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Everything posted by Exinthecity

  1. Hi everyone, I have really enjoyed reading all the stories on enotalone.com, having gone through my own painful divorce this year. I started a new website designed to empower women to move from EX to EXtraordinary. Would love to invite you to vist http://www.exinthecity.com. I'll send a free package of beautiuful Indian "bindis" just for signing our guestbook. Have a wonderful day everyone! Margaret Ex In The City ~
  2. I am new to this forum, and would guess that this subject has been raised a thousand times. My husband of 18 years left me a year ago for a woman 25 years younger than me. I have been through all the stages of grief and depression athis past year, and I am trying my best now to regroup and reshape my life. I still can't get my confidence back as a woman - I am a youthful and spirited 50 year old but I just can't come to grips with the reality that he is with a young girl, that I became unattractive and undesirable to him because I was too old. Its true I was 10 years older than him and for 18 years that was never an issue between us. Its as though one day he just turned 40 and decided he wanted to be with a younger woman. How have other dealt with this. It still breaks my heart. I have gone through exile, express, exorcise, explore - where I am today. I am Exploring new options, places to live and work, new friends, but I just can't look in the mirror and feel good about myself as a woman. Where is everyone else in the journey of "ex-ness"? Would love to hear other opinions.
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