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Posts posted by Stinkweed

  1. Well, I used to ask a lot about this, but never did what they told me and I ended up getting myself into a really ridiculous situation... So, if you're shy, like I am, then you should start by little things, like saying hi. See how she replies (if she smiles and says hi too, etc.). Then, after you feel confortable doing that you could gradually work your way up into a solid conversation... It's what sounds logical, but I wouldn't listen... Anyway, I hope I was of some help here. Good luck, and best wishes.

  2. I'm not sure... I think it kind of depends on how good you know each other. But just to be sure, I think it'd be better to wait until you ask her out for a real kiss. If you really want to, and you think she actually likes you, I guess you could ask her out ASAP... I dunno. Good luck, man.

  3. I think your poem was amazing. It's really personal... It's got very deep feelings that could only come from the depths of your heart. I like really your poems, because they have those kinds of feelings... Great job =D>.

  4. What exactly are you asking for? If you're asking for advice on how to do something about this, then, I'm afraid I couldn't help you well... But if you just want opinions, I'd tell you to go for it... I mean, you told her you could meet with her again whenever she wanted to, and she told you now... I'm guessing that was after the ball game, so, if that was the case, I think you should go for it, because I think it means she might prefer something serious with you instead of the other guy... That's just what I think. Good luck.

  5. Well, this is mainly for all those who have ever had a break up... It's not really advice, but a question. Well, I would be lying if I said I never want to be in a relationship... But there's this thing I feel from everyone who posts about break-ups, or anything related. There are tons of people who post about their exes sort of wanting to have the world in the palm of their hands... I've read that they sometimes do stuff like contacting just to "play" with the other person's head. And I wonder... are there really so many people that immature and selfish out there? It just sort of makes me think twice about judging people... I mean, how do you find out if they're really immature like that? I ask this, because I'm really ignorant in this kind of topic... So, does anybody want to share anything? Maybe some insight?

  6. From a literary point of view, your poem is more than excellent... But it's just that I don't approve your motives... Please, don't do anything you will end up regretting. You yourself posted recently about this kind of things. Remember what you posted... Remember your post? It was called "for those about to die...read this first". Just remember everything you said... Well, I just hope you make the right decision. The poem is well written, though. Best wishes.

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