the first thread) but they keep reposting hoping someone will tell them what they want to hear.


    More points deducted when they post under a different user name thinking no one will notice. Extra points deducted when they use the exact same wording each time. Boo!


    Hey, if someone already has decided what they want to do, why ask for "advice"? Just go do it!

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