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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    What are some ways to keep the romance alive in a long-term relationship?

    Who wouldn't want a long-term romance that never grows stale? A fairytale beginning with the heady feeling of falling in love so deeply and the endless butterfly flutters of each new stage, you'd feel like you could stay in this bubble forever.

    But when it comes to the realities of life settling in quickly, even the most passionate and intense relationship can start to feel dull and stagnant. Don't be worried, though; there are plenty of ways to combat that and keep the fire burning between two loves in a long-term relationship, no matter how much time has passed.

    It's essential to remember that keeping the romance alive can only happen if the fundamental aspects of a healthy relationship are in place. Make sure that the communication is open and honest and that each of you makes an effort to understand where the other is coming from. It's also imperative to be tolerant of each other's needs and desires and to be willing to show empathy and make compromises when needed. If these conditions aren't fulfilled, then creating a meaningful and sustainable long-term romance might be more challenging.

    One key ingredient to fostering and reigniting the flames of romance is making time for each other every day or week - whatever it takes to do what works best for both of you. This doesn't need to necessarily involve traveling to exotic locations or having amazing, expensive experiences in order to make the time "count." Even something as simple as snuggling up on the couch with a glass of wine and a movie to watch together can be an incredibly romantic moment and help reconnect both physically and emotionally.

    Another important part of staying connected to each other is continuing to surprise one another by doing something you know they’d really appreciate. It can be something as small as doing the dishes for them so they can relax after a long day or buying them flowers every now and then just to show you love and care for them. The point here is to step out of your routine and comfort zone and express your love via unexpected, creative methods.

    Furthermore, expressing feelings of appreciation, admiration and love to one another is necessary in creating a stable, long-term romance. Telling your partner why they mean so much to you and pointing out qualities such as their generosity and courage or their sharp wit or honesty often goes a long way to reinforcing your feelings for each other on a daily basis.

    Let’s not forget the benefits of maintaining and establishing certain traditions that are unique to the two of you. Give yourselves permission to laugh, be silly and just enjoy the pleasure of one another’s company without worrying about external stress factors and problems. Cater to the little things that make you special as couple and make sure that no matter how hard life gets, you still try to “check in” with each other. Remember why you were taken with each other in the first place, and continue to nurture, embrace and celebrate your relationship.

    Rekindling and maintaining the spark of romance in a long-term relationship may challenge both of you from time-to-time. But with effort and determination, it’s possible to resist the forces of the everyday life and make sure the fire stays burning and protects your relationship from ever fading away.

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