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Just Ramblin'

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I just had to write this to get it off my chest. I've been feeling really down today about this guy I had interest in and thought he had interest in me (for reasons I won't bore you with). It bothers me on and off and fortunately my life is busy so I usually don't have time to dwell. But every once in awhile I get time and it starts bothering me a lot. It's been 2 months since I have seen him (we were not dating) and yet I can't seem to get past it and just forget about him. When I think about him and/or the entire situation I get really upset, I cry, and I start getting down on myself. I'm starting to feel like I'm just not meant to be with anyone. I've been single for two years and not one guy has showed any legitimate interest in me at all. I don't know whats going on with me or how to move past this. If anyone has any advice Id appreciate it. All I ask is that nobody suggests to just stop thinking about it because that is easier said than done.

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Well see thats just it. I was fine . I was content being on my own after a really bad 81/2 year relationship. It wasn't until about 2 months after I met him that I even noticed him in that way. And that was only because of some of the things he would say or do. I never paid much attention before then. But other than that I AM definitely feeling lonely lately. I'll be 30 on Friday and I feel so lost. Everyone else I know seems to be getting their lives together and settling down while I'm still wondering aimlessly. It's not as if I like every guy I see either. It was a big deal my having interest in him. Pretty much once I had my kids men stopped noticing me and I in turn stopped noticing them. And I'm certainly not full of myself and think every guy thats nice to me is interested in me. It wasn't him just being nice; it was just some of the things he would say and do. And others saw it too. Now I don't know what to make of it. I'm leary of my "gut feelings" now. Was I just imagining it? I'm just really bummed about it. But thanx for responding.

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