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Check these out for personal growth


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I have been interested in personal growth for some time now. I have read many books and listened to many tapes to help me improve various aspects of my life. I thought I would share some names of people that I feel have really helped me in my life. Google these names for more information about them. Most of these people have free resources on the web and books and tapes (many available at your local library).


Brain Tracy *

Wayne Dyer *

Tony Robbins *

Stuart Wilde *

Susan Jeffers

T Harv Eker

Cheri Huber *

Dale Carnegie

Napoleon Hill

Og Mandino

Richard Bandler (NLP) Neuro linguistic programming

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You're very welcome Rose.


I definitely need some tapes to listen to,


On my super long commute every day,


That will make the time pass more quickly,


Instead of listening to talk shows on the radio.


This is what I do too, I think it is Brain Tracy that says you should always use commute time to better yourself. He compares it to getting a college education in your car. He takes some example of the hours a typical person spends in the car and by using those hours as learning time it comes out to the equivalent of a full time university course load.


Also, many libraries have links to different electronic sources for books on tape. Check out your library's web page for details. Basically, you downlaod the audiobook and it disappears after the loan period expires. link removed is another nice service, but you have to pay for the titles.


Have fun!

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Wow Gator, that is a great idea! I used to listen to novels on CD in my car, but I had completely forgotten about that. I think I will head to my local library sometime soon and start using my commute time to good advantage instead of just wasting time listening to the same songs on the radio or CDs over...and over...

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