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I drink alcohol every weekend and worried about my health..

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I was just wondering, i been drinking every weekend, i mostly drink rum (a whole mickey) if anyone who drinks should know how much that is....

and yeah i drink that much every weekend, and during the work week ill have a rockstar or 2 and maybe a few beers. well i been thinking lately if this will effect my kidneys or liver ( i dont have any problems) cuz ive heard of young people getting kidney disease or some sort of health problems due to drinking, i like drinking and its effects but i just wana be sure im not drinking too much for the sake of my health, i dont drink every day..but i do get drunk friday and saturdays and the rest of the week i might have a couple drinks,anyone know anything about this?

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Well its not that bad to drink only on the weekends. Most that drink do drink more than this. But if you see it as a problem, slow down. As one who used to get wasted every night, its good that you see early that you want to correct your behavior. I'd say if you dont want to drink on the weekends, stay home. Dont search for a party unless you can handle being sober there. Good luck. PM me if you need tips on staying dry.

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Well its not that bad to drink only on the weekends. Most that drink do drink more than this. But if you see it as a problem, slow down. As one who used to get wasted every night, its good that you see early that you want to correct your behavior. I'd say if you dont want to drink on the weekends, stay home. Dont search for a party unless you can handle being sober there. Good luck. PM me if you need tips on staying dry.


yeah i used to get drunk every night too, but that was last year and i was going through some problems, but now ive reduced it to just the weekends, just to have some fun, and when i do get drunk i stay home cuz sometimes i end up saying stupid things around people

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I don't think you need to stay home and drink, instead go out and not drink. You feel that you say stupid things when you go out, but its when you drink that you may say these things. Plus having fun does not require booze, ya know. Its still easy if not easier to laugh it up with the drunk folks while sober too.

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if i'm not mistaken rum has been linked with diabetes, b./c it is so sweet. someone told me this, and i haven't done the "research" yet.


also, drinking heavily every weekend isn't good for your liver, kidneys or brain cells. alcohol is a toxin so your liver needs to work extra hard to expel it and "clean up" what you have put in your body.


one thing i can recommend is that you don't go to sleep with alcohol in your system a.k.a. drunk.

why? while your asleep the body and liver need ALOT of water to "clean up" (sorry i don't know how to explain it technically) and your brain ends up getting dehydrated.. brain cells are killed.

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while your asleep the body and liver need ALOT of water to "clean up" (sorry i dont know how to explain it technicly) and your brain ends up getting dehydrated.. brain cells are killed.


Yep, a hangover is the feeling of dehydration and brain cell depletion. Alcohol is bad stuff.

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Just getting wasted on the weekends is called binge drinking, and it is a form of alcoholism. I won't make any judgments as everyone draws their own line. But I think if you're concerned about how much you drink, then cut back. As LH put it... you don't have to drink to have fun. Anything more than moderate drinking (what is it now... one per day?) does more damage than good.

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