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Facial hair tips anyone?

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For most guys like myself, we come to a time where our faces start to grow hair, despite whether we like it or not. Since I'm one of those new guys to it, I just wanted to know the basic things I need to know, seeing as I am going through it now. When is a good time to use shaving cream (hair length effect its use?)? What kinds of razors should you use for what kinds of facial hair? What exactly is 5'o clock shadow? Is there anyway to stimulate hair growth? How many of the facial hair myths are true? Etc. etc., you get my point, so do try 2 answer these and any other questions that come to mind, thanks in advance.

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First you should decide if you are going to use an electric shaver or a razor. Personally I'd go with the razor, I've never been able to get an electric shaver to shave close enough.


If you go with a razor you will have to use some sort of shaving cream. I don't spend a lot on mine because I think they basically all do the same job. I find the foam better than the gel but again others will have different opinions.


Wet your face first with warm water if using a razor, then apply the cream. The two bladed razors I find are the best. you'll probably nick yourself a few times at first no matter what sort of blade you use.


Shave with he grain of the hair growth, not against it.


Get a good after shave moisturiser. The more expensive ones are definitely better (go for no alcohol base). Shaving, either with a razor or electric, really dries out the skin so moisturising is important.

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yeah, be careful with all these crazy like 3 and 4 four blade razors these days


what everyone else said is basically what you need to know. don't expect like a full beard the next day after you shave, though. it's different for everyone. but yeah, i definitely suggest shaving after a shower. take care and good luck

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