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Posts posted by johnagent1911

  1. 98% chance that it is infact a pimple(It happens... I've heard on Love Line with Dr. Drew). but if it doesn't go away or you're worried about it you can go to a doctor.


    hope this shines some more light on your issue.

  2. no I talked to my doctor about smoking he said nothing about any long term issues with off and on smoking. but hey to each their own.


    But you can die from over drinking. However pot you cannot die from over smoking. (Although you may feel slightly sick.)


    Did you also know that hard night's drinking can damage memory cells in the brain? (Blacking out and not remember is an example.) You can also kill your liver and other fun things. So both are drugs, both can be bad but at the same time I don't mind smoking a little or drinking.

  3. I don't see anything wrong with that.. One time I was sitting downtown and seen a guy chasing after his girlfriend yelling and etc. I ran over there and I seen the girl bleeding from her nose and I asked "what's going on?" in which his girlfriend was telling me how her boyfriend just hit her and this guy kept on after her, so turn around to him and I stuck her boyfriend right in the chin. I felt a little bad... But I knew he wouldn't stop so I took action. I still think about that but I still stand by what I did.


    Fighting isn't always pointless.

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