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Cold Sores!

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There is a product called Softlips. Its in the lip balm aisle. It works wonders. Apply it as needed and if you get it tonight it should be considerably better by Friday. You can find it in drugstores and places like Wal-Mart. Here in the USA I have never seen it cost over 3.00. It may seem pricey for lipbalm, but I have found it to last a long time and most important it works and its cheaper than a perscription. Let me know how it works for you!


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Hi there,


I get cold sores and what works - although it's painful - is putting lemon juice, perfume or after shave on them. Clears them up quite quickly - the remedies (like zovirax) don't work for me at all.


And don't touch them, don't use lipstick (if you do, throw it out!) because you will make them spread. And be careful about snogging anyone (or doing anything more intimate!) because they are really contagious!!


They really hurt, don't they? Bad luck.

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Okay thanx. I'll go to the drug store tomorow but I don't have any lemon juice. Perfume? Aftershave? Do they really work?


Neat perfume/aftershave works an absolute treat for me - dries the pesky sore right out, and stops it swelling up like a football. Stings like crazy though - I think it's the alcohol drying it out. This is after years of trying medication, I found the old wives' remedies work by FAR the best.

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Quick translation for us North americans


Snogging is kissing, making out, french kissing, ooh lala!


I only learned this term a few months ago when i was watching reruns of Britain's next top model.


Forgot the language difference!! Okay:


Snogging = kissing with tongues

Shagging = sex

Fanny in the UK = very common term for vagina. Nearly died when I heard elderly American lady saying 'my fanny (bottom) is sore' etc. Causes a LOT of hilarity!!

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Put ice on them to numb them and stop them from getting any bigger. I'm talking about ice for about 45 minutes or so. Then sterilize a needle or something with alcohol or something. Pop all the blisters and use a Q-Tip or something to suck up all the pus or stuff. Then get a new Q-tip and put either nail polish remover or alcohol on it. It will sting ALOT at first. Suck it up for like 10 seconds and just deal with the pain. Keep putting alcohol or nail polish remover on it for about 10 minutes. That should dry it out. If the blisters refill later do the same thing. Once the blisters start to scab over, keep putting neosporin cream on it or chapstick so the scabs don't crack. I got a nasty cold sore a week ago, the blisters were gone in 2 days, and it's barely noticeable right now.


Google "Cold Sore Remedies" or something like that and you should find alot more home remedies. Not everything will work for everyone. You have to find something that works for you.

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Put ice on them to numb them and stop them from getting any bigger. I'm talking about ice for about 45 minutes or so. Then sterilize a needle or something with alcohol or something. Pop all the blisters and use a Q-Tip or something to suck up all the pus or stuff.


I have no idea if popping cold sores will do anything (are they even blisters or just scabby circles?)


Anyway, IF you decide to pop a blister with a needle, always pop it from the side, not the top.

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Theres a difference between cold sores and canker sores.


Cold sores are herpes and are very contagious while canker sores are not contagious at all. People very commonly confuse the two.


If you have a canker sore, youre in the clear. Feel free to "snog" all you want if you can tolerate the pain.


Otherwise, good luck to you.


Heres the differences:

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I'm not sure you should be handing out advice to put acetone etc on cold sores, that sounds extremely dodgy (and painful) and unlikely to work.


Here's some information on cold sores for the OP:


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I get cold sores from time to time and they're pretty annoying - slightly painful as well as looking bad. The current best treatment is aciclovir (Zovirax) which stops the virus from replicating, and comes either in a tube of ointment which you apply to your lips, or can be taken in tablet form which is supposedly more effective. Ideally you need to start the treatment as soon as the sore appears.


You really, really don't want to spread the virus to other parts of your body so wash your hands before sorting your contact lenses, going to the loo, that kind of stuff.


By the way I'm not a doctor, so get advice from yours, or from a pharmacist before you do anything, particularly if you're thinking about trying the actone thing.

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