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figureitout23 last won the day on January 15 2020

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  1. I noticed that as well, interesting for sure, I wonder the psychological reasons, but am honestly too emotionally tired to devote any energy to it
  2. What? If she’s handling the mail she’s already exposing herself, she can drop the parcel down in your hands without even touching you. Sorry that stinks
  3. I just paid 23 bucks for a 24 pack of Kleenex cotonelle toilet paper. I use common folk tissue not the frou frou crap but it was all I could find. Its still on sale online at office depot of all places, 20% off purchase too if you qualify. (holy sh*t, I went to go grab the link and its ALREADY sold out, it couldn't have been more than 15 minutes...people are quick...)
  4. So I solved my problem, I had bleach on hand, I bought car wipes and poured the bleach in the canister shook it up viola!
  5. Dude I luckily found a pack I thanked my lucky stars!
  6. I love this! I have some compulsive things I do, and I’m a bit of a germophobe so I use Lysol wipes, the spray and all that, they were the first to go, I kept calm thinking things would get better and now they can’t be found anywhere, stressful because it’s making me incredibly anxious to not have my routine.
  7. I think a quick read through this posters other post will kinda shed even more light on things. She mentions she can by hypersensitive to the point of tears. I’m not stating this to be a jerk or pot stirrer, just follow me for a sec. She mentions the flaws of giving advice without knowing what an individual is going through, which I actually agree with. Anytime I see a number bigger than 1 next to posts, I typically take a look, to me it’s kinda like reading the summary in the back of the book, the information most times sheds more light on the current predicament. So following the OPers ideas, knowing more before advising well you’re self professed hypersensitive to things being said to you, my advise knowing that is, when presenting an issue you are having on an anonymous forum you should be mindful that you are opening yourself up to constructive criticism. If you know it is a personal trigger of yours, maybe remind yourself before posting, you can potentially be triggered by what’s said. You didn’t do that Lilly, you instead insist on burdening others with the task of bending ourselves to your specific needs. Had you simply said, hey guys I personally have a bit of an issue with hypersensitivity, so please be constructive with your responses, it would have shed light, but you didn’t do that, and again I know I sound like a broke record it goes back to that manipulation word. Instead of taking ownership and stating what you’re personally going through and what will personally help you, you flipped the script and made it about concern for reviews...
  8. Yep. Couldn’t the same thing be said to you as well though? I mean honesty speaking and quite ironically I think the fact that this post caused a hearty and productive debate and not just a mud slinging brawl is evidence this board isn’t the negative label you’re attempting to give it. None of your statements about this site were from a kind and understanding place, they were negative and accusatory, it was finger wagging ‘shame on you’ and yet you still received an audience ready to listen and offer their perspective. Let that sink in...
  9. I honestly have no idea what you just said or what you asked me. Not being sarcastic or anything ( see no smiley faces ) I legit do not know what you are saying...
  10. I don’t think it’s being touchy. It’s essentially calling out negativity by being negative, based on limited information, under the guise of concern when really, the poster has an agenda... There have been a couple of times on this forum where I have came to defense of posters I feel we’re getting a lot of negativity thrown towards them. I don’t care for it, look at the OPera posts, she did not experience any of that. NO ONE came at her sideways. So am I a poked bear now? Yeah, because it irks me that every time a random fly by poster comes to bash the members here you have a few come out the wood works to join in on the negativity, not cool. Is this place perfect, far from it. But as I said in another ‘this place sucks’ post, regular posters were here for me during an extremely rough time, I had therapy and a strong support system as well but this site played a role and I’m thankful for that and look at my original post, it was not sunshine and rainbows, I was combative as hell, but the truth was still there, I just wasn’t ready to see it. I think the OPer has a flair for dramatics, sorry not sorry, that’s what I see, I also see posters indulging her, your prerogative. But that doesn’t mean this site is anything less than a safe haven for many people.
  11. I find it quite amazing the level of passive aggression it takes to create a thread to indirectly say ‘a poster said something to me that hit a nerve’ To take it a bit further, why not explore WHY the comment got to you so deeply? Could it be because maybe there’s some truth to it you aren’t quite ready to own? Look I’m not afraid to call a spade a spade, I’m almost positive this is all in reaction to me stating I think your oversharing is an attempt at manipulation. I truly do believe that, I think this subsequent post is as well, it’s how you get your way, how you soothe your ego, that’s my opinion. Is my opinion a fact? Of course not, but that doesn’t mean I or anyone else aren’t allowed to give it. To me, your looking up reviews of this site is essentially an extension of you showing your boyfriend this site. It’s kinda like looking for reinforcements, like see! I’m right other people said it too! It would be different if people were calling you names or making fun of your situation. Which I have actually seen on other forums, but no ones doing that to you, your simply being given opinions that you asked for and look at your reaction... Food for thought.
  12. I dont care if I can afford to lose it or not, if I let you borrow money and you dont pay it back were going to small claims court, dont play with me, lol.
  13. Just came here to post the exact same thing. Drama for dramas sake... Makes my eye twitch...
  14. Ohhhhhhh same... you know the news said we now waste more food than we consume...
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