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Why do I only like him when we are together?


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I'm going to start off by letting you guys know that I've been single for about 4 years now. I've slept around a little bit during this time, but I haven't really gotten close with anyone on an emotional level until now.


I've been hanging out with this guy and he is seriously so sweet. Every time we are together I feel like I really like him, but whenever I leave him and we aren't together I don't have the same feelings for him at all. I keep telling myself I'll keep my distance because I know he has feelings for me and I don't want to hurt him.. But then I see him again and my feelings come back. It's really strange, I've never experienced anything like this before and I don't want to lead him on...


Is this normal?? What should I do D:

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You've been single for a long night time and are used to being alone and having freedom.. if you really enjoy this guy when you're together give it more time to see whether this feeling is related to being used to not having a BF or that you just don't like him all that much.


You don't have to get serious right away. Take some time getting to know him better before deciding. He'll grow on you or he won't.

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a few questions to ask yourself would be:

How long have you known this guy?

Why only when you see him? Is it physical attraction, have you guys been drinking?

It sounds like you have been single for a long time. Just have fun hang out with him if it's gonna be a relationship it doesn't have to be right away.

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I decided to read another one of the threads you made, to see if it may clarify the situation a bit more.

You say "Now I struggle to connect with boys on an emotional level, but I still can get lonely and crave affection."


Opening up another question are you sure it's just not his affection that you enjoy?

If that's the case then I've been where he's been, and it's not a nice feeling when you see the one you think is invested in you going after another it destroys you in so many ways.... every time and he will grow to hate you.


DON'T TRY SET HIM UP WITH YOUR FRIENDS might seem like common sense but just don't.

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I'm going to start off by letting you guys know that I've been single for about 4 years now. I've slept around a little bit during this time, but I haven't really gotten close with anyone on an emotional level until now.


I've been hanging out with this guy and he is seriously so sweet. Every time we are together I feel like I really like him, but whenever I leave him and we aren't together I don't have the same feelings for him at all. I keep telling myself I'll keep my distance because I know he has feelings for me and I don't want to hurt him.. But then I see him again and my feelings come back. It's really strange, I've never experienced anything like this before and I don't want to lead him on...


Is this normal?? What should I do D


You noted you look for attention but have problems connecting because you feel vulnerable in doing so. I would imagine you like the attention he gives you when you're with him, but that fades when you're not because you have a dissociation thing going on with connecting. Sounds like it stems from your first relationship you mentioned in your first post here, that's just an educated guess. Have you addressed your drinking and sleeping around problem?

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