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Can you be on the pill & antidepressants at the same time?

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I stopped taking the pill a few months ago as I was in an extended stay in hospital. I want to start taking the pill again but I am now on an antidepressant drug and was wondering if I can still take the pill while I am on this new drug.


The pill I was taking is called Juliet 35 ED, on the box it says it contains cyproterone/ ethinyloes tradiol. I am on an extremely low dose of the anit-depressant (only 50 mg a day because it's not for depression, but actually for migraines) and it is called Endep 50 (amitriptyline hydrochloride).


If anyone has any knowledge about this it would be greatly appreciated.


I do have an appointment with my doctor soon but I was just wondering if anyone on here knew anything about the situation

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yes you can. a lot of women get prescribed antidepressants when they are on the pill or on hormone replacement therapy (for menopause) because they develop depression / anxiiety as a side-effect of the synthetic hormones.


why don't you just talk to your doctor about it?

did he or she not tell you it was ok?

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Apparently you can, although watch out for any unsual side effects that may develop. When I used the pill/SSRI combo I developed deep dark bruises all over my body that I didn't have taking each alone. It looked like someone had beaten me up. According to the link removed interaction checker, taking the pill with endep can increase the bio availability of the drug. Endep is a tricyclic antidepressant and I know they have have a higher rate of side effects as it is. So, I think this is just going to be a case of trial and error.

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