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Help with a really messed up relationship.


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I'm going straight to the point ... as straight as I can go at least (Complicated stuff)




I am and I'm not in a relationship with someone. (You'll understand as I keep going)

She's 22

She has mental issues, I can't tell for sure what it is, not even her shrink can tell her what it is.

She's a lesbian in denial or bi (hasn't figure it out yet)

She's a commitment phobic

She doesn't seem to be able to stay in a relationship for too long.


So now that I said the important details I'll go with the story...


After her trying for a while to get with me... she made it. Our relationship had/has problems since the beginnig

BUT ... I fell in love with her. I fell so hard that I'm still trying to fix my face. We've been on and off several times during our

first attempt for a relationship until (Her doc changed her meds) she "somehow" freaked out and couldn't be here any more.

I was devastated, I was her first, how could she do that e.t.c e.t.c.

She went for another dude while we were separate, she did that because she's weak and can't be alone.

That drove me crazy, but she soon left him to come back to me. I didn't want her back.

Her persistence convinced me to try again. Now we were together again for a month (almost) and we were much better than our first try.

Then ... her doctor CHANGED HER MEDS AGAIN... She went back to her evil self. Even her face changed.

So now we're back at the break up thingy, this time it's different tho, I can see that she doesn't want to break up but somehow she's forcing it.

It confuses me beyond any other problem I ever had in my life. She wants me, she loves me. I can see it and feel it. Yet she can dump me again.


I'm an over sensitive dude and the jealous type. She's a free spirit with an open mind and I'm traditional. We're incompatible but in love.


She left me once, she saw that she can't stop thinking about me, yet she does the same thing again instead of trying to meet me in the middle of our differences.

I'm in love with a messed up bi/lesbian who actually fell for me.


What should I do? It's not over yet, I can see that she's struggling with her decision.

I know I'm in deep , but logic disappears when I'm in love. Especially SO MUCH IN LOVE. I'm a kid not knowing what to do.

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Just be supportive and available. Also be prepared to draw a line if there is too much drama. You should understand that you are probably in for a very wild ride, and you should hold back on investing yourself too much in the outcome. Think about it like a roller coaster ride. It will have its ups and downs, it will be exciting and scary, and it will probably only last for a short while. Once you get your feet back on the ground, you'll be able to look back and remember it for quite a while.


I really feel like you will probably let yourself get emotionally invested in this, but you should really not do that. Crazy people can be a lot of fun, but they can cause a lot of pain. And don't start on her with any jealousy issues. If you're not willing to suspend that part of yourself, you should just get out now. Because of her mental issues, you have a moral duty to not put too much stress on her. That doesn't mean that she can do anything she wants with no consequences, just don't be overly harsh or angry or hurt when she does something that is just totally unacceptable to you. Think about it this way. If you choose to keep a pet rattlesnake, you have no basis to complain if you get bitten. I'm not saying that crazy people are awful, but a lot of them do very awful things and leave a trail of pain behind them. It's your choice if you try to continue the relationship and you should be fully willing to accept the consequences.

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I agree with itsme my boyfriend has mental problems. It is devastating sometimes. You have to be prepared for the unexpected . Since you have no idea what she is capable of . If the love is their proceed with caution. You might find a happy life together . However, she might devastate you again .

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