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What does it feel like?


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I've been caught before. It feels like you've been exposed as a lying rat. Cheating isn't an honorable thing to do and it's very painful for the person being cheated. I wouldn't advise it either way. Stolen moments are only fun while you're stealing. Afterwards. It's tough to accept yourself as a piece of * * * * and knowing you cannot be trusted. It's not worth it.

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Thank you! But I have never cheated in my entire life and am not going to either! Just found out my ex (I broke up...) had done it to me....


In that case you just want to know how someone might feel about that?

I'm trying to imagine it happening to me...I'd feel like my heart was ripped out of me, stompped on, and tossed in the trash. I'd be hurt deeply and would probly have some trust issues after that. And I'd be angrier than hell. I'd never take him back and would never want to look at his ugly back-stabbing face again. I suppose I'd probly end up feeling like somehow I wasn't good enough for him, and somehow I'm to blame. None of which would be true. There'd be feelings of emptiness, a piece of me would die. (that is if I'm really deeply in love) I'd never look at men quite the same way again. I'd probly feel afraid it might happen again with someone else. My self confidence would go down the crapper, and it'd take a long time to get over. But that's just how I think I'd feel if I were cheated on. I hope it never happens to me.

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on the subject of cheating...

I'm cheating on my guy with a few other men, and i feel nothing while doing it, and i usually attach emotion to sex, and i feel nothing afterwards, i feel no guilt, nothing... and all i can think is why the hell am i feeling nothing?

I wouldnt want the boyfriend to find out though, i love him too much.

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Well, it sounds like an interesting definition of "love" if you can justify "I love him but cheat on him."


I was once in a situation where I thought my (former) boyfriend had cheated on me when he went for a walk on a beach at a party with a drunk woman who was coming on to him. When he came back and he didn't explain right away, I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach, I felt sick and I didn't want him to touch me.

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on the subject of cheating...

I'm cheating on my guy with a few other men, and i feel nothing while doing it, and i usually attach emotion to sex, and i feel nothing afterwards, i feel no guilt, nothing... and all i can think is why the hell am i feeling nothing?

I wouldnt want the boyfriend to find out though, i love him too much.


if you love him so much then why do you sleep with other men? aren't love and commitment related?

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