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*using the old "I've got a boyfriend"line (for the

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i agree with cOnfUsEdbAbYgUrl, ive never done that to a lad before because i didnt like him, i dont think i would under any circumstances, whats the point in spoiling someones day or being evil. id smile take the number meet up some time have a laugh and gain a new mate.


well thats me anyway.

theres plenty of other girls out there so i guess my opinion doesnt make a difference but there it is



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Hmm, I think they'd only say it if they REALLY didn't have a boyfriend, but..... there are exceptions where maybe some girls reallly don't want to go out with you and use that tried and true line to make you put on all brakes. But I think what is the harm if they already have a boyfriend, nothing wrong with getting to know a girl as a friend...

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