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Posts posted by Stinkweed

  1. That's a great poem. I don't understand why nobody else posted their thoughts... Well, I like your use of rhythm. Great job =D>

  2. It's actually something everybody should have in mind from now on. Great job on this post... It's not just for people who cut, but also for everybody who suffers depression, or is in a down part of their lives. Everything you said makes sense, and is completely true. I hope more people take a look at it. Best wishes.

  3. Very good poem. Is it really about you? I mean, it says your a male, but the poems speaks about you being a female. Anyway, it's really good. Keep up the good work =D>.

  4. This poem is terrific. You're very talented. I enjoy reading your poems because they have a very good use of rhythm, which I like a lot. =D> Keep up the good work.

  5. Thanks everyone for your replies. I have a little question, though... What would happen if that person already appeared, but the person I described missed the opportunity already? I talk about this in 3rd person, because I know such person has never appeared or came close in my life. But what if that happened? Will there be another chance? Oh, and thanks for having such a good premonition on me, Molly. I hope it comes to be true.

  6. Well, not that this is everything I care about... But I've been wondering a couple of times... I understand that most people date various people until they find "The one". Some have the luck of finding that special someone sooner than others, and in less attempts. For others, I think it may take forever and countless relationships before they find such person. So, I was wondering, for all of us that are single (By that, I mean never having a girlfriend) and get to our 20's (I'm not in my 20's yet, but it's just my premonition, that when I get to my 20's, I'll still be single... On the other hand, I could always be wrong...), does that mean that if we have a late start in the dating "world", it will take even longer to find that person? I'm not in a hurry, and I'll take anything that comes in years to come. So, I guess I'd just like some opinions. Thanks.

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