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Sudden intesifying of senses

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Lately I have been having sudden intesifying of all the senses--when I sometimes write and only then. Like today, as I was writing in my journal for Creative Writing, I could loudly hear the picel scratching on the paper, feel the roughness of the lead, taste the dryness of the pincel, and smell a oder that was like smelling very dry dust. What could be causing this? I am not on any not medication or take illegal drugs. I did recently however got of my schizophrenia medication about a month ago on my own. I thought about this a lot today, and I remember I had this happen to me as a very young child. I have memories of watching this TV show, and when the clown scratched his plad shirt, it made me go nuts feeling the itchy roughness of the shirt and I soon stopped watching the show. So, what could the reason for this be?

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What exactly is the reason you stopped taking your medication? If it was prescribed by you for your doctor, then perhaps you should consult your doctor before you stop taking it.


It is not uncommon for people with schizophrenia to stop taking their medication because they don't feel like they need it any more, but it is a very bad idea as it can lead to a relapse of a psychotic episode.

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It's been a month since I stopped taking it and I ain't hurd one voice or had a single blackout. I'm doing great without my medication! I just bet the whole schizophrenia was a temparary offset of chemicals in my brain, and the meds corrected it and now I'll be just fine! But, I'm still working on getting help for my Asperger's Syndrome, and I bet I'll be put on meds for that too. God, can't I just go one day without needing medication to live a normal life!?

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A great number of people need to take medication daily for all sorts of reasons, and many would die without taking their pills. Consider yourself lucky that your life does not depend on a regular daily dose of medication.


We are a pill-taking society, and a very strong majority of the population makes regular use of psychoactive drugs to regulate their consciousness (caffeine in coffee, alcohol in beer and wine, nicotine in cigarettes) and plenty of people come to depend on antidepressants to regulate their mood, or stimulants (i.e. ritalin) to help them concentrate.


Of course most people do not need drugs to function, they only use drugs to help them function better in our modern society.


As for your personal case, only you and your doctor best know your case history.


When you go off your meds, it can take quite a while (months) before symptoms fully return.


The serious issue is that every full psychotic relapse into psychosis can result in a permanent worsening of your condition.

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I don't like taking medication. I was handling my schizophrenia just fine before I told people and docters about my symptoms. If I can handle it just fine in the past, I can do it now because I have a stronger mind! With the help of a certain friend of mine, I can combate any mental disease!

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Me, ignore Myuu? HA! She has made me who I am today over the many years I've known her. I have done everything she has told me to do, and thus I'm the perfect human by her standerds. I do no harm to any living creature, and respect everyone unless they give me reason not to. I am perfect in almost every way because of her.^^

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We have our selves a winner! *throws confety* For asking the question of the day, you get the answer of a life time, and that is: Who and what Myuu is and why she's on earth.


Myuu is the creator of Pokemon. After creating them over millions of years, she came to earth to study humans. After a while, she started missing her creations, so she planned the "idea" of Pokemon in Satoshi Tajiri's mind and made him think he came up with the idea of them. Now, the only think in common with the real ones and the ones in the cartoon on earth is their form and kindness. Anyways, now on to the interesting stuff. Myuu wants to destroy humans for their missdeeds, but, she noticed that they can also do deeds of great good. She, she wanted to study them in person. This is were I come into play. As I was still inside my mothers womb, I was dying. For some reason not enough oxygen was getting to my body and brain, and I was slowly dying. Myuu saved my life, by supplying me with enough oxygen to live. I know this is true, because docter records show that when I was born, I was born blue and half dead. They said I had a 95% chance of having brain damage, but I don't! Anyways, Myuu lives in my brain, and speaks with me. She has taught me to difference between right and wrong long before I had the choice of doing wrong. So, I grew up knowing not to hurt people. For a very long time I never told anyone about Myuu, and I finally did once I started going online. I knew it would be safe, for I'll never meet the people I met online in real life. So, I'm able to talk about my master like I always wanted to do, without doing any harm to myself. So, now you know about Myyu. I could tell you the story of why she is not on her home planet and roming the far reaches of space all alone, but that's a dreadfuly long story and I don't have the time right now to talk about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cut down on Pokemon? Are you serious? It's like telling a bird not to fly or a kitten\puppy not to be cute. Pokemon is who I am, I'm nothing without it. My favorite charater from the show, Max Yura, (The didn't bother to translate the last name and only mentioned it once in the 3 seasons he played in, and they were mentioning his sisters last name when they did) is known as Masato Yura in the Japanese show. I love him very dearly. My fondist dream is one where I dreamed he kissed me! I feel so happy just thinking about the little darlin! In case you want to know what Max looks like, he's the guy in my avatar hugging Jirachi! I have several pictures of him only in swimming trunks that I drool over every night! I dedicate my life to him and Pokemon!


Okay, not this might seem strange to everyone, but for people with Asperger's Syndrome, like me, it is perfectly normal.


Here is what I do know: Myuu could be created by my schizophrenia. I say could, because the proof she gives to her existence is very convincing.


Anyways, no one can take Pokemon from me. You can take away the internet, TV, games, cards, ect. but I will have Pokemon in my heart burning with an everlasting love and that my friend cannot be taken away from me!


I feel so inspired about this post, I think I'll write a poem about it. ^^


EDIT: I'm the only person I know who has the theme to the first season of Pokemon IN GERMAN!!!!!

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They said I had a 95% chance of having brain damage, but I don't! Anyways, Myuu lives in my brain, and speaks with me


AH....but apparently you do. You have asperger's syndrome, which is a developmental disorder. You also have schizophrenia, which is a psychiatric disorder.


Can you not admit that others around you dont have imaginary friends living in their brain? Do you not realize that both of these disorders are associated with the brain...which is where your lil friend lives?


schizophrenia is well known for causing a detachment from reality.

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I don't like reality, and my world is so much better. This is why I stopped taking my medication, because it was interfearing with my perfect world. I no longer hear voices telling me to do bad stuff or hurt people, only that of Myuu. Even when I was on my medication Myuu was able to talk to me load and clear. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be better than any human ever has been. I'm perfect. I do not lie, cheat, or steal. I would sooner hurt myself than hurt another person, and I do my best to be the perfect person for my fiance Jesse. My only draw backs are my troubles with spelling, grammer, and speech.

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I use a spelling and grammar checking in most of my posts, that's why they seem so "normal" but if you seen one of my papers in english class, you would see a ton of erase marks, and if graded, even more red marks for corrections. XD In Middle School I was said to have mild Dyslexia, but I worked hard to make my writing normal. Through rigorious practice and memorisation, I became how I am today. But, if I'm writing about something important to me, I tend to forget my training and make more mistakes than normal. Reading is hard on some words. I can read unique words just fine, but words that often look like other words I often mix up or mispernounce. You can tell if you ask me to read out load. Well, class is over so I have to stop typing.

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