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Hello all again,

I've had something on my mind lately and I absolutely don't know why! Most of you here know that I am married, and I've had my share of difficulties in this marriage. But that's not the issue here.

When I was single and before I met my husband, I was seeing another guy. This other guy still acts like he likes me when I see him occasionally and may be a little remorseful for letting me go. I was thinking, do you think he liked me more than he let on when I was seeing him? You might ask why do I care and I really don't know, it's just something that's been bothering me lately.....Am I wrong to wonder about this?


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You're not wrong to wonder about it...I just wouldn't overanalyze this to death.


Let's face it, the guy had his chance, he didn't take it. Now that you're unavailable, you're that much more attractive to him. Just take it for what it is.


You can be flattered, it's good for the ego. But don't let that be a distraction to dealing with your marriage.

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