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smackie9 last won the day on August 19 2023

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  1. You deeply regret...getting caught because if you didn't get caught you would have kept doing it. You knew it was wrong and how it would have hurt her. You have no clue...you are the one that's supposed to LISTEN. Once a woman knows she's heard, and supported, all will be a peace. But I have a feeling, your narcissistic view/attitude towards her, you will never get to that point of understanding how a relationship truly works and how to work together. She must really care about you, because her inviting you to join her in therapy is her way of wanting to make this work....but there's no way it will with your present state of mind/attitude. You keep rejecting, you lose.
  2. True story....This man knows my husband...this man's wife kept telling him she was going on "girls only trips" but oddly to Indianapolis. Why this man didn't pick up on it is beyond me...but anyways after months of this, he figured out the affair from her leaving her laptop open to an email page. Divorce is now pending. The man she was having an affair with had his own nature show...turns out he is psycho /possessive cray cray. She left him and tried to hoover her husband back...he ain't having any of it.
  3. You are just a backup plan...don't let her try to hoover you back.
  4. There are times you need to be a little aloof/distant, and not so eager to please. Let them earn it. Women like a little challenge. Taking the lead is all you need to do...not spend mounds of money to have them like you.
  5. Talk to a lawyer! She is still at an age where she can find employment. She can't refuse to work unless she claims disability...if it's mental, that's your lead into getting full custody.
  6. Possessiveness and jealousy isn't love
  7. Red flags all over the place. Why he's like this? because he still thinks he owns you and has control over you...he's insecure, fragile ego and immature. For someone who wants to get laid, you would think he would know better than to stir up $&^* over something that's none of his business. Hope you made him use a condom.
  8. IMO if you have to rely on other people to go have a good time and do things you like, you need to find a different BF. Your BF is neglectful, and how dare he accuse you of manipulation when it was HIM that manipulated the situation blaming you, that you weren't firm enough with him about wanting to go swimming. He's being a jerk, especially now siding with what his friends say, reneging on your settlement of the situation. This will not get resolved. Dump him, you are so better off without him and his crap and his crappy friends opinions. I have to add if you have a BF that searches through your phone...you better get rid of him. He doesn't trust you and that is how he feels about you....you can never be trusted.
  9. There are no guarantees in life....what's the worse could happen? Divorce? so what...people get divorced everyday. Even the most intense passionate people have their marriages fall flat on their face. If you have passions and interests that you share, and work as a team...you got this for the long haul.
  10. Don't date someone that has $h%^&&y friends.
  11. where to start? Just keep talking to him until the both of you comfortable with each other...he should then eventually ask you out if he's interested.
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