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Alive Again


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Going up and down

Each day, I feel a little different

And the way that I behave

I'm free from my restraints somehow

I've stopped the contemplating

I choose to build my life with each moment

Because there's no one to change but me

The future I'll let be

And I...

I am doing better on this day


Not going for a great poem

Just capturing this moment with you

The reader reading these words

I am no different than you:

People are beautiful

If this you observe

And as a child I was always doing

And will until I leave this earth

The face is like a painting

The eyes are two stars

In which the mind reveals itself

It takes you far into the heart

You start to find as you go down further

Deeper into their soul

They are as young as they are old

Time has gone by, most feel sold

Waiting to revive, but

No one has truly died

Even when their heart has told them so.


Rocking back and forth

No longer my self comforting ways

I am no longer the only touch I get

I feel others through the days

Just like me, don't know what to do with life

We are all confined

In these buildings, built to last our lifetime

But the soul, it can't be touched

Which means it cannot break

We begin to realize

How much it is that we can take

I wish we'd realize how much we can change


And the choices we make from the lonliness

Are the factors of our strength

From mistakes it's never too late, I'd say to you, my friend

Too still add something good to earth

Even on one's own dark death bed:

Through a voice, a whisper, even a sound

In which, your love surrounds all else

It rises from the ground

Through the extension of the grass

Trying to reach the sky, because

A single, single loving thought

Can truly never die.


And so live to learn the reason why

Create the how with what you do now

Replace your fear with faith, don't pout, don't compain

Because oh, listener, I'm here, also scared

But the stress disolves, the silence resolves and I just wander away from the maze

Still I don't try hard to contemplate my pain


I just whisper hello to my heart on those days

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